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一. a small brownish spot (of the pigment melanin) on the skinp2H中文字网

Synonym: lentigop2H中文字网



一. mark with frecklesp2H中文字网

二. become freckledp2H中文字网

e.g. I freckle easilyp2H中文字网

一. (尤指脸上的)雀斑,色斑
Freckles are small light brown spots on someone's skin, especially on their face.p2H中文字网

e.g. He had short ginger-coloured hair and freckles.

一. 雀斑:核心提示: 雀斑(freckle)为好发于面部的一种黄褐色斑点,浅色皮肤者及女性多见,有遗传倾向,为常染色体显性遗传. 临床表现 本病常自四~五岁时出现皮疹,随年龄增长而逐渐加多,至青春期时达到高峰,到老年又逐渐减轻. 损害为黄褐色或黄棕色斑点,p2H中文字网

二. p2H中文字网

二. 斑:这平衡一旦被破坏,便产生皮肤色素性疾患,其中尤以颜面皮肤色素斑最为恼人,颜面皮肤色素斑包含黑廷(Chloasma),雀斑(Freckle),孙氏母斑(Nevus zygomaticus),太田母斑(Nevus of Ota),莱尔氏黑变症(Riehl's Melanosis),p2H中文字网

三. frecklep2H中文字网

三. 斑点:freakstocks 非商品性石油产品 | freckle 斑点 | free 自由的p2H中文字网

四. 雀斑, 斑点:fraternal twin 异卵双生 | freckle 雀斑, 斑点 | frequency of urination 尿频p2H中文字网

  • 近义词p2H中文字网

  • 临近词p2H中文字网

  • blotch(皮肤上的)红斑点...
  • lentigo斑点
  • patch小片
  • speck斑点
  • mark记号
  • spot地点
  • mottle使成杂色
  • mole痣
  • speckle小斑点
  • freckles
  • Fred
  • Freckle of iris
  • freckle cream
  • frecklelike
  • freckle defect
  • freckled face
  • Freckleton
  • freaky
  • Freckled Duck
  • freckle-faced
  • freckled
Freckle just makes you want to keep track of your time.(Freckle只是确保你可以记录自己的时间。)
I was a freckle-faced five-year-old on my grandmother's back porch in Lawrence, Kansas, when I first encountered a hummingbird.(我首次碰见蜂鸟是在家在堪萨斯州劳伦斯镇的祖母的后走廊里,那时的我是一个脸上生有雀斑的五岁小孩。)
Denise Hyland was a tall, freckle-faced Irish girl with kind, beautiful eyes and an infectious smile.(丹尼斯·海兰是个身材高挑、满脸雀斑的爱尔兰裔女孩,眼睛温优美 丽,笑起来很有感染力。)
The girl used many kinds of cosmetics to remove the freckle on her face.(这个女孩用了很多种的化妆品来去掉她脸上的雀斑。)
Melanomas appear as a mole or freckle that changes colour, size or shape, but are the most dangerous type of skin cancer.(黑色素瘤开始时呈现色素痣或雀斑的外观,但颜色、大小和形状上有区别,是皮肤肿瘤中最危险的一类。)
Do you think a woman without freckle or having a whiter skin would be more attractive?(你认为一位没有雀斑或肤色较白的女性会比较有吸引力?)
Removing freckle, Chloasma, age pigment, sunburn, chorioplaque.(祛除雀斑、黄褐斑、老年斑、晒斑、真皮斑等;)
Restrain the formation of melanin, reduce sunburn, black spots and freckle, and prevent the loss of moisture.(能抑制麦拉宁色素的形成,减轻晒斑、黑斑、雀斑,防止水份流失。)
But on this trip, I went native, stayed in the shade and returned home delighted not to have gained a single freckle.(但是在这次旅行中,我学本地人躲在阴凉的地方,回到家里的时候很高地兴发现,自己没有增加一块色斑。)
Photo Gallery: Marine Marvels a freckle - face blenny peeks from its reef burrow in the Solomon Islands.(海洋的奇迹图片。一条雀斑面孔的粘鱼在窥视从它的暗礁洞穴位于所罗门群岛。)