
  • 英英释义icl中文字网

  • 词典解释icl中文字网

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一. a newspaper or official journalicl中文字网



一. publish in a gazetteicl中文字网

一. (常用于报刊名)报,报纸
Gazette is often used in the names of newspapers.icl中文字网

e.g. ...the Arkansas Gazette.

二. (英国的)公报
In Britain, a gazette is an official publication in which information such as honours, public appointments, and important decisions are announced.icl中文字网


一. 报纸:<>(Gazette)在一九六七至一九八一年之间没有一篇有关女性的论文;<>从一九六一年(创刊)至一九七一年十年间只有一零篇文章是关于女性与新闻的研究,一九七一至一九七七年间共有七篇.icl中文字网

二. 报,公报:Federation 联合会 | Gazette 报,公报 | Guide 指南icl中文字网

  • 经典引文icl中文字网

  • Far-off Calcutta papers, such as the Indigo Planters' Gazetteicl中文字网

    出自:R. Kipling
  • In March 一八九五 I was gazetted to the 四th Hussars.icl中文字网

    出自:W. S. Churchill
  • Though the crime is not gazetted Punishment is palpable and that's the same As Law.icl中文字网

    出自:P. Porter
  • 近义词icl中文字网

  • 临近词icl中文字网

  • journal日志
  • newssheet单张报纸(通讯稿)...
  • publication出版
  • paper纸
  • sheet被单
  • periodical期刊
  • newspaper报纸
  • newsletter时事通讯
  • Gazette of India
  • Gazetteer Circumpolar in fresh water.
  • Gazetteers
  • gb
  • gazelle
  • gazetter
  • gazette entry
  • gazetteer
Wenyi Bao (Literary Gazette) should publish several articles of high quality to comment on both Unrequited Love and related problems.(《文艺报》要组织几篇评论《苦恋》和其他有关问题的质量高的文章。)
New capital gazette: Now has determined that who supervises the petty loan company?(新京报:现在有没有确定谁来监管小额贷款公司?)
He took out a copy of the Berkhamsted Gazette.(他取出一份《伯克·哈姆斯·特德报》。)
Then I Googled it, "Mr Lozier told the Worcester Telegram and Gazette."(“于是我用谷歌搜索”罗兹先生告诉伍斯特电讯公报。)
Were in the Fishing Gazette , but have been to some extent re- written.(在钓鱼的报中是,但是在某种程度上再写。)
The Gazette gives 三零 days for the public to make submissions on the draft regulations before the Act goes into operation.(该《公报》称,在该法实施之前,公众有三零天的时间提交意见书。)
When I became attorney general, George Fisher, the talented cartoonist for the Arkansas Gazette, drew me in a baby carriage.(我刚当上检察长的时候,《阿肯色州公报》那位才华出众的卡通画家乔治·费希尔画了一个坐在童车里的我。)
He belches And suck my thumping good Stock Exchange cigar while I read the Licensed Victualler's Gazette.(然后,我一边读《特许饮食业报》,一边吸着证券交易所的高级雪茄烟。)
Just read the proposed changes in the AKC Gazette to assure yourself of this fact.(你可以在AKC公报上读到一些被建议过的变化,从而进一步证实这个事实。)
Therefore, the Gazette can expect to become a profitable enterprise for the first time since the editor-in-chief was hired.(因此,既然雇用了主编,G可以期望第一次成为一个盈利的企业。)