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一. popular game bird having a plump body and feathered legs and feetCO9中文字网

二. flesh of any of various grouse of the family Tetraonidae
usually roasted
flesh too dry to broilCO9中文字网


一. complainCO9中文字网

e.g. What was he hollering about?CO9中文字网

Synonym: gripebitchcrabbeefsquawkbellyachehollerCO9中文字网

二. hunt grouseCO9中文字网

The form grouse is used as the plural for meaning 一. grouse用作义项一的复数形式。

一. 松鸡
A grouse is a wild bird with a round body. Grouse are often shot for sport and can be eaten.CO9中文字网


e.g. The party had been to the grouse moors that morning.

二. 抱怨;发牢骚
If you grouse, you complain.CO9中文字网


e.g. 'How come we never know what's going on?' he groused...
e.g. When they groused about the parking regulations, they did it with good humor.

三. 抱怨;牢骚
A grouse is a complaint.CO9中文字网

e.g. There have been grouses about the economy, interest rates and house prices.

一. 松鸡:所以不列颠的动植物,除了特产的一种红松鸡(grouse)外,与北欧的动植物极少出入. 反之,爱尔兰在多维一带的白垩冈地沉为海峡以前,即已和英格兰断绝,所以它的哺乳类,爬虫类,及树草种类要比英格兰为少. 屈勒味林,更常见的译名为崔伟林,CO9中文字网

二. 好的,太好了,常用于表达喜悦:Grog 烈性酒 | Grouse 好的,太好了,常用于表达喜悦 | Hard case 脾气倔犟,但不招人讨厌的人,行为古怪的人CO9中文字网

三. CO9中文字网

三. 雷鸟科的猎鸟/以鼻掘/松鸡:groupware /群件/ | grouse /雷鸟科的猎鸟/以鼻掘/松鸡/ | grout /薄泥浆/水泥浆/用薄泥浆填塞/用鼻子拱/CO9中文字网

四. grouse在线翻译CO9中文字网

四. 埋怨:留守在家的配偶 stay-at-home spouse | 埋怨 grouse | 满足 contentmentCO9中文字网

  • 经典引文CO9中文字网

  • Our team meeting for general discussion.., the grouses and grumbles as well as the good points.CO9中文字网

    出自:G. Boycott
  • It's no good grousing about things you don't like.CO9中文字网

    出自:H. T. Lane
  • 近义词CO9中文字网

  • 临近词CO9中文字网

  • complain抱怨
  • moan呻吟声
  • squawk叫声
  • bitch母狗
  • protest抗议
  • gripe抱怨
  • objection反对
  • beef牛肉
  • complaint抱怨
  • bellyache腹痛
  • whinge 哀鸣
  • holler叫喊
  • grumble发牢骚
  • crab蟹
  • grouser boxes
  • grouser shoe
  • grouser bar
  • grouser cleat
  • Grouselle
  • grouser
  • grout
  • grouser effect
  • grouser boxs
  • group
  • grouse moors
  • Grouselles
The party had been to the grouse moors that morning.(这支队伍那天早晨已经去过了松鸡沼泽。)
We went to Stanley Park and the aquarium,up Grouse Mountain,and to museums and galleries.(我们去了斯坦利公园和水族馆,登了格罗斯山,参观了博物馆和美术馆。)
For shooting to go ahead, the density of birds must exceed 二零零 grouse per square kilometre.(为了狩猎的需要,这种鸟类的每平方千米种群密度必须超过二零零只。)
They grouse about the conspicuous consumption of the nouveau riche and wonder where all that money is coming from.(他们对暴发户大肆消费抱怨连连,并很想知道这些人的钱到底是哪里来的。)
The “Glorious Twelfth” marks the start of the shooting season for red grouse (Lagopus lagopus scoticus) in Britain.(“光荣的一二号”标志着英国红松鸡(Lagopuslagopusscoticus,拉丁文,松鸡)的捕猎季开始了。)
He is a member of grouse shoot.(他是一名狩猎松鸡的队员。)
As well as the serious money required to take part in a grouse shoot a true aim is vital.(既然花了那么多钱取得狩猎许可,那么猎到真正的野物才是最重要的。)
If we grouse in the pub, who will listen?(如果我们在酒吧里发牢骚,谁会去听?)
Red grouse, a wild game bird endemic to Britain, live and breed on heather moorland.(红松鸡是英国独有的野生猎禽,生长于石楠花荒野高原。)
So if you boss is saying NO to your killer idea because there are insufficient funds, don't just grouse.(如果你的老板因为资金不足而对你那绝妙的主意说不,不要只是发牢骚。)