
  • 双解释义Bwy中文字网

  • 英英释义Bwy中文字网

  • 词典解释Bwy中文字网

  • 网络解释Bwy中文字网

  • vt. & vi. 概括,归纳; 推论 draw a general conclusion; make a general statement
  • vt. 推广,普及 bring into general use


一. become systemic and spread throughout the bodyBwy中文字网

e.g. this kind of infection generalizes throughout the immune systemBwy中文字网

Synonym: generaliseBwy中文字网

二. cater to popular taste to make popular and present to the general public
bring into general or common useBwy中文字网

e.g. They popularized coffee in Washington State
Relativity Theory was vulgarized by these authorsBwy中文字网

Synonym: popularizepopularisevulgarizevulgarisegeneraliseBwy中文字网

三. draw from specific cases for more general casesBwy中文字网

Synonym: generaliseextrapolateinferBwy中文字网

四. speak or write in generalitiesBwy中文字网

Synonym: generaliseBwy中文字网

in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 generalise

一. 概括;归纳;作出类推
If you generalize, you say something that seems to be true in most situations or for most people, but that may not be completely true in all cases.Bwy中文字网

e.g. 'In my day, children were a lot better behaved'. — 'It's not true, you're generalizing'...
e.g. It's hard to generalize about Cole Porter because he wrote so many great songs that were so varied.

二. 推广;普及;扩大…的运用
If you generalize something such as an idea, you apply it more widely than its original context, as if it was true in many other situations.Bwy中文字网


e.g. A child first labels the household pet cat as a 'cat' and then generalises this label to other animals that look like it.

一. 一般化:一.一 在统计学中,我们可以合法地通过一些可靠(reliable)有效(valid)程序,把一些样本(sample)的某个属性(attribute)一般化(generalize),推论说某个群体(population)具有该属性.Bwy中文字网

二. Bwy中文字网

二. 推广:研究深刻地语境化(contextualized),因而其结果严重损失了推广(generalize)的能力;质性研究中可以使用文本、手工制品、以及音像资料等形式的数据. 数据的来源可分为两大类:非干扰性的(unobtrusive)和干扰性的(obtrusive).Bwy中文字网

三. 泛化:如果您希望上述的aspect Timestamp能够泛化 (generalize),以便能够对各种对象重用时间戳记代码,可以定义一个称为 TimestampedObject 的接口,并使用引入(Introduction)来将相同成员和变量添加到接口而不是添加到具体类中,如下所示.Bwy中文字网

  • 常用短语Bwy中文字网

  • 常用例句Bwy中文字网

  • 词汇搭配Bwy中文字网

    对…进行概述,概括 make a general statement concerning (a subject)
    generalize about sth

    It's impossible to generalize about children's books, as they are all different.Bwy中文字网


    Since I do not know the details,I can only generalize about the matter.Bwy中文字网


  • He generalizes too much.
  • Our history teacher is always generalizing; he never deals with anything in detail.
用作动词 (v.)
  • generalize ceaselessly不停地归纳
  • generalize endlessly无尽地推广〔普及〕
  • generalize swiftly迅速地归纳
  • generalize about the matter对此事泛泛而谈
  • generalize for both sex泛指男女
  • generalize from particulars从个别概括一般
  • 词语用法Bwy中文字网

  • generalize是由形容词general加后缀-ize构成的,其意思也由“一般的”变为“一般化,概括,归纳,推论”。可以表示“泛泛而谈,一概而论”,也可以表示“归纳起来,概括起来”。引申可表示“推广,普及”。
  • generalize可用作及物动词或不及物动词,用作及物动词时可接名词或从句作宾语。
  • generalize用作不及物动词时后接介词about表示“对…进行概述”; 后接介词for表示“泛指”; 后接介词from表示“从(一定实例中)归纳或推演出某种规律或结论”。
  • 在英式拼法中, generalize也可写作generalise。
  • 近义词Bwy中文字网

  • 反义词Bwy中文字网

  • 临近词Bwy中文字网

  • vulgarise = vulg...
  • speak讲
  • be有
  • statement陈述
  • terms条件
  • vulgarize使通俗化
  • hypothesize假设
  • vague不明确的
  • think认为
  • generalise使一般化
  • imprecise不精确的
  • common常见的
  • oversimplify(使)过于简单化...
  • sweeping扫除
  • generality一般性
  • popularise使大众化
  • extrapolate推测
  • speculate推测
  • infer推断
  • in在 ... 里
  • popular受欢迎的
  • popularize普及
  • universalize一般化
  • generalities名词generality...
  • pigeonhole鸽舍
  • diversify使多样化
  • make做
  • simplify简化
  • extend延伸
  • general普遍的
  • draw拖
  • categorize分类
  • broaden变宽
  • a英语字母表的第一个字母...
  • specify具体说明
  • specialize专攻
  • generalized key
  • generalization
  • Generalized PPP
  • generalized box
  • Generalize from
  • generalized sum
  • generally
  • generalized cut
  • generalizeion
  • generalizer
  • generalized ray
  • generalized
You can generalize this habit to any kind of marketing work, like building new links to your web site.(你可以把这个习惯推广到任何类型的市场营销工作中,比如给你的网站建立新链接。)
It is dangerous to generalize about the poor.(对穷人一概而论是危险的。)
He also believes that pianos are far too complex to generalize about the execution of design.(他相信钢琴设计的实施总结起来是极其复杂的。)
We can generalize it as a bridge between the different systems that can get connected through it.(我们可以它们看做不同系统间相互联系的桥梁。)
In fact, one could not generalize a conclusion from a few facts.(实际上,人们不能从一两件事情上就归纳出一个结论。)
Can you generalize about people in the South?(你能概括一下南方人的特征吗?)
Most of the pieces are in place to generalize this script to deal with other types of devices.(大多数组件都已就绪,可以泛化这个脚本,处理其他设备类型。)
It's far too risky to generalize from one set of results.(仅根据一组结果进行概括是十分不可靠的。)
Craig: I'm not always late. Don't generalize like that.(我没有总是迟到,不要用那个词来概括我。)
The children could also generalize their speech production to words that were not practiced during the therapy.(孩子们也可以把他们的说话内容概括成在治疗中未经练习的句子。)