
  • 详情解释i9Z中文字网

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  • 词典解释i9Z中文字网

  • 网络解释i9Z中文字网

  • 一把,一握,一小撮
  • 少数,少量,几个,寥寥无几,屈指可数
  • 难控制的人
  • 麻烦事,棘手的事
  • 用手抓起的数量
  • 五年徒刑
  • 五,五个
  • [C]一把 an amount which is as much as can easily be held in the hand
  • [C]少数 a small number (of people)


一. the quantity that can be held in the handi9Z中文字网

Synonym: fistfuli9Z中文字网

二. a small number or amounti9Z中文字网

e.g. only a handful of responses were receivedi9Z中文字网

Synonym: smatteringi9Z中文字网

一. 几个;少数
A handful of people or things is a small number of them.i9Z中文字网


e.g. He surveyed the handful of customers at the bar...
e.g. One spring morning a handful of potential investors assembled in Quincy.

二. 一把
A handful of something is the amount of it that you can hold in your hand.i9Z中文字网

e.g. She scooped up a handful of sand and let it trickle through her fingers.

三. 难管的人(尤指孩子)
If you say that someone, especially a child, is a handful, you mean that they are difficult to control.i9Z中文字网

e.g. Zara can be a handful sometimes.

一. 一把:老师评语: 不要太拽了 七一朵花采了许久 枯萎了也舍不得丢 一把(handful)伞撑了许久 雨停了也想不起来收 一条(item)路走了许久 天黑了也走不到尽头 一句话想了许久 分手了也说不出口 聚.i9Z中文字网

二. [一小撮]:[一小撮]handful | [小爬虫]little reptile | [大扒手]big pickpocketi9Z中文字网

三. i9Z中文字网

三. 一把,少数:hammer 锤,敲打 | handful 一把,少数 | handkerchief 手帕i9Z中文字网

四. 少数, 一把, 难控制之人:gymnastics n. 体操; 体育 | handful 少数, 一把, 难控制之人 | helmet n. 钢盔, 防护帽, 盔i9Z中文字网

  • 常用例句i9Z中文字网

  • 词汇搭配i9Z中文字网

  • 经典引文i9Z中文字网

  • She brought a handful of rice out of the bag and showed it to me.
  • We invited 三零 people, but only a handful came.
用作名词 (n.)
  • mere〔small〕 handful极少数
  • a handful of rice一把米
  • a handful of students少数学生
  • a handful of warmongers一小撮战争贩子
  • He put down the handful of crayons he was holding.i9Z中文字网

    出自:R. C. Hutchinson
  • He..stooped now and then to gather great handfuls from the carpet of forget-me-nots.i9Z中文字网

    出自:D. Prater
  • 近义词i9Z中文字网

  • 临近词i9Z中文字网

  • several
  • few
  • Handel
  • Handful of Fel Iron Bolts
  • handgun
  • Handful of tears
Won't they think us rather a handful?(他们会不会觉得我们太多人了?)
The little boy was a real handful. He was always up to mischief.(这个小男孩真是难管教。他总是在搞恶作剧。)
Here's a handful of ways that will set you in the right direction.(这里有一些方法可以帮你找到正确的方向。)
He grabbed a handful of hair and jerked at it.(他抓住一把头发猛拉。)
She stopped at one vendor, flashed her badge, and picked a handful of mushrooms.(她在一个小贩跟前停住了,亮了亮徽章,然后抓起一把蘑菇。)
Argentina is one of only a handful of countries that refuse all dealings with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).(阿根廷是少数拒绝与国际货币基金组织(IMF)进行所有交易的国家之一。)
In 一九九三, few corporations had a web page, and only a handful allowed one to order products or services online.(一九九三年,很少有公司有自己的网页,只有少数公司为用户提供了在线订购产品的选择或线上服务。)
He put in his hand and pulled out a handful of gold coins.(他从里面掏出一把金币来。)
The two men examined the handful of coins.(那两个人仔细端详着那一把硬币。)
Frank emptied a handful of loose change on the table.(弗兰克将一把零钱全部放在了桌子上。)