
  • 双解释义Ac7中文字网

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  • 词典解释Ac7中文字网

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  • [C]护林者 an official who keeps order and watches out for danger
  • [C]〈美〉突击队员 commando


一. a member of a military unit trained as shock troops for hit-and-run raidsAc7中文字网

Synonym: commandoAc7中文字网

二. an official who is responsible for managing and protecting an area of forestAc7中文字网

Synonym: fire wardenforest fire fighterAc7中文字网

一. 护林员;公园看管人
A ranger is a person whose job is to look after a forest or large park.Ac7中文字网

e.g. Bill Justice is a park ranger at the Carlsbad Caverns National Park.

一. Ac7中文字网

一. 弓星:Aion 永恒之塔之 弓星(Ranger)完全篇Aion 永恒之塔之 弓星(Ranger)完全篇一、 职业介绍一.自身特点擅长使用弓系武器远距攻击,也可使用匕首辅助近身战,或是使用陷阱扰乱敌人,因此灵活变换打法是弓注重的游戏方式.Ac7中文字网

  • 常用例句Ac7中文字网

  • 经典引文Ac7中文字网

  • The boy dreams of being a ranger when he grows up.
  • He was the head ranger of the national park.
  • Seeing a ranger coming up, the spy ran away .
  • I heard..you were goin' to be married..What do you call itsranger yourself?Ac7中文字网

    出自:J. Buchan
  • 高考真题例句Ac7中文字网

高考真题例句 OG 一.ranger

You could apply to be a Stewardship Youth Ranger and work on local natural resource management projects for eight weeks this summer.Ac7中文字网

今年夏天, 你可以申请成为一名青年护林员, 为当地的自然资源管理项目上服务八周。Ac7中文字网


  • 近义词Ac7中文字网

  • 临近词Ac7中文字网

  • fire warden地区防火指挥员...
  • backpacker背包旅行者
  • commando突击队(员)
  • park ranger园林官
  • guard看守
  • hiker徙步旅行者
  • walker步行者
  • Texas Ranger得克萨斯州的骑警...
  • rambler漫步者
  • roamer流浪者
  • guardian保护人
  • steward乘务员
  • wanderer流浪者
  • warden看守人
  • overseer监督人
  • Rangeri
  • rangership
  • ranger finder
  • Ranger Tab
  • Ranger program
  • range
  • Ranger probe
  • rank
  • ranger school
  • Rangers
  • ranger district
  • ranger spirit
The ranger inspected it as he might an arrowhead or spear point.(护林员像研究一个箭头或者矛尖一样研究着它。)
I just finished my first season as a park ranger in Brooklyn.(我在布鲁克林做公园管理员,刚做完一个季度。)
Can you believe it? The donut ranger gave me a ticket for driving too slow!(巡警给我开了张罚单,说我开车太慢!)
The park ranger came closer, picked up the knapsack, and stepped away.(护林员走进了一点,拣起了背包,退开了。)
The Cornell Ranger Robot can't have a conversation with you, and the "eyes" are just foam bouncers for protection in case it falls.(康奈尔大学的机器人“游侠”不会与人交流,它的“眼睛”只是“泡沫保镖”,保护它防止摔倒。)
The ranger pressed a button and placed the walkie-talkie back on his belt.(护林员按下一个按钮,把步话机放回他的腰带。)
Take the case of the Alaska Ranger, a 一八四-foot trawler that sank in the Bering Sea in 二零零八.(以阿拉斯加流浪者号为例,这艘长达五六米的拖网渔船于二零零八年沉没在白令海。)
Ruina says he would love an operating system to fit the Ranger.(瑞纳(Ruina)说,他会喜欢适合Ranger的操作系统。)
The relatives began calling hospitals, ranger stations, the highway patrol.(亲戚们开始给医院、护林站和高速公路巡警打电话。)
Felicity makes a big deal about Ben kissing the Pink Ranger at the costume party.(关于本在化妆舞会上亲吻穿粉色金刚战袍的女孩,费利西蒂做了个大买卖。)