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  • 牧群,畜群,牛群,猪群
  • 放牧人,牧人
  • 民众,百姓,群众,民众,人群
  • 管理畜群
  • 管理群
  • 普通人,贱民
  • 群,队,伙
  • 放牧,看管(家畜)
  • 聚在一起,成群,群聚,群集
  • 把...赶在一块,使集合在一起,使成群
  • 带领
  • 结交,交往
  • 向…移动
  • [C]兽群,牧群 a number of animals
  • [S]人群,群众 a large number of people; mob
  • vt. & vi. (使)集合在一起,(把…)赶在一起 come or bring together in a large group, especially roughly
  • vt. 照看; 牧放 look after or drive (animals) in a herd



一. a group of cattle or sheep or other domestic mammals all of the same kind that are herded by humansHpA中文字网

二. a group of wild mammals of one species that remain together: antelope or elephants or seals or whales or zebraHpA中文字网

三. a crowd especially of ordinary or undistinguished persons or thingsHpA中文字网

e.g. his brilliance raised him above the ruck
the children resembled a fairy herdHpA中文字网

Synonym: ruckHpA中文字网



一. move together, like a herdHpA中文字网

二. cause to herd, drive, or crowd togetherHpA中文字网

e.g. We herded the children into a spare classroomHpA中文字网

Synonym: crowdHpA中文字网

三. keep, move, or drive animalsHpA中文字网

e.g. Who will be herding the cattle when the cowboy dies?HpA中文字网

一. 兽群;畜群
A herd is a large group of animals of one kind that live together.HpA中文字网

e.g. ...large herds of elephant and buffalo.
e.g. ...dairy herds.

二. (缺乏独立思想的)一般民众,芸芸众生
If you say that someone has joined the herd or follows the herd, you are criticizing them because you think that they behave just like everyone else and do not think for themselves.HpA中文字网

e.g. They are individuals; they will not follow the herd.

三. 使集在一起;把…赶在一起
If you herd people somewhere, you make them move there in a group.HpA中文字网

e.g. He began to herd the prisoners out...
e.g. The group was herded into a bus.

四. 驱赶,牧放(畜群)
If you herd animals, you make them move along as a group.HpA中文字网

e.g. Stefano used a motor cycle to herd the sheep...
e.g. A boy herded half a dozen camels down towards the water trough.

一. 群:牠们的群(herd)都是有一定疆土的. 群群之间,划疆而居,互不侵犯,偶有疆界之争,各群为着保疆卫土,发生内战,往往也杀得尸骸满山,惨不忍睹的. 人类原是群居动物之一种,初民的部落也都是各有其划定疆土的. 他们之间所发生的部落战争(tribal war),HpA中文字网

二. 牛的统称:cow 雌牛 | herd 牛的统称 | water buffalo 水牛HpA中文字网

三. 猪的统称:piglet, shoat 年幼的猪 | herd 猪的统称 | dog 狗HpA中文字网

四. 兽群:community 动物的群落或人的部落 | herd 兽群 | bunch (花等)束,捧HpA中文字网

五. herd的意思HpA中文字网

五. herd:historical event reconstruction debriefing; 重建历经事件讨论HpA中文字网

  • 常用短语HpA中文字网

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  • 经典引文HpA中文字网

    赶进,领进 bring into
    herd into sth

    They herded into the corner.HpA中文字网


    herd sb into sth

    The teacher herded the children into the classroom.HpA中文字网


  • I keep a large herd of cattle.
  • Herds of elephants were moving across the plain.
  • He preferred to stick with the common herd.
  • Camels are grazing in herds.
  • After school he often helped his brother herd the cattle.
  • The little boy is herding the cattle.
  • The cowboys herded the cattle and drove them to market.
  • The farmer herded the cows over to the barn door.
  • The teacher herded the boys onto the playground.
用作名词 (n.)
  • break a herd离开牧群
  • drive a herd赶一群牲口
  • ride herd骑在马上看管牛群
  • round up a herd把牲口赶到一块
  • tend a herd照料牲口
  • in herds成群地
  • a herd of cattle〔deer, elephants〕一群牛〔鹿,大象〕
用作动词 (v.)
  • herd the cattle放牛
  • herd the sheep看管羊群
  • herd together聚集在一起
  • herd up赶到一起
  • herd in〔into〕赶进,领进
  • herd into the corner聚集到角落里
  • herd the pupils into the classroom把小学生领进教室
  • He got stuck into the milking, and had the herd finished before dark.HpA中文字网

    出自:M. Shadbolt
  • They were particularly adept at herding and driving prey during hunting manoeuvres.HpA中文字网

    出自:D. Morris
  • They had herded nearly three thousand longhorns thirteen hundred miles.HpA中文字网

    出自:J. A. Michener
  • They herd the captives along.HpA中文字网

    出自:J. M. Coetzee
  • These animals are in general fond of herding and grazing in company.HpA中文字网

  • They all herded forward over a bridge.HpA中文字网

    出自:R. Ingalls
  • 词语用法HpA中文字网

  • 词义讲解HpA中文字网

  • 词源解说HpA中文字网

  • herd的基本意思是“照看”“把牲畜赶在一起”,也可指“放牧”。
  • herd是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。
  • herd后常接介词in〔into〕,表示赶进、领进。
herd, drove, flock, pack, school, swarm
  • 这组词都可作“群”解。其区别在于:flock是鸟或兽群的通俗用语,特指绵羊、山羊的“群”; herd通常指大动物的“群”,特指家畜的“群”; drove指被驱赶着的牛、羊、猪等的“群”; pack指猎犬、狼、狐、恶人等,用来指人群时含有轻蔑的意味; swarm指蜜蜂、昆虫等的“群”; school指水栖动物的“群”,如鱼、虾等。例如:
  • This is a drove of deer.这是一群鹿。
  • There are a flock of wild ducks in the pool.池塘里有一群野鸭。
  • A pack of hounds chased the fox.一群猎狗追猎那只狐狸。
  • I keep a large herd of cattle.我养一大群牛。
  • Schools of dolphins live in the Pacific Ocean .太平洋里生活着成群的海豚。
  • A swarm of ants are moving busily.一群蚂蚁正在忙碌地搬家。
    • ☆ 直接源自古英语的heord,意为群,兽群。
    • 高考真题例句HpA中文字网

    高考真题例句 OG 一.herd

    Herd immunity works only when nearly the whole herd joins in.HpA中文字网



    • 近义词HpA中文字网

    • 临近词HpA中文字网

    • throng
    • crowd
    • group
    • drove
    • flock
    • Herdez
    • Hercules
    • Herdon
    • Herdy
    • Herdea
    • Herda
    • Herdi
    • herdsman
    • Herdt
    • Herdey
    • Herde
    • Herdin
    The cow-herd answered, "It is still standing out there eating."(牧牛人回答说:“它还站在外面吃呢。”)
    At first, they controlled the movement of the herd while ensuring continuance of their meat diet.(起初,他们控制了兽群的迁移以确保获得稳定的肉食来源。)
    She pushed her way through a herd of lunchtime drinkers.(她从一群午餐时饮酒的人中间挤了过去。)
    The use of herd behavior in marketing.(群体行为在市场营销中的应用。)
    The unpredictability of global demand and the lag-time it takes to add more cows to a herd to meet demand can result in events like the recent cheese surplus.(全球需求的不可猜测性,以及为了满足需求而扩大牛群规模所需的时间滞后效应,可能会导致奶酪过剩等问题。)
    This is called herd immunity.(这就是所谓群体免疫力。)
    He saw the public as a great beast or a bewildered herd.(他认为大众是野兽或者是迷路的羊群。)
    India has the world's largest dairy herd.(印度拥有世界上最大的奶牛群。)
    Emmanuel-Jones joins a herd of wealthy fugitives from city life who are bringing a new commercial know-how to British farming.(艾曼纽-琼斯加入了一群逃离城市生活的富豪,他们给英国农业带来了一种新的商业诀窍。)
    Why can't the herd be thinned the old-fashioned way?(为什么不能用传统的方法来精简兽群呢?)