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  • 异教
  • 异端邪说
  • 宗教异端
  • 邪说
  • 信奉邪说
  • 反面观点
  • 悖论
  • 左道邪说
  • 悖教言论
  • 鼓吹异端邪说
  • 传播异端学说


一. a belief that rejects the orthodox tenets of a religion6jO中文字网

Synonym: unorthodoxy6jO中文字网

二. any opinions or doctrines at variance with the official or orthodox position6jO中文字网

Synonym: unorthodoxyheterodoxy6jO中文字网

一. (与大多数人的观点不合的)异端,邪说
Heresy is a belief or action that most people think is wrong, because it disagrees with beliefs that are generally accepted.6jO中文字网


e.g. It might be considered heresy to suggest such a notion.

二. (与某种宗教的教义严重不合的)异教,异端,邪说
Heresy is a belief or action which seriously disagrees with the principles of a particular religion.6jO中文字网

e.g. He said it was a heresy to suggest that women should not conduct services.

一. heresy的反义词6jO中文字网

一. 异教:但这不过是一个很简略的导言,未能尽量论述,若要宏大而完备,须不但包含宗教、基督教教会、异教(Heresy)、逼害(Persecution)等的历史,并且须含有哲学史、自然科学史和政治学史.6jO中文字网

二. heresy的意思6jO中文字网

二. 误说:Heresy of Paraphrase 意释误说 | Heresy 误说 | Hermeneutics 阐释学6jO中文字网

  • 经典引文6jO中文字网

  • [She] was a partial-diluvian,..a heresy that the flood had not covered the whole earth.6jO中文字网

    出自:R. Macaulay
  • Priscillian and a number of his followers were executed for heresy at Trier.6jO中文字网

    出自:D. Cupitt
  • 近义词6jO中文字网

  • 临近词6jO中文字网

  • profanation亵渎
  • unorthodoxyunorthodox的名...
  • deviation偏离
  • misbelief错误的信仰
  • heterodoxy异端邪说
  • sacrilege亵渎圣物
  • dissent异议
  • heresy corrosion
  • hereof
  • Heresy grows from idleness.
  • heretic
  • Heresy begets Retribution.
  • heresy of Jovinian
He said it was a heresy to suggest that women should not conduct services.(他说认为女性不应该主持礼拜仪式是一种异端邪说。)
In the era of popular split, either to the man or woman affair, is not what the task of treason and heresy.(在劈腿盛行的年代里,婚外情无论是对汉子照样女人,都不是什么大逆不道的任务。)
Heresy, gentlemen, heresy is the charge we have to try.(异端哪,先生们,异端——这才是咱们要审问的罪名。)
Or at least some heresy?(或至少是屈从于某种异端学说?)
Such Confucianism achievement is what you side heresy in the door can compare?(如此儒家功,岂是你们旁门左道所能比拟的?)
He argued that Plato did not use the code for pleasure, but instead for his own safety after his teacher was executed for heresy.(他认为,柏拉图并不是以使用代码为乐,而是在他的老师被当作异端处死之后,出于自己的安全考量。)
Mellors was preaching heresy and had to be immediately defrocked.(梅洛斯正在宣扬异端邪说,所以必须马上被免职。)
In Europe their persecution by the gadje began quickly, with the church seeing heresy in their fortune-telling and the state seeing anti-social behaviour in their nomadism.(在欧洲,他们很快就受到了加杰家族的迫害,教会认为他们的占卜是异端,而政府则认为他们的游牧行为是反社会的。)
He was burned at the stake for heresy.(他因为信奉异端思想而以火刑处死。)
What Bracey is saying is tantamount to heresy.(布里斯正在说的无异于异端邪说。)