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一. a comic verse of irregular measurep4s中文字网

e.g. he had heard some silly doggerel that kept running through his mindp4s中文字网

Synonym: doggereldoggerel versep4s中文字网

二. a metallic soundp4s中文字网

e.g. the jingle of coins
the jangle of spursp4s中文字网

Synonym: janglep4s中文字网


一. make a sound typical of metallic objectsp4s中文字网

e.g. The keys were jingling in his pocketp4s中文字网

Synonym: jingle-janglejanglep4s中文字网

一. (使)叮当响;(使)发出叮当声
When something jingles or when you jingle it, it makes a gentle ringing noise, like small bells.p4s中文字网


e.g. Brian put his hands in his pockets and jingled some change...
e.g. Her bracelets jingled like bells.

二. (广播或电视中宣传产品或节目的)短歌,短曲,广告歌
A jingle is a short, simple tune, often with words, which is used to advertise a product or programme on radio or television.p4s中文字网


e.g. ...advertising jingles.

一. 叮当声:太阳落山时,作者把各种声音比做乐曲:好友结伴而行的沙沙声(the musical rustle)领衔一曲交响乐(symphiny),突降的大雨构成了强音(forte),雨点落在树叶上响起轻快的啪嗒声(pitpat),落在金属上发出叮当声(jingle),夜幕笼罩小街时风声仿佛在唱了一曲催眠曲(berceuse),p4s中文字网

二. 片尾音乐:消费者对一个产品或品牌所产生的品味及偏好,可以透过下列六种模式的其中之一或多种模式完成:此外,大家往往忽略了品牌口号(Slogan)及片尾音乐(Jingle)的潜在威力,总认为这些玩意儿起不了大作用而经常变动换新.p4s中文字网

三. 广告词:广而告之publicize widely | 广告词jingle | 广告代理行advertising agentp4s中文字网

四. 含有品牌象薇的广告音乐或声音:jerky motions 把场景急拉的动作 | jingle 含有品牌象薇的广告音乐或声音 | kem flat-bed editing table kem平面式剪辑台p4s中文字网

  • 近义词p4s中文字网

  • 临近词p4s中文字网

  • ring戒指
  • jangle发出刺耳声
  • clatter咔嗒声
  • chorus合唱队
  • tune曲调
  • rattle嘎嘎作响
  • clanking叮当声
  • ditty小调
  • verse诗
  • tinkle叮当声
  • song歌曲
  • tinkling叮当作响声
  • clinking叮当响的
  • jingle-jangle发叮当声
  • refrain抑制
  • chime鸣
  • toll伤亡人数
  • clank当啷声
  • ringing嘹亮的
  • clink牢房
  • doggerel打油诗
  • jingle bells
  • jingled
  • Jingle Hall
  • jinglet
  • jingler
  • jingle the keys
  • jinglejangle
  • Jingle Palace
  • jingoism
  • jingle-jangle
  • jin
  • jingle bell
Llama Llama holidays. Jingle music. Light ablaze.(羊驼拉玛的假期。叮当音乐。灯火辉煌。)
Babies are always excited at the jingle of keys.(婴儿总是对钥匙碰撞的声音感到兴奋。)
"Jingle bell" class dismissed.(“叮铃铃”下课了。)
Jingle Bells and Silent Night are popular Christmas carols.(“圣诞铃声”和“平安夜”都是广受欢迎的圣诞颂歌。)
Outside, Sucre hears the jingle of keys as C.O. Stolte makes his rounds.(外面,苏克雷听到一阵钥匙的叮当声,狱警斯托尔特在巡逻。)
Walk away, humming a catchy advertising jingle for laundry detergent. They're not worth it.(离开,哼唱著一个容易引起注重的洗衣粉广告歌。不值得对他们生气。)
Do not let your bracelets jingle when you lead him in.(你领他进来的时候,不要让你的手镯叮当作响。)
Translate the negative thought into a sound, such as a jingle that you sing.(把消极思想转换成声音,比如你哼唱的旋律。)
Jingle bells ding dang, good luck a big box, Santa to send peace, happiness away.(铃儿响叮铛,好运一大框,圣诞老人送平安,幸福走四方。)
They had this little jingle out there, just a little bit of this.(他们外面有这个小叮当声,只有一点点这个声音。)