
  • 详情解释PgD中文字网

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  • 词典解释PgD中文字网

  • 网络解释PgD中文字网

  • (线、绳等的)股;绞;缕
  • 绳,线
  • 一个组成部分
  • 海滨,河岸,海滩,湖滨
  • 滨,岸, 滩
  • 一股绳子
  • 纤维
  • 【电】导线束,多心裸电缆
  • 河滨马路
  • 搓,绞,拧,打(绳子)
  • (使)处于困境
  • (使)搁浅,触礁
  • 弄断(绳索)的一股,使(绳股)被拆开
  • (使)落后
  • 使滞留
  • [C] (线、绳、发的)股;缕 a single thin thread,wire,string,piece of hair,etc.


一. a necklace made by a stringing objects togetherPgD中文字网

e.g. a string of beads
a strand of pearlsPgD中文字网

Synonym: chainstringPgD中文字网

二. line consisting of a complex of fibers or filaments that are twisted together to form a thread or a rope or a cablePgD中文字网

三. a pattern forming a unity within a larger structural wholePgD中文字网

e.g. he tried to pick up the strands of his former life
I could hear several melodic strands simultaneouslyPgD中文字网

四. a poetic term for a shore (as the area periodically covered and uncovered by the tides)PgD中文字网

五. a very slender natural or synthetic fiberPgD中文字网

Synonym: fibrilfilamentPgD中文字网



一. bring to the groundPgD中文字网

e.g. the storm grounded the shipPgD中文字网

Synonym: groundrun agroundPgD中文字网

二. drive (a vessel) ashorePgD中文字网

三. leave stranded or isolated with little hope of rescuePgD中文字网

e.g. the travellers were maroonedPgD中文字网

Synonym: maroonPgD中文字网

一. (头发、电线或纱线等的)股,缕
A strand of something such as hair, wire, or thread is a single thin piece of it.PgD中文字网

e.g. She tried to blow a gray strand of hair from her eyes.
e.g. ...high fences, topped by strands of barbed-wire...

二. (计划或理论的)部分,方面
A strand of a plan or theory is a part of it.PgD中文字网


e.g. There had been two strands to his tactics...
e.g. He's trying to bring together various strands of radical philosophic thought.

三. (坏天气等)使滞留,使搁浅
If you are stranded, you are prevented from leaving a place, for example because of bad weather.PgD中文字网


e.g. The climbers had been stranded by a storm...
e.g. The airport had to be closed, stranding tourists.

一. PgD中文字网

一. 股:AWG是American Wire Gauge的缩写,简称美国线规,是用来描述导体规格. AWG导体分为单股(solid)和多股(strand).AWG中导体分为 单股 (solid)和多股 (strand). 单股导体规格是根据导体的直径划分.多股导体的规格是按照截面积大小划分.PgD中文字网

二. 海边:中途出了些差错,由于俺对海边(Strand)和海港(Hafen)的混淆,导致两人徒步走行了两站路火车的距离,也经历了狂风大雨到蓝天白云的突变.PgD中文字网

三. 线:否则每一端子皆应通过本试验,规范中应规定试验进行姿态,尽可能使每一端子受到负荷之机率相同. 若端子有绝缘外层,则试验时应将施力点之外层除去. 若为多股绞线(strand),则在外力施加前应以焊接或结扎(knotting) 方式固定.PgD中文字网

四. strand的意思PgD中文字网

四. 斯特兰德大街:雕塑坐落于H.琼斯所设计的一根立柱上,位于斯特兰德大街(Strand),正好面对乔治大街上的皇家法院(Royal Courts ofJustice). 这里,现代开发建设慢慢融入古城结构之中,街道面上到处可见历史性建筑. 就现代化方面来说,PgD中文字网

  • 常用例句PgD中文字网

  • 经典引文PgD中文字网

  • She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ears.
  • A cove where curraghs were drawn up on the strand.PgD中文字网

    出自:B. Moore
  • The..wool..comes in three strands which can be easily separated.PgD中文字网

    出自:E. Wilson
  • The water went down too quickly and one of them was stranded.PgD中文字网

    出自:G. Greene
  • 近义词PgD中文字网

  • 临近词PgD中文字网

  • shore岸
  • maroon褐红色的
  • filament细丝
  • chain束缚
  • trap圈套
  • ground地面
  • tress一绺头发
  • line线
  • thread线
  • cut off切断
  • leave委托
  • constituent成分
  • string线
  • fibril[动]纤维
  • desert沙漠
  • component零部件;元件...
  • cord细绳
  • run aground搁浅
  • abandon放弃
  • wisp小束
  • element要素
  • fiber纤维(物质)
  • lock锁
  • Stranda
  • Strandh
  • straits
  • strange
  • Strandlid
  • Strandby
  • strandin
  • strander
  • Strande
  • strandee
  • stranded
  • Strandt
The S strand is ambisense and approximately 三.四 kb in size.(S链是双义的,大约三.四kb大小。)
One strand of silk doesn't make a thread; one tree doesn't make a forest.(单丝不成线,独木不成林。)
There is same bases usage frequency in coding sequence between leading strand and lagging strand.(先导链与滞后链编码序列的碱基使用频率基本一致。)
I have knitted many a gray strand into many a scarf.(我曾经多次将一缕灰发编到围巾里去。)
This can be considered the control centre for each strand of hair and is where the glands are found.(可以当它是每缕头发的控制中枢,也是腺体所在的地方。)
She wore a single strand of pearls around her neck.(她脖子上戴着单串珍珠。)
One single strand can support a weight of up to 一零零 grams.(一根毛发最多可以承受一零零克的重量。)
There's some variation depending on hair colour but for an average adult the strand count is 一零零,零零零, so losing 一零零 a day is not too bad.(不同的发色会有不同的变化,但是对于一个普通的成年人来说,头发的数量是一零万根,所以天天失去一零零根也不是太糟糕。)
By measuring the proportion of heavier hydrogen and oxygen isotopes along a strand of hair, scientists can construct a geographic timeline.(通过测量一束头发上较重的氢和氧同位素的比例,科学家可以构建一个地理时间轴。)
Rosie is holding up a strand of bladder wrack as long as her whole body.(罗西手里拿着一缕与她身高一样长的墨角藻。)