“A prodigious amount of material,” said Mr. Price, who is at about 三,零零零 documents and searching for more.(“这些材料数量大得惊人”,普赖斯先生说道。目前得到的文件约有三千份,搜寻工作还在继续。)
Almost half of the bird species that breed in Britain leave for the winter, sometimes travelling prodigious distances.(几乎有一半在英国繁殖的鸟类要冬徙,有时飞越的距离相当惊人。)
This was the beginning of the legendary period of prodigious, radiant creativity.(从此开始了一段才华横溢、光芒四射的创作传奇时代。)
Prodigious exports of iron ore, coal and other commodities have helped it survive the global downturn without a recession.(巨大的铁矿石、煤和其他产品的出口帮助它在全球经济低迷中没有经历过一次衰退地幸存了下来。)
Sometimes they can back up the bravado with prodigious intelligence and skill, but even those who can't probably think they can.(有时,他们可以用绝好的聪明才智和技术来虚张声势,甚至那些没有才能的人都可能认为他们很行。)
“A prodigious amount of material,” said Mr.(“这些材料数量大得惊人”,普赖斯先生说道。)
By the age of six, Chopin was creating original pieces, showing innate prodigious musical ability.(六岁那年,肖邦创作出了人生的第一部作品,充分展现了他与生俱来的非凡的音乐天赋。)
The idea of the autistic savant, with prodigious, sometimes jaw-dropping, talents has taken hold in popular culture.(关于自闭症天才拥有不可思议的、有时令人震动的天赋的观念在流行文化中占有主导地位。)
This has helped to fuel China’s prodigious growth.(这帮助成就了中国巨大的经济增长。)
No one could doubt his grit or calm, even if he owed some of his steadiness to a prodigious consumption of cigarettes.(没有人可以质疑他的胆识远见和冷静沉著,虽然他有部份的稳健来自于他庞大的酗烟量。)