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一. small nocturnal Old World mammal covered with both hair and protective spinestFy中文字网

Synonym: Erinaceus europaeusErinaceus europeaeustFy中文字网

二. relatively large rodents with sharp erectile bristles mingled with the furtFy中文字网

Synonym: porcupinetFy中文字网

一. 刺猬
A hedgehog is a small brown animal with sharp spikes covering its back.tFy中文字网


一. tFy中文字网

一. 刺猬状:一种刺猬状(hedgehog)偶联物,其特征在于包含共价连接到刺猬状蛋白上的:a)由一零到三零个疏水氨基酸和/或能够形成跨膜螺旋结构并且带正电荷的氨基酸组成的多肽,b)链长为八-二四个碳原子并且具有疏水作用的一到四个饱和或不饱和的脂族烃基,tFy中文字网

二. 刺猬式深弹发射器:Heck 艉部 | Hedgehog 刺猬式深弹发射器 | Heer 陆军tFy中文字网

  • 近义词tFy中文字网

  • 临近词tFy中文字网

  • Erinaceus europaeus[医] 刺猬
  • porcupine豪猪
  • hedgehog meat
  • hedgehog gall
  • hedgehog skin
  • hedgehog fungus
  • hedgehog brain
  • hedgehog hydnum
  • hedgehog round
  • hedgehog fat
  • hedgehog hide
  • hedgerow
  • hedgehog cactus
  • hedge
'I wonder,' thought the Hedgehog.(“我在想,”小刺猬想。)
"O, terrible bad, sir, terrible deep the snow is," said the hedgehog.(“啊,糟透了,先生,雪深得可怕。”刺猬说。)
The hedgehog only comes out at night to scurry around for a meal.(刺猬只在夜间出来,到处匆匆地转,找寻食物。)
"Hello, Mole," said Hedgehog, cheerily.(“你好,鼹鼠,”刺猬兴奋得说。)
Thankss hedgehog mother Huanhuan, and gave him a lot of carrots.(刺猬妈妈非常感谢欢欢,送给他许多萝卜。%。)
The hedgehog scrunched itself up into a ball.(刺猬蜷成一个圆球。)
Jim Collins: We talked earlier about the idea of a hedgehog concept.(吉姆·柯林斯:我们刚刚谈到了刺猬理念。)
So she went in search of her hedgehog.(因此她就走了,找她的刺猬去了。)
A frightened hedgehog contracts its body into a ball.(受惊的刺猬会把身体缩成一个球。)
A hedgehog rolls itself into a ball when attacked.(刺猬一受到攻击就蜷缩成一团。)