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  • 瘟疫,鼠疫,时疫,疫病
  • 祸患,灾害,天灾,祸害
  • 讨厌的人
  • 传染病
  • 黑死病
  • 【圣经】上帝的惩罚;天谴
  • 麻烦事情,疙瘩事
  • 困扰,烦恼,折磨,烦扰
  • 使染瘟疫
  • 使受灾祸
  • 使苦恼,使受煎熬
  • 捉弄
  • 阻碍,干扰
  • 给…造成长时间的痛苦
  • 纠缠,缠磨,缠扰
  • vt. 烦扰 annoy (especially with repeated requests or questions)
  • vt. 给…造成麻烦或困难 cause trouble or difficult to sb/sth



一. an annoyancePlR中文字网

e.g. those children are a damn plaguePlR中文字网

二. any large scale calamity (especially when thought to be sent by God)PlR中文字网

三. a swarm of insects that attack plantsPlR中文字网

e.g. a plague of grasshoppersPlR中文字网

Synonym: infestationPlR中文字网

四. any epidemic disease with a high death ratePlR中文字网

Synonym: pestilencepestPlR中文字网

五. a serious (sometimes fatal) infection of rodents caused by Yersinia pestis and accidentally transmitted to humans by the bite of a flea that has bitten an infected animalPlR中文字网

Synonym: pestilencepestpestisPlR中文字网



一. annoy continually or chronicallyPlR中文字网

e.g. He is known to harry his staff when he is overworked
This man harasses his female co-workersPlR中文字网

Synonym: harasshassleharrychivychivvychevychevvybesetmolestprovokePlR中文字网

二. cause to suffer a blightPlR中文字网

e.g. Too much rain may blight the garden with moldPlR中文字网

Synonym: blightPlR中文字网

一. 瘟疫;疫病
A plague is a very infectious disease that spreads quickly and kills large numbers of people.PlR中文字网

e.g. A cholera plague had been killing many prisoners of war at the time.

二. (腺)鼠疫;黑死病
Plague or the plague is a very infectious disease which usually results in death. The patient has a severe fever and swellings on his or her body.PlR中文字网

e.g. ...a fresh outbreak of plague.
e.g. ...illnesses such as smallpox, typhus and the plague.

三. (某一事物肆虐造成的)灾难,祸患
A plague of unpleasant things is a large number of them that arrive or happen at the same time.PlR中文字网

e.g. The city is under threat from a plague of rats...
e.g. Last year there was a plague of robbery and housebreaking.

四. 烦扰;令人头痛的事物
If you describe something as a plague, you mean that it causes a great deal of trouble or harm.PlR中文字网

e.g. Inflation will remain a recurrent plague...
e.g. Tim seems to have escaped the cynicism which is the absolute plague of our generation.

五. 困扰;使烦恼;折磨
If you are plagued by unpleasant things, they continually cause you a lot of trouble or suffering.PlR中文字网

e.g. She was plagued by weakness, fatigue, and dizziness...
e.g. Fears about job security plague nearly half the workforce.

六. 缠扰;纠缠
If someone plagues you, they keep bothering you or asking you for something.PlR中文字网


e.g. I'm not going to plague you with a lot more questions, Miss Culver...
e.g. Tommy Cook had been plaguing Pinner for months.

七. 极力回避
If you say that you avoid someone or something like the plague, you are emphasizing that you deliberately avoid them completely.PlR中文字网


e.g. I would avoid him like the plague when his wife and my parents were around...
e.g. I normally avoid cheap wine like the plague.

八. …真该死;愿上天降祸于…
You say a plague on a particular person or thing when you are very irritated by them and do not want to bother with them any more.PlR中文字网

e.g. A plague on you and your damned percentages!

一. 瘟疫:但这项技术的有效实行是建立在受施目标必须被译为原子结构形式的基础之上的,而这个转译过程要花费相),先知能力之一,出现一个飓风,可控制其移动,杀伤水面舰只; 瘟疫(plague),先知能力之一,可感染敌我部队,PlR中文字网

二. 鼠疫:时间:二零零九-零八-零三 一四:三二 鼠疫(plague)是由鼠疫杆菌引起的啮齿动物中自然疫源性疾病,在一定条件下通过疫鼠、疫蚤传染人,造成人间的鼠疫. 本病起病急剧,病情严重,传染性强,病死率高. 青海省海南藏族自治州发现肺鼠疫疫情,PlR中文字网

三. 黑死病:原来鼠疫,又名黑死病(plague)曾风卷整个欧洲大陆﹗ 急性传播令城市中的人死得快如闪电﹗人们无法应付,束手待毙﹗唯有贵族,可逃离灾区,深山建堡垒居住. 导演/创作人以「吸血鬼」比喻高度传染病的恐慌. 当时欧洲...PlR中文字网

四. 令人烦恼的事;瘟疫,灾害:dramatize 使引人注目,使戏剧化,生动地表达 | plague 令人烦恼的事;瘟疫,灾害 | discern 区别,识别;理解PlR中文字网

  • 常用例句PlR中文字网

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  • 经典引文PlR中文字网

  • Don't always plague your mother.
  • That mistake plagued him for years.
  • She has been plaguing me with silly questions all day.
  • Why am I plagued with bad luck?
  • She was plagued with arthritis.
  • The system is still plagued by technical faults.
  • The construction schedule was plagued by the bad weather.
用作动词 (v.)
  • plague a construction schedule阻碍工程进度
  • plague the system造成系统出问题
  • plague by sb's everlasting begging因某人不停地乞求而厌烦
  • plague into doing sth烦得只好做某事
  • plague with因…困扰
  • plague with doubts and fears为疑虑和惧怕 所困扰
  • A plague of moths in the castle!PlR中文字网

  • The country was plagued for five generations by useless civil war.PlR中文字网

    出自:H. A. L. Fisher
  • 词语用法PlR中文字网

  • plague的基本意思是“烦扰”,指因某事物〔原因〕使某人烦扰,也可指给某人〔事物〕造成麻烦或困难。
  • plague是及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。
  • 近义词PlR中文字网

  • 临近词PlR中文字网

  • cancer癌
  • pestilence瘟疫
  • annoy使恼怒
  • worry撕咬
  • wave波浪
  • chivvy催促
  • torment苦痛
  • blight枯萎病
  • infestation(鼠等)侵扰...
  • ride骑
  • haunt常到的地方
  • harass使疲乏
  • epidemic流行病
  • pestis鼠疫
  • dog狗
  • curse诅咒
  • outbreak爆发
  • chivy打猎叫喊
  • affliction痛苦
  • harry不断骚扰
  • provoke激怒
  • pester纠缠
  • badger獾
  • torture拷问
  • trouble困难
  • infest侵扰
  • disease疾病
  • bother烦扰
  • chevy打猎时的叫喊...
  • scourge灾难
  • beset包围
  • vex使恼怒
  • beleaguer围攻
  • pest害虫
  • molest骚扰
  • afflict使苦恼
  • hassle困难
  • pursue追求
  • plaice
  • Plague Grade
  • plague spots
  • plague sore
  • plagiarism
  • Plague war
  • plague sera
  • plague with
  • plague spot
  • plaguey
  • plague bubo
  • plaguesome
Iconoclasts, either because they were born that way or through learning, have found ways to work around the perceptual shortcuts that plague most people.(要么天生如此,要么后天习得,总之传统叛逆者找到了困扰大多数人的认知捷径的替代方法。)
The plague of locusts has been described as the worst in more than a decade.(眼下的蝗灾被认为是过去的十多年中最为严重的一次。)
Its endless security queues, rude staff and shoddy facilities plague passengers.(永无止境的安检队伍,粗鲁的职员以及陈旧的设施都无比困扰着乘客们。)
That means he is either on an airplane, or he’s avoiding me like the plague.(这表明,他要么在飞机上,要么是故意躲开我,避免麻烦。)
If you make money your god, it will plague you like the devil.(如果你把金钱奉为上帝,它就会像恶魔一样折磨你。)
The agent caused a disease called "fowl plague".(这种病原体引起了一种叫做“鸡疫”的疾病。)
In fact, some should avoid blogging like the plague.(事实上,有些公司应该像躲避灾难一样躲避博客。)
People praying for relief from the bubonic plague Photo: getty.(人们向上苍祈祷,以免受黑死病的折磨。图片来源:盖蒂图片社。)
Now I will plague and punish thee at thy own house.(现在我要在你家里责罚你。)
The city is under threat from a plague of rats.(这座城市面临着鼠患的威胁。)