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一. a surgical knife with a pointed double-edged blade
used for punctures and small incisionsgQt中文字网

Synonym: lancetgQt中文字网

二. a long pointed rod used as a tool or weapongQt中文字网

Synonym: spearshaftgQt中文字网

三. an implement with a shaft and barbed point used for catching fishgQt中文字网

Synonym: speargigfizgigfishgiggQt中文字网



一. open by piercing with a lancetgQt中文字网

e.g. lance a boilgQt中文字网

二. pierce with a lance, as in a knights' fightgQt中文字网

三. move quickly, as if by cutting one's waygQt中文字网

e.g. Planes lanced towards the shoregQt中文字网

一. 切开,割开(疖等)
If a boil on someone's body is lanced, a small cut is made in it so that the liquid inside comes out.gQt中文字网

e.g. It is a painful experience having the boil lanced.

二. (旧时骑兵用的)长矛
A lance is a long spear used in former times by soldiers on horseback.gQt中文字网

e.g. ...the clang of lances striking armour.

一. lance的反义词gQt中文字网

一. 蓝斯:码头上,还没来得及逃走的人类,纷纷倒地,失去了生命;整座海滨城市,充满玻璃破碎的声音,无数的人类,七孔流血,倒地不起;远方的灯塔,蓝斯(Lance)反应迅速地伸出右臂,张开修长的手指,一个坚固的防护罩瞬间形成,挡开强大的声波.gQt中文字网

二. gQt中文字网

二. 长枪:他们头戴四角高帽,身穿夹克,因所持兵器多半为长枪(Lance),所以也时常被统称为枪骑兵(Lancer),矛头挂有部队旗帜;法国也有使用这种枪骑兵,拿破仑战争后被拿破仑编制为皇帝近卫军,称为朗席耶,头戴菱形高帽.gQt中文字网

三. 标枪:从形状判断多半是长枪,中世纪时欧洲的骑兵所用、叫作标枪(lance)的那种武器. 可是我只见过金属制的标枪;而家光的枪,表面上像爬虫类的皮肤一样粗糙不平,还有鼓动着的筋脉绵亘其上. 简直跟血管一样,光是看了就让叫人反感.gQt中文字网

四. lance:line algorithm for navigation in combat environment; 战斗直线计算导航gQt中文字网

  • 情景对话gQt中文字网

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A:Good morning, ABC Computers, Sally speaking. Can I help you?

B:My name is Lance Stevens. May I speak to your Customer Service manager?
我是Lance Stevens,请你们的客户服务部经理接电话,好吗?gQt中文字网

A:I'm sorry, he's in a meeting. May I take a message?

B:When will he be available?


A:I don't know, sir. Would you like to leave a message?

B:No, that's OK. I'll call back.

  • The lance was the..peculiar weapon of the knight.gQt中文字网

  • He liked the big..trees, with the late afternoon sunlight striking golden lances through them.gQt中文字网

  • The torpedo-boat lances one of her..needles of steel.gQt中文字网

    出自:M. P. Shiel
  • 近义词gQt中文字网

  • 临近词gQt中文字网

  • spear矛
  • javelin标枪
  • incise切入
  • weapon武器
  • perforate穿孔于
  • slice into切一个口子
  • stab刺
  • pierce刺穿
  • shaft柄
  • knife刀
  • lancet[医]柳叶刀
  • impale刺穿
  • prick刺
  • puncture刺穿
  • hack劈或砍
  • gig特约演奏
  • cut切
  • fishgig钩型鱼叉
  • fizgig轻佻的女人
  • bayonet刺刀
  • Lancey
  • lancea
  • Lanceat
  • lanceol
  • Lancel
  • Lancen
  • lancer
  • Lancella
  • Lanceiro
  • Lanceni
  • Lancaster
  • Lancei
The slinth is a large predator, fast as a cheetah, that spears its prey with its head, which is like a venomous lance.(slinth是一种大型食肉动物。)
During the height of their relationship she became a two-time world champion gold medal archer with Lance in her loving hands.(在他们关系的鼎盛时期,她手持朗斯两度成为世界冠军金牌弓箭手。)
Lance Armstrong won the Tour DE France each year from 一九九九 to 二零零五, yet he won only a few of the daily stages.(虽然LanceArmstrong赢得一九九九到二零零五的环法自行车赛的冠军,但他只赢得几次每日登台领奖的机会。)
Even when Siegfried and Roy were around, Lance was the best magician in Vegas.(即使是齐格·弗里德和罗伊飞黄腾达时,兰斯也是维加斯最好的魔术师。)
In Russian copeck is "kopeyka", and the word "lance" in Russian is "kopye". This is why it's called "copeck".(在俄语中戈比写做“kopeyka”,而“长矛”一词在俄语中就是“kopye”,这是其被称为“戈比”的由来。)
In their final pass Montgomery's lance tilted up, and burst through the king's visor splintering to pieces.(在最后的决斗中,蒙哥马利轻挑长矛,将国王的遮阳板戳穿成碎片。)
In medieval times, a lance couched under the rider's arm, unifying the force of rider and weapon, would throw its wielder backwards off the horse at impact.(在中世纪,一把长矛被放在骑手的臂膀下,以统一骑手和武器的力量,一旦受到冲击,持兵器者就会向后摔下马去。)
I cannot imagine the pain and suffering Lance Corporal Bernard's death has caused his family.(我无以想象准下士伯纳德的死给他的家庭带来的痛苦和折磨。)
Why Is Lance Armstrong Quitting?(为什么兰斯·阿姆斯特朗要退役呢?)
Speaking with a handful of news agencies, seven-time Tour DE France winner Lance Armstrong said, "I can't say I have any regrets."(在与几家新闻机构发布消息的同时,这位七届环法自行车大赛冠军得主说:“此次做出退役的抉择,我并没有任何后悔之意。”)