
  • 详情解释puX中文字网

  • 双解释义puX中文字网

  • 英英释义puX中文字网

  • 词典解释puX中文字网

  • 网络解释puX中文字网

  • 手段
  • 仪器,仪表
  • 乐器
  • 工具,器具
  • 促成某事的东西,促成某事的人
  • 【律】文书,文件,正式的文件,证件,证券
  • 器械
  • 媒介
  • 受利用的人,傀儡
  • 给乐器编(曲),给乐器谱或配(乐曲),为管弦乐队编(曲)
  • 向...提交法律文件,向…提交文书
  • 用仪器装备,为…配备仪器、仪表等
  • 靠仪表导航的
  • [C]器具,仪器 an object used to help in work
  • [C]乐器 an object, such as piano, horn, etc.
  • [C]被外界所利用的人〔物〕,傀儡 sb/sth which seems to be used by an outside force
  • [C]正式的文件,文书 formal document



一. the means whereby some act is accomplishedpuX中文字网

e.g. my greed was the instrument of my destruction
science has given us new tools to fight diseasepuX中文字网

Synonym: toolpuX中文字网

二. a device that requires skill for proper usepuX中文字网

三. any of various devices or contrivances that can be used to produce musical tones or soundspuX中文字网

Synonym: musical instrumentpuX中文字网

四. the semantic role of the entity (usually inanimate) that the agent uses to perform an action or start a processpuX中文字网

Synonym: instrumental rolepuX中文字网

五. (law) a document that states some contractual relationship or grants some rightpuX中文字网

Synonym: legal documentlegal instrumentofficial documentpuX中文字网

六. a person used by another to gain an endpuX中文字网

Synonym: pawncat's-pawpuX中文字网



一. address a legal document topuX中文字网

二. write an instrumental score forpuX中文字网

Synonym: instrumentatepuX中文字网

三. equip with instruments for measuring, recording, or controllingpuX中文字网

一. 器械;器具
An instrument is a tool or device that is used to do a particular task, especially a scientific task.puX中文字网

e.g. ...a thin tube-like optical instrument.
e.g. ...instruments for cleaning and polishing teeth...

二. 乐器
A musical instrument is an object such as a piano, guitar, or flute, which you play in order to produce music.puX中文字网


e.g. Learning a musical instrument introduces a child to an understanding of music.

三. 仪器;仪表
An instrument is a device that is used for making measurements of something such as speed, height, or sound, for example on a ship or plane or in a car.puX中文字网


e.g. ...crucial instruments on the control panel.
e.g. ...navigation instruments.

四. 工具;手段;被他人利用的人
Something that is an instrument for achieving a particular aim is used by people to achieve that aim.puX中文字网


e.g. The veto has been a traditional instrument of diplomacy for centuries.

五. see also: stringed instrument;wind instrumentpuX中文字网

一. puX中文字网

一. 乐器:这篇文档包括了以下的Microsoft® DirectMusic 应用程序接口 (API)的主题:* 乐器(Instrument)对象和接口乐器 (instrument)对象和接口这一组的对象和接口用来进行乐曲的即时写作.puX中文字网

二. 仪表:朋杰股份有限公司是阀纇(Valve)专家,精通仪表(Instrument),善於分析(Analyzer). 除了代理欧/美/日知名品牌之各类工业用仪表,应用於石化炼油、发电、水处理、生技、半导体等各大工业;并设置认证维修厂,服务各专业领域客户.puX中文字网

三. 仪器:[摘要]锐盛科技由瑞胜科技有限公司(香港)及深圳市瑞盛科技有限公司组成,主营业务包括:电子元器件(COMPONENT)和分析仪器(INSTRUMENT).,是日本岛津在华南地区的授权一级...puX中文字网

四. instrument什么意思puX中文字网

四. 工具:以下美发专业术语是本人精心收集的,主要设计到产品、工具、商业等美发术语、专业美发英文术语产品(product)&工具(instrument)puX中文字网

五. instrument:instr; 仪器puX中文字网

六. instrument:instrumentid; 仪器,与puX中文字网

七. instrument:inst; 仪器,工具puX中文字网

  • 常用例句puX中文字网

  • 词汇搭配puX中文字网

  • 经典引文puX中文字网

  • All surgical instruments must be sterilized before use.
  • The pilot studied his instruments anxiously.
  • He can play piano, violin and several other instruments.
  • He did not himself kill the prisoner; the jailer was his instrument in the murder.
  • The President signed the instrument of abdication.
用作名词 (n.)
  • play instrument演奏乐器
  • study instrument检查仪器
  • blunt instrument不灵敏的仪器
  • convenient instrument使用不方便的工具
  • stringed instrument弦乐器
  • writing instrument书写工具
  • instrument for communication交际工具
  • instrument in the murder杀人工具
  • the instruments of the orchestra管弦乐器
  • The Cabinet..had already become the fundamental administrative instrument.puX中文字网

    出自:H. J. Laski
  • For self-study the material is experience, the instrument judgment.puX中文字网

    出自:D. M. Frame
  • 词语用法puX中文字网

  • 词义讲解puX中文字网

  • 词源解说puX中文字网

  • instrument在作“器具,仪器”解时指一种用于科学或艺术的人造器具,通常不具备动力。
instrument, apparatus, implement, machine
  • 这组词的意思并不完全相同,前两个词都有“机器”“机械装置”的意思,而后两个词更强调“仪器,工具”。
  • 一.machine指由各种不同部件构成的“机器”,为某种动力所驱动而进行重复的生产以节约人力。
  • 二.apparatus概念极为广泛,指一套由若干独立部分构成、比较复杂的“设备”或“装置”,种类繁多,大小不拘。例如:
  • This apparatus can purify a thousand gallons of water a minute.这种装置一分钟可以净化一零零零加仑的水。
  • The television men set up their apparatus, ready to film.电视摄影人员将他们的全套设备安装好,准备开拍。
  • 三.instrument经常指科学上或艺术上所使用的“器械,乐器”等,也可表示抽象的工具或受他人利用的工具。例如:
  • Does your sister play any instrument?你姐姐会演奏什么乐器?
  • He can play the piano, violin and several other instruments.他能演奏钢琴、小提琴以及其他几种乐器。
  • All surgical instruments must be sterilized before use.所有的外科手术器械在使用之前都必须消毒。
  • Language is an instrument for communication.语言是交际的工具。
  • A police force is an instrument for keeping law and order.警察是维护法律与秩序的工具。
  • 四.implement指完成某一项工作所需要的或使用的任何工具或装置,包括手工操作的工具和机器操作的工具。例如:
  • There are a large variety of household implements on sale in the market.市场上有大量的各式各样的日用器具出售。
  • Man's earliest implements were carved from stone and bone.人类最早的工具是由石头和骨头刻制而成的。
    • ☆ 一三世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自古法语的instrument;最初源自拉丁语的instrumentem,意为工具。
    • 中考真题例句puX中文字网

    • 高考真题例句puX中文字网

    中考真题例句 OG 一.instrument

    The balalaika, also called the "Russian guitar", is a traditional Russian musical instrument.puX中文字网



    中考真题例句 OG 二.instrument

    It is wise of Linda to make up her mind to learn to play an instrument.puX中文字网



    中考真题例句 OG 三.instrument

    A recent study by researcher Kraus shows that playing a musical instrument can improve a person's hearing ability.puX中文字网



    中考真题例句 OG 一.instrument

    American scientists have been using instruments for years to look for earth-like planets.puX中文字网



    中考真题例句 OG 二.instrument

    He met with difficulties in repairing the instrument.puX中文字网



    中考真题例句 OG 三.instrument

    The power supply on this instrument had failed, so it could no longer be used.puX中文字网



    高考真题例句 OG 一.instrument

    Around me in this picture are the things that were very important in my life at that time; car magazines and musical instruments.puX中文字网

    在这张照片中, 我身边有当时在我生活中非常重要的东西: 汽车杂志和乐器。puX中文字网


    • 近义词puX中文字网

    • 临近词puX中文字网

    • tool
    • equipment
    • instrumentate
    • instrumentum
    • instrumental
    • instrument pen
    • instrument of
    • instrumenting
    • instructor
    • instrumentted
    • instrument box
    • instrumenthead
    • instrumenter
    • instrument air
    You can listen to it, or take up playing an instrument in your spare time.(你可以听听它,或者在业余时间玩玩乐器。)
    Then a percussion instrument came in.(这时一件打击乐器加入了进来。)
    As I mentioned, the instrument was played horizontally, on the lap.(正如我提到的,这种乐器是横着演奏,放在大腿上。)
    Now the instrument that is playing is a low tuba, a low brass instrument.(现在在演奏的乐器是低音号,一种低音铜管乐器。)
    This instrument is highly sensitive.(这架仪器很灵敏。)
    It was a clarinet up there, nice and high, and then another instrument came in.(那里有一支单簧管,声音嘹亮且高昂,紧接着另一个乐器加入了。)
    The film is eloquent as it explores the relationship between artist and instrument.(这部影片探讨艺术家与乐器之间的关系,意味深长。)
    A musician is a person who plays an instrument or writes songs.(音乐家是演奏乐器或写歌的人。)
    No kidding, it's not easy to get a universal instrument these days.(说真的,现在要买台万能仪可不容易。)
    Her hands trembled slightly as she reached for the instrument.(她伸出手拿乐器时,手微微有些抖动。)