The wall is covered all over with ivy.(墙上爬满了常春藤。)
The ivy has run wild.(常春藤长疯了。)
This is a sample heading from one of the ads, that has begun to appear at Ivy League schools such as Yale and Harvard.(这是其中一个广告的样本标题,最近开始出现在常春藤联盟名校的校园内,如耶鲁大学和哈佛大学。)
On one side the remains of a chapel could be seen, now covered with the thickest ivy.(在一边可以看到小教堂的遗迹,现在被茂密的常春藤覆盖着。)
Sophie Conran, the scion of the design dynasty, uses holly and ivy with berries, eucalyptus and pine cones to decorate her home.(索菲·康兰是设计王朝的后裔,她用冬青树、常青藤、浆果、桉树和松果来装饰自己的家。)
Some walls are covered in ivy.(几面墙壁上披着常春藤。)
One Ivy League school calls them impostors; another refers to them asspecial cases.(一所常春藤盟校称他们为冒名顶替者;其他学校则将其称为特例。)
True, the economic pressures—from the Ivy League to state systems—are intense.(诚然,从常青藤联盟到州立系统的经济压力都是巨大的。)
From what I read, I know that starting from your childhood, you were always a smart boy, went to the best private schools, accepted at most of the Ivy League colleges.(就我所读到的,我知道从你的童年开始,你就一直是个聪明的男孩,上了最好的私立学校,被常春藤联盟的大部分大学录取。)
It is under the ivy on the wall.(它在墙上的常春藤下。)