
  • 详情解释ATi中文字网

  • 双解释义ATi中文字网

  • 英英释义ATi中文字网

  • 词典解释ATi中文字网

  • 网络解释ATi中文字网

  • 有学问的,博学的,知识渊博的,学问精深的
  • 学术性的,学问上的
  • 学到的,通过学习获得的
  • 精通(某门学问)的
  • 学者的
  • 非天生的, 通过训练形成的
  • 精通法律的
  • 需要通过学习研究的
  • learn的过去式和过去分词
  • 有学问的,博学的 having much knowledge as the result of study and reading
  • [A]学术上的 of or for advanced study


一. highly educated
having extensive information or understandingATi中文字网

e.g. knowing instructors
a knowledgeable critic
a knowledgeable audienceATi中文字网

Synonym: knowingknowledgeableletteredwell-educatedwell-readATi中文字网

二. established by conditioning or learningATi中文字网

e.g. a conditioned responseATi中文字网

Synonym: conditionedATi中文字网

三. having or showing profound knowledgeATi中文字网

e.g. a learned jurist
an erudite professorATi中文字网

Synonym: eruditeATi中文字网

Pronounced /'lɜːnɪd/ for meanings 一 and 二. Pronounced /lɜːnd/ and not hyphenated for meaning 三. 义项一和二读作/'lɜːnɪd/。义项三读作/lɜːnd/,为单音节词。

一. 学识渊博的;博学的
A learned person has gained a lot of knowledge by studying.ATi中文字网


e.g. He is a serious scholar, a genuinely learned man.

二. (书或论文)学者(撰写)的,学问精深的;学术性的
Learned books or papers have been written by someone who has gained a lot of knowledge by studying.ATi中文字网


e.g. This learned book should start a real debate on Western policy towards the Baltics.

三. 后天的;通过学习(或经验)获得的
A learned reaction, response, or ability is one that you acquire from experience or from your environment, not one that you were born with.ATi中文字网


e.g. Your anxiety is a learned reaction, and it is nurtured and sustained by the events of your everyday life.

四. see also: learnATi中文字网

一. 有学问:这个产生于西塞罗(Cicero)时代的拉丁词,原意并非一个人有读写拉丁语能力,而是表示他有学问(learned). 但正如Kintgen (一九八八)和Venezky (一九九零)所指出的,litteratus的含义也是随时间变化的. 在现代语境中,literacy通常指读写能力.ATi中文字网

二. 学习:如同语言一样,情绪(emotions) 是要透过未学习(unlearned) 与学习(learned) 过程相结合而成. 一个能发充分地发挥其功能(fully functioning) 的人,要透过特定的学习,使得知道的是,如同语言一样,ATi中文字网

三. 精通某门学问的:knowledgeable 有见识的 | learned 精通某门学问的 | liberal 心胸宽大的ATi中文字网

四. learned的近义词ATi中文字网

四. 有学问的:learn 学习 | learned 有学问的 | learning 学问ATi中文字网

  • 情景对话ATi中文字网

  • 常用例句ATi中文字网

  • 词汇搭配ATi中文字网

  • 经典引文ATi中文字网



A:You know, Ralph, since I started speaking English all the time my pronunciation's getting better and even the grammar's beginning to make some sense. But I don't think I'll ever be able to spell.

B:You're not alone there.I have trouble with spelling too. When I was in grade school. I learned which words were the most frequently misspelled. But I never did learn how to spell them.
不是你一个人如此。我在拼音方面也有困难。当我上小学的时候,我知道哪些词是经常拼错的, 但我没有学会如何拼这些词。ATi中文字网

A:Since it's so difficult, why is it so important to learn how to spell properly?


B:Because if you spell satisfactorily, you're considered educated.If you don't, you're not.
因为如果你能准确无误地拼音,人家就会把你看作受到教育的人。 否则,在别人眼里你是个缺乏教育的人。ATi中文字网

  • He is a very learned man.
  • He wrote a learned book on frogs.
用作形容词 (adj.)
  • the learned professions高学识的职业
  • learned in linguistics精通语言学
  • Dr. Hugh Alderson Fawcett was a keen and learned archaeologist.ATi中文字网

    出自:R. Dahl
  • 近义词ATi中文字网

  • 反义词ATi中文字网

  • 临近词ATi中文字网

  • wise
  • educated
  • knowledgeable
  • scholarly
  • ignorant
  • uneducated
  • learned paper
  • learned word
  • learned in
  • learned world
  • learned man
  • learnedly
  • learning
  • learned shot
  • learned fear
  • learned goal
  • learned means
  • learn
He learned enough Spanish to make himself understood.(他学的西班牙语足以让别人明白他。)
He learned how to draw the unclothed human frame.(他学会了如何画裸体人像。)
Have you learned your part yet?(你记住你的台词了吗?)
The leader has also learned to play more melodically.(这位指挥也学会了如何让演奏更加优美动听。)
How did they react when they learned the news?(他们听到这个消息有什么反应?)
If not for John, Brian wouldn't have learned the truth.(要不是约翰,布莱恩不会了解真相。)
She learned to swim when she was really tiny.(她很小就学会了游泳。)
We never learned to ice skate or ski.(我们从没学过溜冰或滑雪。)
She learned to accept criticism without rancour.(她学会了坦然接受批评而不怀恨在心。)
I learned German from scratch in six months.(我从零学起,六个月学会了德语。)