
  • 详情解释yOR中文字网

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  • 英英释义yOR中文字网

  • 词典解释yOR中文字网

  • 网络解释yOR中文字网

  • 道理,理由
  • 推理
  • 逻辑学
  • 逻辑性,条理性
  • 必然的联系
  • 【计】逻辑
  • 逻辑操作
  • 合乎情理的原因
  • 逻辑系统
  • 操作规则
  • 思维方式
  • 解释方法
  • 理论学
  • 威力
  • 压力,强制(力)
  • [U]逻辑(学),逻辑性 science or chain of reasoning
  • [U]推理方法 a particular way of reasoning
  • [U]合理的想法 reasonable thinking


一. reasoned and reasonable judgmentyOR中文字网

e.g. it made a certain kind of logicyOR中文字网

二. a system of reasoningyOR中文字网

Synonym: logical systemsystem of logicyOR中文字网

三. the principles that guide reasoning within a given field or situationyOR中文字网

e.g. economic logic requires it
by the logic of waryOR中文字网

四. the system of operations performed by a computer that underlies the machine's representation of logical operationsyOR中文字网

五. the branch of philosophy that analyzes inferenceyOR中文字网

一. 逻辑(学)
Logic is a method of reasoning that involves a series of statements, each of which must be true if the statement before it is true.yOR中文字网


e.g. Apart from criminal investigation techniques, students learn forensic medicine, philosophy and logic.

二. 逻辑性;条理性
The logic of a conclusion or an argument is its quality of being correct and reasonable.yOR中文字网

e.g. I don't follow the logic of your argument...
e.g. There would be no logic in upsetting the agreements.

三. (某类人或某个活动领域特有的)推理方法,思维方式
A particular kind of logic is the way of thinking and reasoning about things that is characteristic of a particular type of person or particular field of activity.yOR中文字网

e.g. The plan was based on sound commercial logic.

一. 逻辑学:宽泛地讲,这些方法论所处的现代传统是语文学的理性主义所处的传统,一五以及普遍语法的各系统所处的传统,从波瓦雅学派(Port Royal)一六六二年的<>(Logic)到康德(Kant)、利布尼兹(Leibniz)、胡塞尔(Husserl)和弗雷格(Frege).yOR中文字网

二. yOR中文字网

二. 逻辑的:总之,这三个类别说出了人类语言的三种基本功用:美标的(aestetic),逻辑的(logic),力与伦理的(energetic-ethic). 文学中的这三个类别,抒情、叙事、戏剧,是人类处世说话的基本方式,因此为研究圣咏,为沿用圣咏,也都有它们的价值.yOR中文字网

  • 常用例句yOR中文字网

  • 词汇搭配yOR中文字网

  • 经典引文yOR中文字网

  • He argues with learning and logic.
  • I didn't follow her logic.
  • At this point our logic was at fault.
  • There's no logic in spending money on useless things.
用作名词 (n.)
  • apply〔use〕 logic运用逻辑
  • follow no logic完全不遵循逻辑
  • understand the logic理解逻辑性
  • deductive〔inductive〕 logic演绎〔归纳〕逻辑
  • formal〔mathematical, pure〕 logic形式〔数理,纯〕逻辑
  • sound〔unanswerable〕 logic正确〔无懈可击〕的推理
  • the computer logic计算机的逻辑运算
  • by the logic of events根据事情的必然性
  • with the same logic以同样的推理方法
  • the logic of an argument论证方法
  • Logic is not the science of Belief, but..of Proof, or Evidence.yOR中文字网

    出自:J. S. Mill
  • 词源解说yOR中文字网

  • ☆ 一四世纪中期进入英语,直接源自希腊语的logike,意为推理艺术。
  • 高考真题例句yOR中文字网

高考真题例句 OG 一.logic

Students should be able to extend the logic(逻辑)of each to their particular circumstance.yOR中文字网



  • 近义词yOR中文字网

  • 临近词yOR中文字网

  • science of reasoning
  • good sense
  • logics
  • logicor
  • logicise
  • logician
  • logic bug
  • logicism
  • logic OR
  • logiccore
  • logic IC
  • logical
  • logicize
  • loge
When consumers need to cut spending, the logic goes, cheap meals like Big Macs and Whoppers become even more attractive.(按照这种逻辑,当消费者需要削减开支时,像巨无霸(麦当劳汉堡名)和华堡(汉堡王汉堡名)这样的便宜食物会变得更有吸引力。)
I fail to see the logic behind his argument.(我不明白支持他论据的是什么逻辑。)
I had to concede the logic of this.(我得承认这件事情有它的逻辑。)
Many of these researchers study evolution and natural adaptation instead of formal logic and conventional computer programs.(这些研究人员中许多都研究进化和自然适应,而不是形式逻辑和传统的计算机程序。)
You arrived at your conclusion using the methods of formal logic.(你这个结论是按照形式逻辑的方法推论出来的。)
Asked why, he explained, with admirable logic , that the rain would damage the hat, but his hair would be none the worse for its wetting.(当被问到为什么时,他以令人钦佩的逻辑解释说,雨水会损坏帽子,而头发淋一下却也无伤大雅。)
Adjust the detailed layout, format, logic, and SID based on the documented form spreadsheet.(根据文档记录的表单电子表格调整具体的布局、格式、逻辑和SID。)
I don't follow the logic of your argument.(我不理解你观点的逻辑。)
She was having difficulty following his perverted logic.(她很难理解他那反常的逻辑。)
Everyone, according to the logic of Areopagitica, has the potential to assume the inner authority of conscience and self-discipline.(根据《论出版自由》的逻辑,每个人都有潜力承担良心和自律的内在权威。)