Based on the current laws of our country, it concludes the meaning of lien as well as lien on Marine goods.(从我国现行法律规定出发,揭示了留置权的含义并归纳出海运货物留置权的概念。)
The gunshot wound to Lien Chan's son's right temple is not believed to be life-threatening, the report said.(报道说,连战儿子右太阳穴的枪伤并不威胁生命。)
"The parents hope their children could learn more about the creams of the Chinese culture," Lien said.(连说,家长们都希望他们的孩子可以学习到更多中国文化的精髓。)
A lien against the property is granted to secure an obligation.(准予对财产拥有留置权以保证义务之履行。)
Bizarrely, it has not been determined whether the gunman intended to harm Mr Lien or to settle a dispute with the candidate.(更为奇怪的是,目前还不能确定开枪男子是否想伤害连胜文,以及是否与参选者有个人恩怨。)
The coincidence between mortgage and lien is caused due to same property which become object of the different legal relationship.(抵押权与留置权的竞合是由同一财产成为不同法律关系的客体造成。)
So the Lien Foundation, a charity, commissioned the Economist Intelligence Unit, our sister company, to devise a ranking of end-of-life care.(因此,连氏基金会委托本刊姊妹公司——经济学人智库策划一项善终服务(临终关怀)排名的调查。)
The creditors could Sue or place a lien on a cardholder's house.(债权人可以上诉或者扣押持卡人的房子。)
The modes of guaranty as provided by this Law are suretyship, mortgage, pledge, lien and deposit.(本法规定的担保方式为保证、抵押、质押、留置和定金。)
Such lien can be obtained by express regulations or rules of law and express agreement between contractual parties.(该等留置权可以通过法律的明文规定以及合同当事人间的明示约定而获得。)