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  • 词典解释ezJ中文字网

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  • 裸体的,赤裸裸的,裸露的,暴露的,光身的,不穿衣服的
  • 无掩饰的,无遮蔽的,无覆盖的,无罩的
  • 未加陈设的
  • 无...的
  • 原原本本的,坦白的
  • 无证据的
  • 无保证的
  • 缺乏保护,无力自卫
  • 光秃秃的,无叶的
  • 裸露的 not covered by clothes
  • 赤裸裸的,无遮蔽的 not covered by the usual covering
  • [A]不加掩饰的,坦白的,明显的 not hidden or made less clear; plain to see and perhaps shocking

一. 裸露的;赤身裸体的
Someone who is naked is not wearing any clothes.ezJ中文字网

e.g. Her naked body was found wrapped in a sheet in a field...
e.g. The hot paving stones scorched my naked feet...

He had pulled the blanket over his body to hide his nakedness.

二. (动物)没有皮毛的,没有羽毛的
If an animal or part of an animal is naked, it has no fur or feathers on it.ezJ中文字网

e.g. The nest contained eight little mice that were naked and blind.

三. 赤手空拳的;无防备的
If you say that someone is naked or feels naked, you mean they are powerless or have no way of protecting themselves.ezJ中文字网


e.g. If the reports are accurate, the deal leaves the authorities and the President virtually naked.
e.g. ...Bevan's appeal against going 'naked into the conference chamber'.

四. 无遮蔽的;无覆盖的
You can describe an object as naked when it does not have its normal covering.ezJ中文字网


e.g. ...a naked bulb dangling in a bare room...
e.g. The water was heated by a naked gas flame.

五. (情感)明显的,直率的
Naked emotions are easy to recognize, because they are very strongly felt.ezJ中文字网


e.g. The naked hatred in the woman's face shocked me...
e.g. There had been naked misery in her voice when she'd spoken about the letter.

She was embarrassed at showing her fear so nakedly.
她对于如此直接地表露了自己的惧怕 感到尴尬不已。

六. 公然的;赤裸裸的
You can use naked to describe unpleasant or violent actions and behaviour which are not disguised or hidden in any way.ezJ中文字网

e.g. Naked aggression and an attempt to change frontiers by force could not go unchallenged.
e.g. ...violence and the naked pursuit of power.

七. (观察时)用肉眼,用裸眼
If you say that something cannot be seen by the naked eye, you mean that it cannot be seen without the help of equipment such as a telescope or microscope.ezJ中文字网

e.g. The worms cannot be seen by the naked eye...
e.g. The planet Mars will be visible to the naked eye all week...

一. naked的近义词ezJ中文字网

一. 赤裸裸:下文要着重介绍的<>(Vera Drake)的导演迈克李(Mike Leigh)这段时期在戛纳的经历和上述导演也差不多:<>(Naked)和<>(Secrets & Lies)在戛纳获得大奖后,他在戛纳就一直被奉为上宾.ezJ中文字网

  • 常用例句ezJ中文字网

  • 词汇搭配ezJ中文字网

  • 经典引文ezJ中文字网

  • Naked bathing is not allowed to this beach.
  • To the east of our school, there's a naked hillside.
  • This is the naked truth.
  • The star is not visible to the naked eye.
用作形容词 (adj.)
  • naked eye肉眼
  • naked fists赤手空拳
  • naked sword出鞘的剑
  • naked tree光秃秃的树
  • go〔walk 〕 around naked光着身子走动〔到处走〕
  • naked of rings没戴戒指
  • naked to injury易受伤害的
  • naked to the waist光着上身,赤膊
  • His naked foot was dyed with red.ezJ中文字网

    出自:Sir W. Scott
  • A child naked except for a..necklace round the waist.ezJ中文字网

    出自:G. Greene
  • He stripped naked and spread his clothing in the sun.ezJ中文字网

    出自:W. Golding
  • 词义讲解ezJ中文字网

  • 词源解说ezJ中文字网

naked, bare, nude, uncovered
  • 这组词都可表示“裸体的”“裸露的”。
  • 一.bare修饰人时指身体的某一部分裸露; naked修饰人时,指全身裸体的,连眼镜等都不戴的; nude修饰人时,意思是“全裸的”,尤指广告女郎、模特儿,是naked的委婉语; uncovered指人时,意为“不戴帽子的”。
  • 二.bare修饰物时指“没有遮蔽的”“没有装饰的”; naked修饰物时,指不必掩盖、遮盖的; uncovered多指无覆盖物的。
    • ☆ 直接源自古英语的nacod,意为赤裸的。
    • 近义词ezJ中文字网

    • 反义词ezJ中文字网

    • 临近词ezJ中文字网

    • simple
    • bare
    • plain
    • evident
    • exposed
    • covered
    • clothed
    • naivety
    • naked oat
    • nakedly
    • NAM
    • naked ape
    • nakedize
    • naked of
    • naked bud
    • naked DNA
    • naked bulb
    • nakedness
    • naked eye
    He still felt naked and drained after his ordeal.(经历了这场磨难之后,他仍然感到无法自卫,而且筋疲力尽。)
    It is a naked electron and is a sodium positive ion.(它是个裸电子,是钠正离子。)
    What appears to the naked eye to be glowing is actually a superposition of different lines of distinct frequency. So, this is quantized.(出现在肉眼面前的光亮,事实上是频率不同的光线的叠加。所以,这是量子化的。)
    Most stars are not visible to the naked eye.(大多数星星肉眼看不见。)
    Caroline was very much a prude. She wouldn't let me see her naked.(卡罗琳是个过于一本正经的人。她不肯让我看到她的裸体。)
    They carry tomahawks and knives, and their naked bodies gleam with paint and oil.(他们扛着战斧和刀,赤裸的身体上涂满了颜料和油,熠熠生光。)
    He was stripped naked and left in a cell.(他被扒得一丝不挂,丢在一间牢房里。)
    The seed's chances of survival are greatly enhanced over those of the naked spore.(种子的存活率大大高于裸孢子的存活率。)
    The nest contained eight little mice that were naked and blind.(这窝里有八只小老鼠,没毛也看不见东西。)
    Usually there is only one or two a year bright enough to be seen with the naked eye.(通常,一年只有一到两颗明亮得肉眼都能看见的彗星。)