
  • 英英释义geE中文字网

  • 词典解释geE中文字网

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一. an unsteady uneven gaitgeE中文字网

Synonym: stumblestaggergeE中文字网

二. the act of moving forward suddenlygeE中文字网

Synonym: lungegeE中文字网

三. abrupt up-and-down motion (as caused by a ship or other conveyance)geE中文字网

e.g. the pitching and tossing was quite excitinggeE中文字网

Synonym: pitchpitchinggeE中文字网

四. a decisive defeat in a game (especially in cribbage)geE中文字网


一. defeat by a lurchgeE中文字网

Synonym: skunkgeE中文字网

二. move abruptlygeE中文字网

e.g. The ship suddenly lurched to the leftgeE中文字网

Synonym: pitchshiftgeE中文字网

三. walk as if unable to control one's movementsgeE中文字网

e.g. The drunken man staggered into the roomgeE中文字网

Synonym: staggerreelkeelswagcareengeE中文字网

四. move slowly and unsteadilygeE中文字网

e.g. The truck lurched down the roadgeE中文字网

五. loiter about, with no apparent aimgeE中文字网

Synonym: prowlgeE中文字网

一. (尤指向前)忽然一蹿,忽然急动
To lurch means to make a sudden movement, especially forwards, in an uncontrolled way.geE中文字网

e.g. As the car sped over a pothole she lurched forward...
e.g. Henry looked, stared, and lurched to his feet...

二. (在不同的行动、态度之间)左冲右撞,摇摆不定
If you say that a person or organization lurches from one thing to another, you mean they move suddenly from one course of action or attitude to another in an uncontrolled way.geE中文字网


e.g. The state government has lurched from one budget crisis to another...
e.g. The first round of multilateral trade talks has lurched between hope and despair.

三. 弃…于危难之中;对…坐视不救
If someone leaves you in the lurch, they go away or stop helping you at a very difficult time.geE中文字网

e.g. You wouldn't leave an old friend in the lurch, surely?

一. geE中文字网

一. 倾斜:lurch 东歪西斜地前进;忽然向一侧倾斜 | lurch 倾斜 | lurching heeling moment 急牵横倾力矩geE中文字网

二. 急倾:lupeose 羽扇糖 | lurch 急倾 | lure 诱惑geE中文字网

三. 举步蹒跚:lumber蹒跚而行 | lurch举步蹒跚 | magnificent高尚的,ageE中文字网

四. lurch的解释geE中文字网

四. [船]突倾侧:润滑剂 lubricant | [船]突倾侧 lurch | 系索环 lacing grommetgeE中文字网

  • 经典引文geE中文字网

  • Every lurch..sent a spasm of agonizing pain coursing through his body.geE中文字网

    出自:M. Scammell
  • A lurch of panic as he realises he may be about to hear her voice.geE中文字网

    出自:K. Waterhouse
  • The car lurched and bumped in the great gaps.geE中文字网

    出自:D. H. Lawrence
  • Halliday was..lurching unsteadily in my direction, bottle in one hand and glass in the other.geE中文字网

    出自:A. MacLean
  • In the fickle fashion of the very drunk, they lurched away into the night.geE中文字网

    出自:P. L. Fermor
  • The boat lurched dangerously in the rocky inlet.geE中文字网

    出自:J. Fuller
  • 近义词geE中文字网

  • 临近词geE中文字网

  • falter动摇
  • wallow打滚
  • topple使倒塌
  • reel卷
  • stumble绊倒
  • list目录
  • stammer口吃
  • pitching[棒球]投掷
  • careen(船)倾斜
  • tumble暴跌
  • motion移动
  • rock岩石
  • swing摇摆
  • heave用力举起
  • prowl潜行以觅食
  • pitch球场
  • sway摇动
  • totter蹒跚
  • listing名单
  • tip小费
  • stagger蹒跚
  • shift移动
  • wobble摆动
  • roll卷
  • keel(船的)龙骨
  • swag赃物
  • lunge刺
  • skunk臭鼬
  • tilt(使)倾斜
  • toss投掷
  • lurch along
  • lure
  • lurching allowance
  • lurching
  • Lurchielli
  • lurcher
  • lupus
  • lurching of locomotive
After the third lash the cart gave a lurch, after the fourth, it moved forward.(第三鞭后,马车开始踉跄。第四鞭后,它往前挪了。)
To test my hunch, I did a sudden lurch into the Spiderhead.(为了验证我的预感,我一推门闯进了“蜘蛛头”里。)
The car took a lurch forward.(汽车一个趔趄,向前冲去。)
The temptation is to sell now, before the next lurch down.(人们现在就想在市场下跌前抛售。)
His heart gave a lurch when he saw her.(他见到她时心怦然一跳。)
Frequent OS updates mean frequent app updates, leaving some users in the lurch when their apps no longer work as expected.(频繁的操作系统更新也意味着频繁的应用更新,这可能让某些用户困扰,因为它们的应用不再正常工作。)
We seem to lurch from crisis to crisis.(我们似乎要经历一次又一次的危机。)
It's understandable we might feel used when we're left in the lurch by a partner who is gone.(当一个人离开、把我们孤零零一个人丢下,这种被利用的感觉是可以理解的。)
There are some solid underlying reasons for the upward lurch in the price of raw sugar.(粗糖价格骤然上涨有其深层次的合理原因。)
How will regulators prevent another sudden lurch downward?(监管机构如何预防股市下次忽然崩盘?)