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一. an entrance equipped with a hatch
especially a passageway between decks of a shiphji中文字网

Synonym: hatchwayopeninghji中文字网

二. container for coal
shaped to permit pouring the coal onto the firehji中文字网

Synonym: coal scuttlehji中文字网


一. to move about or proceed hurriedlyhji中文字网

e.g. so terrified by the extraordinary ebbing of the sea that they scurried to higher groundhji中文字网

Synonym: scurryscamperskitterhji中文字网

一. 碎步疾跑;急赶;疾走
When people or small animals scuttle somewhere, they run there with short quick steps.hji中文字网

e.g. Two very small children scuttled away in front of them...
e.g. Crabs scuttle along the muddy bank.

二. 破坏;使成泡影;使中止
To scuttle a plan or a proposal means to make it fail or cause it to stop.hji中文字网


e.g. Such threats could scuttle the peace conference.

三. 凿沉(船)
To scuttle a ship means to sink it deliberately by making holes in the bottom.hji中文字网


e.g. He personally had received orders from Commander Lehmann to scuttle the ship.

四. 同 coal scuttle
A scuttle is the same as a coal scuttle .hji中文字网



一. scuttle的近义词hji中文字网

一. 舷窗:白劳易虽然是鼎鼎大名的英国舰只工程师槐德(WilliamHenryWhite)的学生,他设计的三景舰采的却是道地的法式外型:线条明显的舰壳内倾(tumblehome)、副炮和辅助炮械分置两舷、舷窗(scuttle)又大又方、近水线处设吊杆以备张挂防鱼雷网.hji中文字网

二. scuttlehji中文字网

二. 小舱口:screw, propeller 推进器,螺旋桨 | scuttle 小舱口 | starboard 右舷hji中文字网

三. 天窗:scuttle 沉船口 | scuttle 天窗 | scuttle 舷窗;小舱口;船底孔洞;天窗hji中文字网

四. 人孔;人孔盖;小舱口;煤斗:scutcher 清棉机;打麻机;开幅机 | scuttle 人孔;人孔盖;小舱口;煤斗 | Scutula 盾牙形石属hji中文字网

  • 经典引文hji中文字网

  • He scuttled away downstairs like a guilty schoolboy.hji中文字网

    出自:D. Jacobson
  • The men in my life all scuttle off into the woodwork.hji中文字网

    出自:C. McCullough
  • Sometimes the live crabs..would escape from their basket, scuttling under the bed.hji中文字网

    出自:H. Carpenter
  • The impasse over agriculture now threatens to scuttle the Uruguay Round of negotiations.hji中文字网

  • 近义词hji中文字网

  • 临近词hji中文字网

  • scoot急走
  • tear撕掉
  • hatchway舱口
  • ruin毁灭
  • spoil宠坏
  • thwart反对
  • stymie 使 ... 处于困难境...
  • scupper排水口
  • mess up混乱
  • run跑
  • dart飞镖
  • coal scuttle煤斗
  • foil钝头剑
  • destroy破坏
  • scamper蹦跳
  • opening开口
  • hasten催促
  • hustle催促
  • skitter飞掠而过
  • race赛跑
  • wreck使…失事
  • scurry小步疾走
  • dash猛冲
  • hurry匆忙
  • rush冲
  • scuttle off
  • scuttler
  • scuttle hatch
  • scut
  • scuttle hole
  • scuttle away
  • scuttle key
  • scythe
  • scuttle cover
  • scuttle blind
  • scuttlebutt
  • scuttle lid
All this scuttle butt was laughed off as nonsense.(这些小道消息被当作一派胡言而一笑置之。)
Torsional rigidity is vital to minimise the scuttle shake associated with most convertible cars and to help maintain the car's dynamic composure.(对于大多数敞篷车,扭转刚性对减小风挡振动和保持动态稳定性特别重要。)
I have heard here that we British are planning to scuttle Roundup.(我在这里听说我们英国人正在着手破坏“围捕”计划。)
Speaking of Rudy: Scuttle is that on the bus there is open talk coming loss.(鲁迪说:该是打开天窗来谈谈就到来的损失了。)
Twice he brought in his walking stick, and once he brought in the coal scuttle.(有两次他把他的拐杖带进去,而有一次他带进去一个媒斗。)
As I picked up the second scuttle by the handles and tried to shovel the coke up off the floor, the mountain began to move.(当我握住第二个煤斗的把柄,并尽力将焦炭从地上铲起来时,这座煤山开始移动起来。)
The cute animals scuttle from one side of the road to the other and pop out of drains in order to avoid being hit by traffic.(这些可爱的小动物从马路的一头飞跑到另一头,再从排水道钻出来,以免被过路的车撞到。)
An adversarial or uncooperative attitude can easily scuttle any positive results and plunge the discussion into pointless hostility.(对抗或不合作的态度可以很容易地破坏任何积极的结果,并投入到毫无意义的带有敌意的讨论。)
But if they scuttle Mr Obama's nominee, he will simply name another.(但如果他们把奥巴马的候选名单刷下,那奥巴马只是简单地换名字就可以了。)
Syngenta's board said at the time that Monsanto's bid did not account for the risk that regulators would scuttle the deal.(当时先正达的董事会表示,孟山都的收购要约没有考虑监管机构否决交易的风险。)