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  • 词典解释SJx中文字网

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  • 海的,海上的
  • 海事的,海运的,航海的
  • 海产的,海生的,生在海中的
  • 海军(陆战队)的
  • 船舶的,船用的,海船的,货船的
  • 海相的
  • 海成的
  • 海运业
  • 船舶,船队
  • 海军陆战队士兵、队员
  • 舰队
  • 空瓶
  • 地勤海军(部)
  • 海事
  • 海画,海景
  • 新水兵
  • 海生
  • 海洋
  • 海相
  • 海的,海产的,海生的 of, near, found in or produced by the sea
  • 海军的 of the navy
  • 海事的,海运的 of ships, sea-trade
  • [C]水兵; 海军陆战队士兵 a soldier who serves on a naval ship, especially a member of the Royal Marines or the Marine Corps


一. a soldier who serves both on shipboard and on landSJx中文字网


一. native to or inhabiting the seaSJx中文字网

e.g. marine plants and animals such as seaweed and whalesSJx中文字网

二. relating to or characteristic of or occurring on or in the seaSJx中文字网

三. of or relating to the seaSJx中文字网

e.g. marine explorationsSJx中文字网

四. of or relating to military personnel who serve both on land and at sea (specifically the U.S. Marine Corps)SJx中文字网

e.g. marine barracksSJx中文字网

五. relating to or involving ships or shipping or navigation or seamenSJx中文字网

e.g. nautical charts
maritime law
marine insuranceSJx中文字网

Synonym: nauticalmaritimeSJx中文字网

一. 水兵;海军陆战队士兵
A marine is a member of an armed force, for example the US Marine Corps or the Royal Marines, who is specially trained for military duties at sea as well as on land.SJx中文字网



二. 海洋的;海生的;海产的
Marine is used to describe things relating to the sea or to the animals and plants that live in the sea.SJx中文字网


e.g. ...breeding grounds for marine life.
e.g. ...research in marine biology.

三. 海船的;海运的;海事的
Marine is used to describe things relating to ships and their movement at sea.SJx中文字网

e.g. ...a solicitor specialising in marine law.
e.g. ...marine insurance claims.

一. 海军陆战队员:虽然没有受过良好教育,也没有人知道他真正的名字. 但,这似乎并不重要了. ________________________________________队员:海军陆战队员(Marine)人物简介:擅长三种技能:划船、潜水、喝酒. 似乎与水有关的他都可以应付自如.SJx中文字网

二. SJx中文字网

二. 机枪兵:他们具有更多独特的技能,而且将会更加新颖地结合到单人游戏战役中<>保留一些<>的兵种与建筑,如虫族的异形虫(小狗)(Zergling),人族的海军陆战队(机枪兵)(Marine)和神族的狂战士(Zealot)一些兵种被给了新的技能,SJx中文字网

三. 陆战队:一、游戏的技巧(Gamepay Tips) 海军陆战队(MARINE) 使用运动追综器(Motion Tracker)识别目标. 不要靠近异形. 异形体内的酸液对人类的毒性很大 使用肩扛灯(Shouder amp)和照明弹(Fares)照亮前方的路. 不要总是靠图像增强器(Image Intensifier),这样会在最需要的紧急关SJx中文字网

四. marine的翻译SJx中文字网

四. 海洋:来自于蓝色(blue)和海洋(marine)的BIumarine,每季的服装都充满了瑰丽的色彩,浪漫又飘逸,让女人风情万种. Ann£M零finari在Blumarine中充分地展现了针织品的特性,柔软、舒适、且女性化,而丝绸、雪纺这类轻盈、略带透明的材质,SJx中文字网

  • 常用例句SJx中文字网

  • 词汇搭配SJx中文字网

  • 经典引文SJx中文字网

  • He is a marine painter.
  • There are lots of marine mammals such as whales and seals in the sea.
  • The rocks are covered by marine plants.
  • Taiwan is abundant with marine products.
  • I want to buy a piece of marine soap.
  • He was a soldier of Marine Corps.
  • The new marine law will be carried out.
  • The animal is marine.
用作形容词 (adj.)
  • marine barometer船用晴雨表
  • marine belt领海
  • marine biologist海洋生物学家
  • marine bureau航务局
  • marine cable海底电缆
  • marine chart航海图
  • M- Corps海军陆战队
  • marine court海事法庭
  • marine insurance海上保险
  • marine laboratory水产讲习所
  • marine policy海上保险单
  • marine store船具店
  • marine products海产品
用作名词 (n.)
  • the blue〔red〕 marines海军陆战队炮兵〔步兵〕
  • A commission in the marines.SJx中文字网

    出自:W. Cruise
  • The destroyer Anthony landed 五零 marines.SJx中文字网

    出自:D. A. Thomas
  • 词源解说SJx中文字网

  • ☆ 一五世纪初期进入英语,直接源自古法语的marin,意为海的,海洋的。
  • 近义词SJx中文字网

  • 临近词SJx中文字网

  • oceanic
  • naval
  • Marines
  • Marinette
  • Marine MT
  • Marinez
  • Marinete
  • Marineau
  • Marinello
  • mariner
  • Marineanu
  • marinate
  • Marinel
  • Marinetti
That's exactly what marine biologists have discovered the melon.(这正是海洋生物学家们关于鼻疣的发现。)
One lesson is to avoid unbalancing the marine environment.(一个教训就是要避免海洋环境失去平衡。)
These natural salt marshes are among the most productive habitats in the marine environment.(这些天然盐沼是海洋环境中最有生产力的栖息地之一。)
The new marine reserve, now the largest in the Pacific, will permit no fishing or mining.(新的海洋保护区是目前太平洋中最大的保护区,这里不允许进行捕鱼或采矿。)
I am supposed to pick up a packet from the regional center for marine research.(我应该去海洋研究中心拿一个包裹。)
Indeed, unaltered shells of marine invertebrates are known from deposits over 一零零 million years old.(事实上,海洋无脊椎动物不变的外壳是通过一亿年前的沉积物发现的。)
Extinct but already fully marine cetaceans are known from the fossil record.(从化石记录中可以了解到一些已经灭绝、但已经完全变成海洋生物的鲸目动物。)
Sediment above and below the gypsum layer contained tiny marine fossils, indicating open-ocean conditions.(在石膏层上方和下方的沉积物中含有许多小型海洋生物化石,这表明这里的海洋环境很开放。)
Marine construction technology like this is very complex, somewhat analogous to trying to build a bridge under water.(像这样的海洋建筑技术非常复杂,有些类似于尝试在水下建筑一座桥。)
Listen to part of a lecture in a Marine Biology class.(请听海洋生物学课上的部分内容。)