
  • 详情解释ebd中文字网

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  • 词典解释ebd中文字网

  • 网络解释ebd中文字网

  • 椭圆形
  • 长方形
  • 矩形
  • 椭圆形的
  • 长方形的
  • 矩形的
  • 椭圆体的
  • 拉长的
  • 长圆形的



一. a plane figure that deviates from a square or circle due to elongationebd中文字网



一. deviating from a square or circle or sphere by being elongated in one directionebd中文字网

二. (of a leaf shape) having a somewhat elongated form with approximately parallel sidesebd中文字网

一. 长方形;矩形
An oblong is a shape which has two long sides and two short sides and in which all the angles are right angles.ebd中文字网


e.g. ...an oblong table.

一. 长椭圆形:长芒扁雀麦小穗外稃具长於 五mm的长芒,大扁雀麦外稃则无芒或具 五mm以下短芒;此外,长芒扁雀麦的小穗为长椭圆形(oblong),与小穗椭圆形(ellipse)的大扁雀麦不同(Jung et al., 二零零六a) ,利用前述特徵可与其他雀麦属植物加以区分.ebd中文字网

二. 椭圆形:U代表过孔非金属化(Unplated)OBL 代表焊盘外形为椭圆形(Oblong)U代表过孔非金属化(Unplated)OBL 代表焊盘外形为椭圆形(Oblong)ebd中文字网

三. 长方形的:obliterate 消灭,擦掉 | oblong 长方形的 | obnoxious 可憎,令人讨厌的ebd中文字网

四. oblongebd中文字网

四. 长方形:oblivious 遗忘的 | oblong 长方形 | obloquy 漫骂ebd中文字网

  • 临近词ebd中文字网

  • oblongly
  • oblongish
  • obloquy
  • oblongness
  • Oblonga
  • oblivious
  • oblongata
  • oblong pad
  • Oblongae
  • oblongus
  • oblongatal
  • oblongum
He looked out across the narrow oblong, noting the height of rocks on either side.(他眺望着对面一块狭长地带,打量着两边岩石的高度。)
It was an oblong wire cage with a handle on top for carrying it by.(那是一只椭圆形的铁笼子,上面有个把手可以提起来。)
Draw an oblong ellipse.(制定一个椭圆形椭圆形。)
I prefer oblong dining tables to round ones.(我较喜欢长方形餐桌,而不喜欢圆形的。)
They are larger and more oblong than round in shape.(他们是更大,更比圆形椭圆形。)
Basal leaf blade oblong, base not cordate.(基生叶长圆形,基部不心形。)
Qualified tomatoes may come in one of four varieties: round, ribbed, oblong or elongated and cocktail tomatoes.(合格的西红柿包括四大品种:圆形、伞拱形、椭圆形或细长形的,以及鸡尾酒西红柿。)
American blackberry with oblong black fruit.(一种结黑色长方形果实的美洲黑莓。)
A little oblong packet, enveloped in blue paper, fell from one of the pockets of the greatcoat.(一个长方形蓝纸包从那厚大衣的一只衣袋里掉了出来。)
The image clearly shows that Prometheus is not round, but instead has an oblong, potato-like shape.(这张照片清晰的指出土卫十六并不是圆的,而是类似于土豆的椭圆状。)