
  • 详情解释aqZ中文字网

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  • 英英释义aqZ中文字网

  • 词典解释aqZ中文字网

  • 网络解释aqZ中文字网

  • 边的,边缘的,边际的
  • 不重要的
  • 小的,微小的,微不足道的
  • 页边的,写在页边空白处的
  • 栏外的,记在栏外的
  • 边境的
  • 最低限度的
  • 临界的,限界的
  • 非主体的
  • 以相差无几的票数获胜的
  • 有旁注的
  • 边缘席位
  • 边际
  • [A](印或记)在页边的 (printed or written) on or in the margin on a page
  • 不重要的,微小的,少量的 small in importance or amount
  • 仅以微弱多数票获胜的 that is won by only a small majority of votes



一. at or constituting a border or edgeaqZ中文字网

e.g. the marginal strip of beachaqZ中文字网

Synonym: fringyaqZ中文字网

二. of questionable or minimal qualityaqZ中文字网

e.g. borderline grades
marginal writing abilityaqZ中文字网

Synonym: borderlineaqZ中文字网

三. producing at a rate that barely covers production costsaqZ中文字网

e.g. marginal industriesaqZ中文字网

四. just barely adequate or within a lower limitaqZ中文字网

e.g. a bare majority
a marginal victoryaqZ中文字网

Synonym: bare(a)aqZ中文字网

一. (事情)微小的,不重要的
If you describe something as marginal, you mean that it is small or not very important.aqZ中文字网

e.g. This is a marginal improvement on October...
e.g. The role of the opposition party proved marginal.

二. (人)非主流的,边缘的
If you describe people as marginal, you mean that they are not involved in the main events or developments in society because they are poor or have no power.aqZ中文字网

e.g. The tribunals were established for the well-integrated members of society and not for marginal individuals...
e.g. I don't want to call him marginal, but he's not a major character.

三. (席位或选区)边缘的,以相差无几的票数获胜(或失败)的
In political elections, a marginal seat or constituency is one which is usually won or lost by only a few votes, and is therefore of great interest to politicians and journalists.aqZ中文字网

e.g. ...the views of voters in five marginal seats.

四. (活动、花费、税项等)边际的,边缘的
Marginal activities, costs, or taxes are not the main part of a business or an economic system, but often make the difference between its success or failure, and are therefore important to control.aqZ中文字网

e.g. The analysts applaud the cuts in marginal businesses, but insist the company must make deeper sacrifices...
e.g. For low-paid workers, the marginal tax rate is at least 七五%.

五. (土地)贫瘠的
Marginal land is not very good for growing crops or grass for animals.aqZ中文字网

e.g. The poor are forced to farm in more marginal lands higher up the mountains.
e.g. ...helping farmers, so they do not have to exploit marginal lands.

一. 边缘的:即发香鳞(androconia)所组成的区域,在某些物种的雄蝶身上会发现. 背部(Dorsum)翅膀的末缘. 眼点(Eyespot)或单眼(Ocelli):似哺乳动物眼睛的斑点. 此一名词亦可被用来单纯地指眼睛. 末端的(Terminal)和边缘的(marginal):沿着边缘的.aqZ中文字网

二. marginalaqZ中文字网

二. 缘的:即发香鳞(androconia)所组成的区域,在某些物种的雄蝶身上会发现. 背部(Dorsum)翅膀的末缘. 眼点(Eyespot)或单眼(Ocelli):似哺乳动物眼睛的斑点. 此一名词亦可被用来单纯地指眼睛. 末端的(Terminal)和边缘的(marginal):沿著边缘的.aqZ中文字网

  • 常用例句aqZ中文字网

  • 词汇搭配aqZ中文字网

  • 经典引文aqZ中文字网

  • The marginal illustration is very interesting.
  • The new law will have only a marginal effect on the lives of most people.
  • He won the most marginal seat by only two votes.
用作形容词 (adj.)
  • marginal difference不重要的区别
  • marginal manuscript有旁注的手稿
  • marginal seat边缘席位
  • marginal data图例说明
  • marginal notes旁注
  • marginal people边远地区的人们
  • marginal stability临界稳定性
  • marginal subsistence起码的生活
  • The earliest books left spaces for..marginal decorations.aqZ中文字网

    出自:J. Hutchinson
  • 词语用法aqZ中文字网

  • marginal作“(印或记)在页边的”“仅以微弱多数票获胜的”解时,没有比较等级。
  • 近义词aqZ中文字网

  • 反义词aqZ中文字网

  • 临近词aqZ中文字网

  • small
  • low
  • slight
  • minor
  • borderline
  • central
  • core
  • marginalise
  • marginalize
  • Marian
  • marginalis
  • marginalist
  • marginality
  • marginalism
  • marginally
  • marginalia
  • Marginal fit
  • margin
  • marginalin
For other, more marginal languages some measures should be taken.(对于其他更边缘的语言,应该采取一些措施。)
Copies of many of the classical texts used by sixteenth-century teachers, including marginal notes describing the oral lessons that were based on the texts, can be found in museums today.(在如今的博物馆里可以找到十六世纪教师使用的许多经典文本的副本,包括描述基于文本的口语课程的旁注。)
High marginal tax rates may act as a disincentive to working longer hours.(边际税率过高也许会抑制加班时间。)
The dangerous type chronic otitis media occurs with pars flaccida and marginal perforations.(慢性中耳炎的危险型可出现鼓膜松弛部的穿孔和鼓膜边缘性穿孔。)
Marginal convenience in your layout code is not a necessity.(布局代码中的窗口一侧的便捷工具不是必需的。)
The term is known as marginal revenue.(被称为边际收益。)
The other alternatives are attractive in theory but in practice are either impractical or offer only marginal improvements.(其他替代方案在理论上很有吸引力,但在实践中要么不切实际,要么只能提供微不足道的改进。)
The process of establishing a literary canon is seen by some as, in part, an attempt by certain scholars to make their own labors central and to relegate the work of others to marginal status.(在某些人看来,确立文学经典的过程,在某种程度上是某些学者把自己的工作放在中心位置,而把别人的工作放在次要地位的一种尝试。)
Marginal home loans were packaged into supposedly safe securities.(边际家庭贷款被包装成自以为安全的证券。)
You can find the marginal tax brackets here.(你可以在这里找到税率等级。)