
  • 详情解释Ptw中文字网

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  • 词典解释Ptw中文字网

  • 网络解释Ptw中文字网

  • 反之
  • 然而
  • 鉴于
  • 尽管
  • 但是
  • 有鉴于
  • 其实
  • 反过来
  • 鉴于(法律用语)
  • 既然
  • 以“whereas”开头的公文
  • 但是,而 but

一. (表示对比)但是,然而
You use whereas to introduce a comment which contrasts with what is said in the main clause.Ptw中文字网

e.g. Pensions are linked to inflation, whereas they should be linked to the cost of living...
e.g. Whereas the population of working age increased by 一 million between 一九八一 and 一九八六, today it is barely growing.

一. 而,却,反之:额外的 extra | 而,却,反之 whereas | 而不,不顾 rather thanPtw中文字网

  • 情景对话Ptw中文字网

  • 常用例句Ptw中文字网

  • 经典引文Ptw中文字网

Apply for a school-(申请学校)Ptw中文字网


A:I’m trying to decide what school to apply for.

B:Are you thinking about a public school or a private one?

A:I’m not sure. What’s the difference between them?

B:Public schools are usually state funded, whereas private schools usually get their funding elsewhere.

A:Which is better?

B:One isn’t necessarily better than the other. It depends a lot on the school administration and the teachers.


A:I hear you have to wear unifomp三s at private schools.

B:Yeah, sometimes.

  • Some praise him, whereas others condemn him.
  • Whereas the amendment is enthusiastically supported by a large majority in the Senate, its fate is doubtful in the House.
  • Individual responsibility is mentioned..four times whereas legislation is mentioned only once.Ptw中文字网

    出自:Times Educational Supplement
  • 词语用法Ptw中文字网

  • whereas是从属连词,多引导对比状语从句,含意上相当于while,但语气更强,也更正式。
  • whereas偶尔也可引导让步状语从句,这时主句和从句常有对偶关系。
  • 近义词Ptw中文字网

  • 临近词Ptw中文字网

  • the那
  • while当 ... 的时候...
  • on在 ... 之上
  • although虽然
  • even though即使
  • where在哪里
  • seeing由于
  • though虽然
  • seeing that鉴于
  • inasmuch由于
  • even平坦的
  • yet还
  • since因为
  • but但是
  • that那
  • considering 鉴于
  • because因为
  • inasmuch as 由于
  • nevertheless尽管如此
  • still静止的
  • considering that因为
  • for为
  • contrary相反的
  • forasmuch asconj 鉴于
  • as同样地
  • forasmuch 鉴于 ...
  • however然而
  • Whereas incubation time and temp.
  • whereases
  • whereby
  • whereabouts
  • whereas clause
  • whereas achieve anti-stealthy aim.
  • Whereas expressways are written as
  • whereas?conj.?
Anderson is another guy who likes a joke, whereas Carlos is pretty quiet and usually just sits and looks on, having a laugh to himself!(安德森是另一个喜欢玩笑的家伙,而卡洛斯非常安静,通常只是坐着旁观,自己笑!)
Cousteau's adventures were high-tech, with lots of fancy equipment, whereas Painlevé kind of patched equipment together as he needed it.(库斯托的冒险是高科技的,有很多花哨的设备,而佩雷弗需要的时候会把这些设备拼凑在一起。)
It is not about prosperity: Iceland--which, believe it or not, is still one of the richer countries in the world--is out, whereas Vietnam is in.(它与繁荣无关:不管信不信,冰岛——仍然处于世界上较为富有的国家之列——但是被排除在外了,而越南却包含在内。)
Whereas Les Paul's goal was to remove the distortion, later musicians wanted to produce it.(所以,虽然莱斯·保罗的目标是消除失真,后来的音乐家们却想要制造失真。)
A restaurants typical mark-up on wine is 一零零 to 一五零 percent, whereas on bottled water its often 三零零 to 五零零 percent.(一家餐馆典型的葡萄酒加价是一零零%到一五零%,而瓶装水的加价通常是三零零%到五零零%。)
Some people might argue physical fitness wins the day for the players and teams, whereas, others believe a key factor in any sports activity is mental attitude.(一些人可能会认为身体健康对运动员和球队来说是最重要的,然而,另一些人认为任何体育活动的关键因素是精神状态。)
Benefits are linked to inflation, whereas they should be linked to the cost of living.(救济金与通货膨胀联系了起来,而它们应该与生活费用挂钩。)
For example, production workers rated advancement very highly, whereas clerical workers rated advancement in the lower third of their list.(例如,生产工人的晋升评价非常高,而文书工作人员的晋升评价排在名单的后三分之一。)
Chest meat, he asserted, is too stringy, whereas the drumstick of a young chicken is delicate and easy to chew.(他认为鸡胸肉太老,而小鸡的鸡腿肉很嫩很好嚼。)
However, in ants there is no cultural transmission — everything must be encoded in the genes — whereas in humans the opposite is true.(然而,在蚂蚁身上没有文化传承——一切都必须在基因中编码——而在人类身上恰恰相反。)