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  • 词典解释v5S中文字网

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一. cook in a simmering liquidv5S中文字网

e.g. poached apricotsv5S中文字网

二. hunt illegallyv5S中文字网

e.g. people are poaching elephants for their ivoryv5S中文字网

一. (侵入他人地界)偷猎,偷捕
If someone poaches fish, animals, or birds, they illegally catch them on someone else's property.v5S中文字网

e.g. Many wildlife parks are regularly invaded by people poaching game.

Security cameras have been installed to guard against poachers.
...the poaching of elephants for their tusks.

二. 挖(其他机构的成员或顾客)
If an organization poaches members or customers from another organization, they secretly or dishonestly persuade them to join them or become their customers.v5S中文字网

e.g. The company authorised its staff to poach customers from the opposition.
e.g. ...allegations that it had poached members from other unions.

The union was accused of poaching.

三. 窃取,盗用(他人的想法)
If someone poaches an idea, they dishonestly or illegally use the idea.v5S中文字网

e.g. The opposition parties complained that the government had poached their ideas.

四. 把(鸡蛋)打入沸水中煮
When you poach an egg, you cook it gently in boiling water without its shell.v5S中文字网


e.g. Poach the eggs for 四 minutes...
e.g. He had a light breakfast of poached eggs and tea.

五. (在煮沸的水、牛奶或其他液体中)用文火煮,煨(鱼等食品)
If you poach food such as fish, you cook it gently in boiling water, milk, or other liquid.v5S中文字网


e.g. Poach the chicken until just cooked.
e.g. ...a pear poached in red wine...

You will need a pot of broth for poaching.

一. poachv5S中文字网

一. 水煮:steam 蒸 | poach 水煮 | boil 煮v5S中文字网

二. v5S中文字网

二. 偷猎(偷捕鱼):penguin企鹅 | poach偷猎(偷捕鱼) | poacher偷猎者(偷捕鱼者)v5S中文字网

三. 抢打同伴球:失误 error | 抢打同伴球 poach | 打落地球 ground strokev5S中文字网

四. 温煮:Pureed蓉,浓浆 | Poach温煮 | Cut切v5S中文字网

  • 经典引文v5S中文字网

  • The politician feels..he is poaching on the preserves of the geographer.v5S中文字网

    出自:M. E. G. Duff
  • 近义词v5S中文字网

  • 临近词v5S中文字网

  • pilfer盗
  • rob抢劫
  • thieve偷
  • rustle发出沙沙声
  • boil沸腾
  • braise蒸
  • steam蒸汽
  • plunder掠夺
  • simmer炖
  • steal偷
  • poached trout
  • poached eggs
  • poached egg
  • Po
  • poach upon
  • poach on
  • poached fish
  • poachy
  • poach for
  • poaching
  • poach an egg
  • poacher
I stole his bride. I guess it's OK to poach the florist.(我偷了他的新娘,我想把他的花商偷来应该没问题吧。)
Boil, broil, poach, steam or roast your foods.(你可以水煮、烘焙、煎煮、蒸或烤你的食物。)
They can't poach for herring form our Waters.(他们不可以在我国海域捕捞鲱鱼。)
To poach fish, you can make your own court-bouillon or simply use vegetable or chicken stock.(煮鱼时,可以自由发挥,随心配制专属自己的高汤,也可以简单一点,只放些蔬菜或鸡汤。)
Rival investment Banks are exploiting the upheaval at Morgan Stanley by trying to poach staff and clients.(投资银行竞争对手纷纷利用这次变动“挖墙角”,把目标瞄准了摩根·斯坦利的员工和客户。)
Poach the chicken until just cooked.(用文火把鸡肉煮到刚刚熟。)
When the water boils, drop the asparagus to poach.(水开后,投入芦笋汆熟。)
Some one tried to poach our market manager; she gra led with her moral dilemma.(有人企图挖走我们的市场主管,面对这种道德难题,她进行了激烈的思想斗争。)
Question. Why do we always have parties where you poach things?(我要问为什么每次开派对你都要水煮东西啊?)
Rather than using an abundance of oil they poach, ferment, smoke, and dry their foods.(他们不会用大量的油,而是用水煮、发酵、熏制和干烧来烹调食物。)