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一. the branch of science that studies magnetismwZF中文字网

Synonym: magneticswZF中文字网

二. attraction for iron
associated with electric currents as well as magnets
characterized by fields of forcewZF中文字网

Synonym: magnetic attractionmagnetic forcewZF中文字网

一. 魅力;吸引力
Someone or something that has magnetism has unusual, powerful, and exciting qualities which attract people to them.wZF中文字网

e.g. There was no doubting the animal magnetism of the man...
e.g. Later, she would describe his magnetism as irresistible.

二. 磁性;磁力
Magnetism is the natural power of some objects and substances, especially iron, to attract other objects towards them.wZF中文字网


一. 磁性:矿物晶体的磁性(Magnetism)主要是由组成矿物的元素的电子构型和磁性结构所决定的,主要分为五种. 宝玉石的热学性质(Thermal property)主要是指其矿物晶体因受热(如加热或加温等)所呈现出来的种种特性,如导热性、热电性、热膨胀性、熔点、可燃性等.wZF中文字网

二. wZF中文字网

二. 磁学:因此,结合磁学(magnetism)与电子学(electronics)两大领域的自旋电子学以及自旋电子元件的应用,将是未来研究发展的主流之一. 目前,相当热门的半导体自旋电子学领域中,很重要的议题就是磁电子学(magneto-electronics),wZF中文字网

三. wZF中文字网

三. 磁力,磁性:magnetic water therapy apparatus 磁处理水治疗器 | magnetism 磁力,磁性 | magnetism apparatus 磁疗机wZF中文字网

  • 经典引文wZF中文字网

  • A blue flame..being usually bent by the earth's magnetism.wZF中文字网

    出自:J. Tyndall
  • 近义词wZF中文字网

  • 临近词wZF中文字网

  • magic魔法
  • sex性别
  • magnetics磁学
  • fascination魅力
  • mystique神秘
  • appeal恳求;呼吁
  • mesmerism催眠术
  • enticement诱人
  • allure诱惑
  • magnetic attraction磁吸引,磁引力...
  • pull拉
  • invitation邀请
  • attraction吸引
  • magnetic force[物]磁力
  • charm魅力
  • draw拖
  • charisma非凡的领导力...
  • magnificent
  • magnetism loss
  • magnetism grind
  • magnetism film
  • magnetism signal
  • magnetism chain
  • magnetism switch
  • magnetism sensor
  • magnetic
  • magnetism fiber
  • Magnetisms datum
  • Magnetism mark
ELECTRICITY and magnetism are two sides of the same coin.(电和磁是一枚硬币的两面。)
And why his magnetism had never made him successful on the London stage was always a mystery to me.(但凭着那样的魅力,他竟一直没在伦敦舞台红起来,其中道理我是猜不透的。)
It is not yet understood how turtles detect magnetism, nor exactly how they derive a navigational map from it.(人们对海龟如何探测磁场还不理解,对于它们怎样从磁场获得导航图也不能做出正确解释。)
She exudes sexual magnetism.(她洋溢着女性的魅力。)
Other areas under investigation include magnetism, landmarks, coastlines, sonar, and even smells.(其他正在调查的领域包括磁性、地标、海岸线、声纳甚至气味。)
This approach USES fluorescence instead of magnetism to image samples.(该方法利用的是荧光而非影像样本的磁性。)
Unfortunately, we cannot count on that magnetism to last.(很遗憾,我们不能继续指望那块磁石的吸引力了。)
In magnetism. The diamagnetic materials. Right.(在磁学中抗磁材料,好。)
Multiferroic materials possess both magnetism and ferroelectricity, or a permanent electric polarization.(多铁性材料兼具磁性和铁电性,或者可以说成是永久电力极化特性。)
We think of magnetism as a molecular phenomenon.(我们认为电磁是一种分子现象。)