Posses and vigilantes, online and off, mete out rough justice, at best. That is no substitute for the real thing.(是现实中的治安队和自发治安队组织,充其量都只算行侠仗义。真正的公正是没有替代品的。)
Otherwise, they might mete out their own revenge. That may worry those who believe that reforming the criminal should be the main goal of sentencing policy.(另外,受害者可能会给出自己的报复,这种情况可能会使那些相信审判措施的主要目的应是改造罪犯的人感到忧虑。)
It may make it more difficult for defendants and their boards to mete out punishments.(对被告银行及其的董事的量刑将更加困难。)
But continuum extrusion molding can reduce the mete of using water, reduce flotsam, carry out automatism, improve production and ensure the quality.(而连续挤压成型能实现石膏基墙板生产自动化,减少用水量,减少废料,提高生产效率,保证品质。)
He often mete out generous treatment to those he defeated.(对手下败将他通常很宽宏大量。)
Zheng Junfang, Alibaba's chief platform governance officer, said: "We want to mete out to counterfeiters the punishment they deserve in order to protect brand owners."(阿里巴巴首席平台治理官郑俊芳称,“为了保护品牌所有者,我们想对售假者予以他们应当承受的惩罚。)
An algorithm will mete out the offers by weighing customers' past purchases and geographic locations.(分配订单的算法结合了客户的购物历史和地理位置。)
And when they did mete it with an omer, he that gathered much had nothing over, and he that gathered little had no lack; they gathered every man according to his eating.(及至用俄梅珥量一量,多收的也没有馀,少收的也没有缺,各人按着自己的饭量收取。)
Duly mete out rewards and punishments.(有赏有罚。)
The judgment call has sounded and line you must before Him, to mete your fate that you did earn.(审判的呼声已经被闻声,你们必须在“他”面前站成一排,分配给你们挣得的命运。)