
  • 英英释义PCf中文字网

  • 词典解释PCf中文字网

  • 网络解释PCf中文字网



一. vary the frequency, amplitude, phase, or other characteristic of (electromagnetic waves)PCf中文字网

二. adjust the pitch, tone, or volume ofPCf中文字网

三. fix or adjust the time, amount, degree, or rate ofPCf中文字网

e.g. regulate the temperature
modulate the pitchPCf中文字网

Synonym: regulatePCf中文字网

四. vary the pitch of one's speechPCf中文字网

Synonym: toneinflectPCf中文字网

五. change the key of, in musicPCf中文字网

e.g. modulate the melodyPCf中文字网

一. 改变,调节(嗓音或声音)
If you modulate your voice or a sound, you change or vary its loudness, pitch, or tone in order to create a particular effect.PCf中文字网


e.g. He carefully modulated his voice.

'Who's this?' asked a well-modulated voice.

二. 调节;调整
To modulate an activity or process means to alter it so that it is more suitable for a particular situation.PCf中文字网

e.g. These chemicals modulate the effect of potassium.

The famine turned the normal modulation of climate into disaster.

一. modulatePCf中文字网

一. 调节:用Kim的话[二九]来说,适应的情绪调节不是控制、排除(eliminate),而是调节(modulate)情绪体验,他试着提出了自己的情绪调节结构:(一)对情绪的意识和理解. (二)对情绪的接受. (三)控制冲动行为以及按照既定目标行为的能力.PCf中文字网

二. 調變:例如可以利用经微细加工制作的列阵档板(shutter array)将多束电子源同时引导至相同的柱列(column)方向上,此列阵档板可以各自进行调变(modulate). 多重电子束也可以藉由利用各自独立调变的发光二极体(photodiode)的阴电性发光阴极管(negative-affinity photocathode)所产生.PCf中文字网

  • 经典引文PCf中文字网

  • The songs of triumph were modulated to psalms and litanies.PCf中文字网

  • She determined to modulate that nature to her own views.PCf中文字网

    出自:A. Radcliffe
  • She spoke gently..for it was difficult to modulate her husky voice.PCf中文字网

    出自:G. Greene
  • 近义词PCf中文字网

  • 临近词PCf中文字网

  • shift移动
  • vary改变
  • adjust调整
  • play down降低
  • curb路边
  • moderate适度的
  • restrain抑制
  • regulate调整
  • revise校订
  • modify修改
  • alter改变
  • amend修正
  • tone down(使)柔和
  • temper脾气
  • qualify使具备资格
  • inflect弯曲
  • tone语气
  • reduce减少
  • lower低的
  • control掌控
  • lessen减少
  • change变化
  • adapt改编
  • harmonize协调
  • modulated RF
  • modular
  • modulate mode
  • modulated
  • modulate error
  • modulate tray
  • modulated cell
  • modulation
  • modulater
  • Modulate speed
  • modulated edge
  • modulated wave
The speaker had a really noble voice, which he could modulate with great skill.(这位演说者有副相当好的嗓子,他能很技巧地调整它。)
Varying the amount of pressure accurately positions the stem assembly to open, close or modulate the valve as required.(压力的变化将精确定位阀杆总成,使得阀门实现所要求的启、闭或调节的操作。)
They said: "This pilot study suggests that dietary intake of watercress may be sufficient to modulate this potential anti-cancer pathway."(他们说:“试点研究表明,食用豆瓣菜足以调节这一潜在的抗癌途径。”)
Emotions may absolutely dictate a type of response, but people do modulate the size of that response (usually!).(情绪必然会促发某种响应,但人们会适时调整反应的烈度(而且一贯如此)。)
We modulate as much as possible the chaos of these times on the Earth.(我们尽最大可能调控着这段时间地球上的混乱。)
The outstanding features of this plan lie in the programmable modulate mode, modulate rate, IF rate and so on.(该方案的显著特点是:调制方式、调制速率、中频频率皆可编程设置。)
Also it can modulate measured data and perform remote transmission via carrier line and telephone wire.(对测量的数据进行调制,通过载波线路或电话线进行远距离传输。)
This book addresses the interactions and interrelationships between tumor and host that modulate progression and metastasis.(这书位址那些相互作用和相互关系在之间瘤和调节前进和新陈代谢的主人。)
Does the drive system have to control or modulate the amount of retarding force during overhauling?(驱动系统控制或必须调整相当数量减速的强制在翻修期间吗?)
This text has offered helpful help for making the hardware which modulate demodulation technology up to realize further.(本文为进一步进行组合调制解调技术的硬件实现提供了有益的帮助。)