In accordance with Marxism plutonomy principle, productivity plays a foundational role in the development of the produce-mode and the produce-relation.(按照马克思经济学的基本原理,生产力在促进生产方式、生产关系的变化中起着基础性的作用。)
She is going to have the book on Marxism translated.(她准备翻译马克思的书。)
The thinking pattern of anthropology behaves as a new mode in the modern western philosophy including Marxism.(人类学的思维范式,是包括马克思在内的现代西方哲学所创生的一种新的思维范式。)
One feature of the Construction Journal is that it focused on the translation and introduction of principles and original works of Marxism.(重视翻译、介绍马克思学说的原理原著是《建设》的一大特点。)
Russia was the first country to forge a new economic system under the banner of Marxism.(苏联是第一个在马克思主义的旗帜下建立新的经济体制的国家。)
The latter, based on its own interpretation of what is reason, forms three ways of rejecting metaphysics, i. e. positivism, humanism and Marxism.(现代西方哲学依据对理性的态度,形成了实证主义、人本主义和马克思哲学拒斥传统形而上学的三种致思路径。)
The third part, discusses the great meaning of Marxism globalization idea, the methods and measures for us to face with the globalization.(第三部分探索马克思全球化思想的伟大意义以及我国应对全球化的方法和措施。)
The ideas of Marxism and Hayek both stem from the social and cultural context of the West, as well as their common goal of liberty.(马克思与哈耶克的思想同源于西方社会和文化背景,具有追求自由的共同目标。)
The full text is divided into three parts totally: the first part expatiates primarily the world history thought of Marxism and the human society's developing trend.(全文共分为三大部分:第一部分主要阐述马克思的世界历史思想及人类社会发展趋势。)
The essence that Marx oversteps Feuerbach is to relate how to correctly understand the natural question of Marxism philosophy.(马克思超越费尔巴哈的实质是一个关系到如何正确熟悉马克思哲学本质的问题。)