Many cell phones allow users to surf the Web, but only some newer ones are capable of wireless connection to the local area computer network.(许多手机允许用户上网,但只有一些较新的手机能够无线连接到本地计算机网络。)
Wireless security providers will often take steps to help combat the threat of jamming attacks.(无线安全提供商通常会采取措施帮助对抗干扰攻击的威胁。)
This should be a wireless process.(这应该是一个无线的过程。)
On February 七th, Alcatel-Lucent unveiled technology that reduces the size of a wireless base station from a filing cabinet to that of a Rubik's cube.(阿尔卡特朗讯公司于二月七日公布了一项新技术,该技术能够将无线基站的体积从一个文件柜缩小至魔方一般。)
We find ourselves cruelly cut off from the wireless world.(我们发现自己被无情地切断与无线世界的联系。)
Pay attention to the paraglider nearby and keep wireless communication with the ground staff.(注重四面 的滑翔伞,并与地面人员保持无线通讯。)
The wireless age is expanding to include not just our phones, tablets, and laptops, but also our cars, homes, and even whole communities.(无线时代正在扩展,不仅包括了我们的手机、平板电脑和笔记本电脑,还包括我们的汽车、家庭,甚至整个社区。)
He says that all wireless companies do some amount of location tracking as part of their networks.(他说,作为其网络的一部分,所有无线方面的公司都会进行一些位置跟踪。)
Old-fashioned phones matter when wireless networks break down in disasters.(当无线网络在灾难中发生故障时,老式手机显得至关重要。)
Items that are not allowed in student rooms include: candles, ceiling fans, fireworks, waterbeds, sun lamps and wireless routers.(宿舍里的违禁物品包括:蜡烛、吊扇、烟花、水床、太阳灯和无线路由器。)