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  • 作品(尤指编号的乐曲)
  • 著作
  • 乐曲
  • 巨著
  • 广播剧
  • 电视剧
  • 电影


一. a musical work that has been createdt2X中文字网

e.g. the composition is written in four movementst2X中文字网

Synonym: musical compositioncompositionpiecepiece of musict2X中文字网

一. (按创作的先后次序排列的某一作曲家的)编号作品(缩略形式为op.)
An opus is a piece of classical music by a particular composer. Opus is usually followed by a number which indicates at what point the piece was written. The abbreviation op. is also used.t2X中文字网


e.g. ...Beethoven's Piano Sonata in E minor, Opus 九零.

二. 艺术作品;乐曲;著作;画作
You can refer to an artistic work such as a piece of music or writing or a painting as an opus .t2X中文字网


e.g. ...the new opus from Peter Gabriel.

一. 事宜,工作:Operis novi nuntiatio 新作业警告 | Opus 事宜,工作 | Opus facere 施工t2X中文字网

二. opus的解释t2X中文字网

二. 光电科技:optoelectronic technology 预设选择;预制选择附件 | OPUS 光电科技 | or 光电绝缘器t2X中文字网

三. 温湿度仪:OMEGA 传感器,数显表 | opus 温湿度仪 | pacific 马达t2X中文字网

  • 经典引文t2X中文字网

  • His vast philosophical opus Being Nothingness was published.t2X中文字网

    出自:L. Appignanesi
  • 近义词t2X中文字网

  • 临近词t2X中文字网

  • creation创造
  • music音乐
  • brainchild脑力劳动的产物...
  • musical composition乐曲
  • book书
  • paper纸
  • composition成分
  • production生产
  • piece件
  • oeuvre全部作品
  • work工作
  • opus signinum
  • opulent
  • opus magnum
  • opuscule
  • or
  • opusculum
  • opus sectile
  • opus mixtum
  • opus citatum
  • opus listatum
  • opus musivum
A magnum opus is the greatest or most important work produced by a writer, artist, musician, or academic.(作家,艺术家,音乐家亦或学术界学者,一部大部头的作品也许是他最伟大或者最重要的成果。(和后面的冗长似乎有些吻合)。)
I also believe that the Opus will change the world.(我也相信,该作品将改变世界。)
Herzog is Saul Bellow's magnum opus on the revelation of the intellectuals' predicament and their destiny in the modern society.(《赫索格》是索尔·贝娄展示现代知识分子处境与命运的代表作。)
You know that I am Opus Dei?(你知道我是主业会会员?)
But Alexander, his magnum opus, a biopic of Alexander the Great that he at one point calls "his life's work", was savaged by the critics.(但是他一度称为“我一生的作品”的《亚历山大》却被批评家们骂得狗血喷头。)
'opus' is another dubai building designed by british architect zaha hadid.(“opus"是英国建筑师zahahadid在迪拜的另一个建筑,这项耗资二.三五亿英镑的计划坐落在商业海湾,为omniyat所有。)
I believe that the Opus will change the world.(我相信这个作品将改变世界。)
The Opus has changed my life and the lives of several of my family members.(作品已经改变了我的生活和生命的几个我的家庭成员。)
This minerality is continued through to the hall floor, in Lucerne quartzite laid as opus incertum.(这个矿物持续穿过大厅的地板,就像实心石块一样摆放在卢塞恩的石英岩上。)
This magnum opus took ten years to complete.(这部巨著历时十年方始告成。)