
  • 英英释义gKz中文字网

  • 词典解释gKz中文字网

  • 网络解释gKz中文字网


一. prevent the occurrence of
prevent from happeninggKz中文字网

e.g. Let's avoid a confrontation
head off a confrontation
avert a strikegKz中文字网

Synonym: debarforefendforfenddeflectaverthead offstave offfend offavoidward offgKz中文字网

二. do away withgKz中文字网

Synonym: rid ofeliminategKz中文字网

一. 消除;排除;使成为不必要
To obviate something such as a problem or a need means to remove it or make it unnecessary.gKz中文字网

e.g. The use of a solicitor trained as a mediator would obviate the need for independent legal advice...
e.g. This deferral would obviate pressure on the rouble exchange rate.

一. obviate的反义词gKz中文字网

一. 排除:obtrude#闯入 | obviate#排除 | originate#发起gKz中文字网

二. obviategKz中文字网

二. 避免:impervious 不能透过的 | obviate 避免 | obvious 明显的gKz中文字网

三. 除去,排除:decision n判断 | obviate 除去,排除 | terminal n. a终端机,终端的gKz中文字网

四. obviate是什么意思gKz中文字网

四. 避免/排除,偏离:obsequious 谄媚的, | obviate 避免/排除,偏离 | obligated 合法联系 在一起gKz中文字网

  • 经典引文gKz中文字网

  • Analogies can..convey meaning in such a vivid..form that many pages of..arid description are obviated.gKz中文字网

    出自:M. N. Cox
  • The new emphasis does not obviate the need for financial assistance to developing countries.gKz中文字网

  • 近义词gKz中文字网

  • 反义词gKz中文字网

  • 临近词gKz中文字网

  • fend off挡开
  • preclude阻止
  • forestall领先
  • remove消除
  • deflect使偏斜
  • stave off阻挡,延缓,赶走,击退...
  • avoid避免
  • debar排除在外
  • do away with废除,去掉
  • rid of摆脱
  • ward off防止
  • forfend防止
  • head off阻止(阻拦
  • eliminate除去
  • prevent预防
  • avert转开
  • forefend避开(保护
  • necessitate 使 ... 成为必需...
  • obverse
  • obviate applicability
  • obviate defect
  • obviate a necessity
  • obvious
AIM: To evaluate the clinical effect of retrobulbar injection of chlorpromazine combined with intralamellar cauterization of the cornea so as to obviate pain of the patients.(目的:探讨氯丙嗪球后注射联合角膜层间灼烙治疗绝对期青光眼的临床效果,以解除绝对期青光眼疼痛问题。)
A pull ring (一) is added to obviate the disadvantages of the prior rubber shoes, such as bulkiness and poor portability.(包括增加手提环(一),解决了目前胶鞋比较粗笨,携带不便。)
Machine translation could be good enough to obviate the need for a primary global language.(机器翻译已经足够好了,可以避免全球出现某个语言主导的情况。)
So we have been appointed to obviate that peril by finding a meeting of the minds and the hearts of our peoples.(因而我们奉命来寻求我们各国人民观念和心愿的共同点。)
On condition that post porcelain insulators satisfy quality standard, Ultrasonic crack detection can effectively obviate the accident of post porcelain insulators crack.(在产品质量合格的前提下,超声探伤检测的准确率比较高,能够有效地避免断裂事故的发生。)
Lamotrigene addresses a major concern of many experts: It may obviate the need for conventional antidepressants in treating the depressive phase.(乐命达引起了许多专家的较大关注:它能够消除治疗抑郁阶段时的对传统抗抑郁药的需要。)
Garbage collection does indeed obviate the need for explicit resource deallocation, most of the time. (I'll discuss some exceptions in a future column.)(大多数情况下,垃圾收集确实消除了显式资源存储单元分配(explicitresourcedeallocation)的必要(在以后的专栏中我将讨论一些例外)。)
So, now you know for whom journaling file systems were created, but how do they obviate the need for FSCK?(那么现在您应该清楚日志文件系统针对的是哪类人群了,但是他们是如何取缔fsck的呢?)
But it is difficult to find and obviate the faults timely only by manpower due to the complicacy of the equipment.(由于制氧机组设备的复杂性,单凭人工很难及时发现、排除故障。)
Yet our job is not to wait these things to happen, but to devise a way to obviate them, at the very least, to alleviate them because God help those who help themselves.(然而我们的工作并不是坐等事情发生,而是想办法来解决问题,至少减轻问题的程度,因为上帝只帮助自己拯救自己的人。)