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  • 词典解释7G4中文字网

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  • 掌状物
  • 掌部
  • 动物(如鹿)角的扁平部
  • 胜利
  • 前足掌
  • 一手宽,一手长
  • 手掌,手心
  • 棕榈(树),棕榈枝
  • 【海】掌皮(缝帆布顶针用)
  • 【军】荣誉勋章
  • 掌尺
  • 掌盘
  • 锚爪
  • 优越
  • 棕榈的
  • 用手掌触摸,用手掌抚摩,用手抚弄
  • 【篮】抱球犯规
  • 与…握手
  • 把…藏于手(掌)中
  • 把…硬塞给
  • 哄骗,欺骗,骗过某人,搪塞
  • 强加
  • 以假货欺骗,推销假货
  • 以假乱真
  • 偷东西或表演戏法时把东西藏在手中,收受贿赂或小费并隐瞒事实
  • [C]手掌; 掌状物 the inner surface of the hand between the base of the fingers and the wrist
  • [C](象征胜利的)棕榈叶 leaf of such a tree as a symbol of victory or success


一. the inner surface of the hand from the wrist to the base of the fingers7G4中文字网

Synonym: thenar7G4中文字网

二. an award for winning a championship or commemorating some other event7G4中文字网

Synonym: decorationlaurel wreathmedalmedallionribbon7G4中文字网

三. any plant of the family Palmae having an unbranched trunk crowned by large pinnate or palmate leaves7G4中文字网

Synonym: palm tree7G4中文字网

四. a linear unit based on the length or width of the human hand7G4中文字网



一. touch, lift, or hold with the hands7G4中文字网

e.g. Don't handle the merchandise7G4中文字网

Synonym: handle7G4中文字网

一. 棕榈树
A palm or a palm tree is a tree that grows in hot countries. It has long leaves growing at the top, and no branches.7G4中文字网


二. 手掌
The palm of your hand is the inside part.7G4中文字网

e.g. Dornberg slapped the table with the palm of his hand...
e.g. He wiped his sweaty palm.

三. 在…的手心里;在…的完全掌控中
If you have someone or something in the palm of your hand, you have control over them.7G4中文字网


e.g. Johnson thought he had the board of directors in the palm of his hand...
e.g. They held his fate in the palms of their ancient hands.

相关词组:palm offpalm off with7G4中文字网

一. 手掌:前臂 (forearm) 相对,腕(wrist),手掌(palm)和手指的姿势,这里的重点是打坐时手的部位尽量保持在最自然(most natural and relax)的状态中. 例如我们站著时,整个手臂最自然的状态是双臂和手都垂下,掌心自然是向内对著自己的双腿而大拇指和四指成平面,7G4中文字网

二. 手心:方法:手心(palm)、拇指丘内侧食指下胃脾大肠区. 四、肩酸:过度活动(movement)引起的肩部僵硬. ―――合谷穴 气喘心衰引起肩酸:食指和中指下咳喘点 生殖器官异常引起肩酸:无名指和小指根间心悸点 五、腹泻:消化不良或食物(food)变质而引起.7G4中文字网

三. 棕榈树:视觉意象,诗中有姑娘(maids)、老妇(old wives)、小鸟(birds)、羊羔(lambs)、棕榈树(palm)、雏菊(daisies)、村舍(country houses)、田野(fields)等. 动觉意象,诗中有一些动态景象,如姑娘们舞翩跹(maids dance), 羊羔欢跃(lambs frisk and play)等.7G4中文字网

四. 棕榈:法国昆庭 (Christofle) 品牌Palm饰品系列美国艺术家Michele Oka Doner 为法国昆庭 (Christofle) 设计了一套最新的纯银雕刻首饰--棕榈 (Palm) 系列. Michele Oka Doner 将源于自然的灵感注入其中,7G4中文字网

  • 相关词组7G4中文字网

  • 常用例句7G4中文字网

  • 词汇搭配7G4中文字网

  • 经典引文7G4中文字网

一. have an itching palm : 贪财;7G4中文字网

  • Buddhist monk sat with folded palms.
  • Their fists were clenched so tightly that their nails dug deep into their palms.
  • Our army bore off the palm in the battle.
  • She carried off the palm in both tennis and swimming.
  • The coconut palm trees planted after the war added to the beauty of the city.
用作名词 (n.)
  • clench one's palm握紧手掌
  • adjudge the palm to评定胜利属于…
  • yield the palm to承认为…所败
  • potted palm盆栽棕榈
  • royal palm大王椰子树
  • coconut palm椰子树
  • date palm枣椰树
  • as easy as pointing at a palm易如反掌
  • with folded palms合掌
  • palm of one's hand手掌
  • know sth like the palm of one's hand对某事了如指掌
  • A return ticket in the palm of your left glove.7G4中文字网

    出自:Conan Doyle
  • His fists clenched..so that his fingernails dug into the palms of his hands.7G4中文字网

    出自:R. Thomas
  • Nervously palming his hip with his left hand.7G4中文字网

    出自:T. Hardy
  • The water Maria palmed to her face gave a shine to her eyes.7G4中文字网

    出自:New Yorker
  • Neither player could do much with the ball, but Rogan unaccountably palmed it away.7G4中文字网

  • 高考真题例句7G4中文字网

高考真题例句 OG 一.palm

Bechtel, who works in downtown West Palm Beach, has lunch with coworkers sometimes, but like many of us, too often works through lunch at her desk.7G4中文字网

柏克德在西棕榈滩市中心工作, 她有时会和同事一起吃午饭, 但像我们很多人一样, 她太经常在午餐时间坐在办公桌前工作了。7G4中文字网


  • 近义词7G4中文字网

  • 临近词7G4中文字网

  • hand
  • palmer
  • palmin
  • Palma
  • palmy
  • Palmor
  • Palmi
  • Palme
  • Palmez
  • Palmas
  • Palmo
  • pallor
  • Palmu
Palm Springs has ritzy restaurants and glitzy nightlife.(棕榈泉有高档餐厅和奢华的夜生活。)
Palm leaf fans were cheap and easy to make.(棕榈叶扇既便宜又容易制作。)
The palm of one's hand is slightly concave.(人的手掌是微凹的。)
From another section of the pouch, he extracted several wooden matches, counted them in his palm, and returned all but one to the waterproof compartment.(他从革袋的另一处取出几支木制火柴,放在手掌里数了数,留下一支,其余全放回防水袋中。)
In order to describe human beings, he should keep the palm of his hand at a right angle to the floor.(为了描述人类,他应该保持手掌与地面成直角。)
One with the palm faced outwards, and one with the palm inwards.(一个掌心朝外,一个掌心向内。)
He muted the strings with his palm.(他用手掌抹琴弦消音。)
Palm trees stir in the soft Pacific breeze.(棕榈树在太平洋和煦的微风里轻轻摇动。)
Rub the fingertips of one hand into the palm of the other, then reverse.(把一只手的指尖放在另一只手的手掌里搓洗,然后换手再做一遍。)
She wrapped a handkerchief around her bleeding palm in an effort to protect it.(她用手帕包扎她那流血的手掌来保护它。)