
  • 详情解释Mam中文字网

  • 双解释义Mam中文字网

  • 英英释义Mam中文字网

  • 词典解释Mam中文字网

  • 网络解释Mam中文字网

  • 段,段落
  • 段落符号,分段符号
  • 短文
  • 短评,短讯(往往没有标题)
  • 短篇报道
  • 写短评(报道)
  • 写短文报导
  • 将…分段
  • 把...分段
  • 分段落
  • [C]段落 distinct section of a written or printed text, usually consisting of several sentences dealing with a single theme and starting on a new (usually indented) line
  • [C]短篇报道 short report in a newspaper


一. one of several distinct subdivisions of a text intended to separate ideas
the beginning is usually marked by a new indented lineMam中文字网


一. write paragraphs
work as a paragrapherMam中文字网

二. write about in a paragraphMam中文字网

e.g. All her friends were paragraphed in last Monday's paperMam中文字网

三. divide into paragraphs, as of textMam中文字网

e.g. This story is well paragraphedMam中文字网

一. (文章的)段,段落,节
A paragraph is a section of a piece of writing. A paragraph always begins on a new line and contains at least one sentence.Mam中文字网

e.g. The length of a paragraph depends on the information it conveys...
e.g. Paragraph 八一 sets out the rules that should apply if a gift is accepted.

一. paragraph的解释Mam中文字网

一. 段:但是这种方法碰到只有图形(shape)没有文本和嵌入式图像(InlineShape)的段落就会出错,因为这样的段落的每行开头都是回车符?如何区分这种情况?另外,可不可以一行一行地遍历word文档,而不是一段一段(Paragraph)地遍历?多谢! 问题点数:零、回复次数:三Mam中文字网

二. paragraph是什么意思Mam中文字网

二. 段落调板:C.子菜单下的所有调板打开后都可以重新排列组合,比如,字符(CHARACTER)调板可以和定位(TABS)调板组合到一起C.单击工具箱最下方的预览模式(PREVIEWMODE)按钮C.它们都可以在字符调板(CHARACTER)的弹出菜单中找到D.它们都可以在段落调板(PARAGRAPH)的弹出菜单中找到AMam中文字网

三. 分段:如果在中文简体版的Windows 九五/九八/二零零零下看到繁体中文,那么多半这些中文是用GBK编码的. 在分段(Paragraph)的时候,可以去除行首、行尾的制表符. 一、增加分行(Reparagrahp)功能.Mam中文字网

  • 常用例句Mam中文字网

  • 词汇搭配Mam中文字网

  • 经典引文Mam中文字网

  • Each paragraph begins on a new line.
  • The article has only three paragraphs.
  • There's only a paragraph on the matter in the paper.
用作名词 (n.)
  • connect paragraphs连接段落
  • constitute〔contain〕 a paragraph构成〔包含〕一段
  • divide into paragraphs分成段落
  • skip the next paragraph跳过下一段
  • concluding paragraph结尾段
  • foregoing paragraph前面的段落
  • well-built paragraph结构严谨的段落
  • opening paragraph起首段
  • paragraphs from the report汇报中的段落
  • Some paragraphs..had been appearing in the papers concerning the sea-serpent.Mam中文字网

    出自:J. K. Jerome
  • 词源解说Mam中文字网

  • ☆ 一五世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自古法语的paragraphe,意为文本分段;最初源自中世纪拉丁语的paragraphus,意为新段落的开始。
  • 高考真题例句Mam中文字网

高考真题例句 OG 一.paragraph

Everyone was silent, waiting to see who would be called upon to read his or her paragraph aloud.Mam中文字网

大家都默不作声, 等着看谁会被叫来大声朗读他或她的段落。Mam中文字网


  • 近义词Mam中文字网

  • 临近词Mam中文字网

  • passage通过
  • subdivision细分
  • section部分
  • subsection小部份
  • item项目
  • story故事
  • clause条款
  • part部分
  • piece件
  • article文章
  • excerpt摘录
  • note笔记
  • column栏
  • segment部分
  • editorial社论
  • paragraph head
  • paragraphing
  • paragraph code
  • paragraph loop
  • paragraph key
  • parallax
  • paragraphs
  • paragraphic
  • paragraphia
  • paragon
  • paragraphist
  • paragrapher
Second, read a whole paragraph before you mark anything.(其次,在做任何标记之前,先通读整个段落。)
The editor struck out the whole paragraph.(编辑把整段全部删去了。)
I know in each compact disc, there is a paragraph.(我知道每张光碟里都有一个段话。)
Who will probably succeed in the future according to Paragraph 二?(根据第二段内容,未来谁可能会成功?)
The second paragraph can be omitted.(第二段可以省略。)
Which sentence should go in the empty box in the last paragraph?(哪句话应该放在最后一段的方框里?)
The last paragraph contains an anachronism. The Holy Office no longer existed at that time.(最后一段有一个年代错误。宗教裁判所那时已不复存在了。)
The length of a paragraph depends on the information it conveys.(段落的长度取决于它传达的信息。)
What do we learn from the first paragraph?(我们从第一段中学到了什么?)
The first line of each paragraph should be indented.(每段的第一行应缩格。)