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  • 铺(地)
  • 铺设,铺满
  • 铺(路、地)
  • 作铺设...之用
  • 密布
  • 铺石板、砖等于
  • 为...作准备
  • 使容易
  • 为…铺路
  • 安排
  • vt. 用石或砖铺 cover a surface with flat stones or bricks



一. a setting with precious stones so closely set that no metal showsJ74中文字网


一. cover with a material such as stone or concrete to make suitable for vehicle trafficJ74中文字网

e.g. pave the roads in the villageJ74中文字网

一. 铺(路或地面)
If a road or an area of ground has been paved, it has been covered with flat blocks of stone or concrete, so that it is suitable for walking or driving on.J74中文字网

e.g. The avenue had never been paved, and deep mud made it impassable in winter.

...a small paved courtyard...
The sidewalks were paved with brick and lined with trees.

二. 为…铺平道路
If one thing paves the way for another, it creates a situation in which it is possible or more likely that the other thing will happen.J74中文字网

e.g. ...a new proposal intended to pave the way for the signing of a chemical weapons reduction agreement...
e.g. The discussions are aimed at paving the way for formal negotiations between the two countries.

一. 铺设:pause 中止;暂停怕(pa)在使用(use)中忽然暂停pavement (英)人行道 门徒(ment)在铺设(pave)人行道peach 桃子,桃树 豌豆(pea)在长(ch)长的桃子上. pepper 胡椒 停车场(p)里的每一个(per)恶婆(ep)都有胡椒.J74中文字网

二. 铺路,铺筑:三一.ensure 保证(零五-六) | 三二.pave 铺路,铺筑(零五-六) | 三三.senstive 敏感的(零五-六)J74中文字网

三. paveJ74中文字网

三. 铺:pattern 模范、式样、模式;模仿 | pave 铺 | pedicel 花梗、茎J74中文字网

四. 肉块:moelle 骨髓 | pave 肉块 | pigeon 鸽肉J74中文字网

五. pave:position and velocity extraction; 位置和速度撷取J74中文字网

  • 常用短语J74中文字网

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  • 经典引文J74中文字网

    为…做好准备 prepare sth for sb or sth
    pave the way for/to sth

    His teacher paved the way for his success.J74中文字网


    Emma made a good presentation of the product, which paved the way for the sales director to clinch the deal.J74中文字网


    Harriman's withdrawal from the campaign paved the way for Stevenson's nomination.J74中文字网


    The discovery of electricity paved the way for many inventions.J74中文字网


    The agreement will pave the way for a lasting peace.J74中文字网


    In science, one discovery often paves the way for another.J74中文字网


  • One lane is closed while the workers are paving the road.
  • These bricks are used to pave the courtyard.
  • The workers were paving a street there.
  • The town council decided to pave the square before the Hall.
用作动词 (v.)
  • pave courtyard铺院子
  • pave road铺路
  • pave the square铺广场
  • pave street铺街道
  • pave well铺设得很好
  • pave for为…铺平
  • pave with用…铺平
  • The courtyard was paved in black and white marble squares.J74中文字网

    出自:R. P. Jhabvala
  • The paths were not paved and..the ways were very muddy.J74中文字网

    出自:P. Cutting
  • 词语用法J74中文字网

  • pave的基本意思是指用某种材料(通常是砖或石头等)将路面覆盖起来,以美化其表面或使人畜或车辆行走方便。引申可指“为…做好准备”。
  • pave多用作及物动词,后接道路、花园等名词作宾语。
  • 近义词J74中文字网

  • 临近词J74中文字网

  • cover封面
  • floor地面
  • pavement路面
  • Pavev
  • pause
  • Pavey
  • Pavez
  • pavement
  • Pavec
  • Pavee
  • pavex
  • Paven
  • Pavel
  • Pavesi
  • paver
The ruling could pave the way for hundreds of similar suits against major companies to move forward.(该判决可能为成百上千的针对大企业的类似诉讼铺平向前推进的道路。)
And, third, it might pave the way for Germany's exit from the eurozone.(第三,它可能为德国退出欧元区铺平道路。)
Assad was in ill health and had to pave the way for his sons succession.(阿萨德病重,必须要为儿子接班做准备。)
This was to pave the way for computers to acquire all human abilities and run everything.(这为计算机获取人类所有能力并运行一切的理想铺平了道路。)
So why not consciously make an intent that will pave the way for positive actions and greater happiness?(所以,为什么不下意识地定下目标,为积极的行动和更大的快乐作好准备呢?)
The surgery is considered less invasive and could pave the way for an increase in organ donations, it added.(这种手术被认为是微创的,它将为器官捐赠数量的增加铺平道路。)
The talks are meant to help pave the way for higher-level military discussions.(这一会谈的目的,是为今后更高层次的军事讨论铺平道路。)
And all of you will know that because of your passion and hard work you helped pave the way for that day.(你们所有的人都将知道,正是你们如火的热情和辛劳的努力,为那天的到来铺平了道路。)
Thus far, I have discussed how to structure your XML to pave the way for using a schema validator.(到目前为止,我已经讨论了如何将XML格式化,以便为使用模式验证器铺平道路。)
However, two cases involving Blackwater may pave the way for further charges.(然而,有两个涉及黑水公司的案件或许能够为进一步指控铺平道路。)