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一. a simple machine consisting of a wheel with a groove in which a rope can run to change the direction or point of application of a force applied to the ropeHK3中文字网

Synonym: pulley-blockpulley blockblockHK3中文字网

一. 滑轮;皮带轮
A pulley is a device consisting of a wheel over which a rope or chain is pulled in order to lift heavy objects.HK3中文字网


e.g. The weights are moved via a cable and pulley system.

一. 皮带轮:因此,皮带轮(Pulley)的体积可缩小二零%. 为了提高皮带轮的耐摩耗性,使用了添加物较多的高价钢材,热处理及表面的镜面加工也花费了一定成本. 尽管副变速箱部分的成本上升,但整体成本却控制在了与原机型同等的程度.HK3中文字网

二. pulleyHK3中文字网

二. 滑车:您手指的症状确实像板机指的描述,但正确的诊断还是需要您的就诊.板机指的治疗已非常明确,仅需在局部麻醉下将A一滑车(pulley)切开即可,或用超音波辅助,小伤口经皮划开即可都是安全方便的门诊手术.HK3中文字网

三. 带轮:因此,能够缩小皮带轮(Pulley)的体积,减小润滑油的搅拌阻力. 单个CVT与Jatco原来生产的同级别CVT相比,摩擦损失降低三零%. 长度缩短一零%,重量减轻一三%.HK3中文字网

  • 近义词HK3中文字网

  • 临近词HK3中文字网

  • winch绞车
  • block街区
  • block and tackle滑轮组
  • pulley-block滑轮组, 滑车组, 手拉...
  • hoist升起
  • pulley block滑轮组
  • pulley hub
  • pulley end
  • pull
  • pullover
  • pulleying
  • pulley key
  • pulley fork
  • pulley bar
  • pulley tap
  • pulley rim
  • pulley face
  • pulley nut
Anna comes to a window and jumps out onto a window washer's pulley. She raises herself up to see the ships arriving.(安娜走到一扇窗前,跳出去,落到一个擦玻璃工人用的滑车中。她把自己提到空中,看着一些船到来。)
The children contrived a pulley to lift things into their tree house.(这些小孩子设计了一个滑轮,可以将东西吊进他们树上的房子。)
Pulley is the key to open and close the Ji'nan guardrail is not smooth, the use of rolling bearing nylon wheel.(滑轮是济南护栏启闭是不是顺利的关键所在,应运用滚动轴承尼龙轮。)
The life of the pulley, when will end.(生命的滑轮,何时才会结束。)
So here is that object and here is the string and a pulley and here a string.(物体和绳子相连,滑轮,细绳。)
Pulley group is a kind of lifting accessories.(滑轮组是起重配件的一种。)
The belt started wrapping up on the tractor pulley.(皮带开始绕在拖拉机的皮带轮上。)
We want to use this pulley.(我们需要使用这个滑车。)
Remove water pump belt pulley.(拆下水泵皮带轮。)
The key was to use a pulley system that would magnify the applied force.(关键是要使用滑轮系统,以扩大其作用力。)