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  • 食客
  • 寄生虫
  • 寄生植物
  • 寄生生物
  • 寄生菌
  • 寄生物
  • 寄生矿物
  • 清客
  • 谄媚者
  • 反射器
  • 幕僚
  • 天电干扰
  • 寄生振荡
  • 依赖他人过活者
  • 攀附植物
  • 靠他人为生的人
  • 古希腊的帮闲
  • 寄食者
  • 寄生的
  • [C]寄生物 animal (e.g. a flea, louse) or plant (e.g. mistletoe) that lives on or in another
  • [C]靠他人为生的人 person who lives off others and gives nothing in return


一. an animal or plant that lives in or on a host (another animal or plant)
it obtains nourishment from the host without benefiting or killing the hostI1B中文字网

二. a follower who hangs around a host (without benefit to the host) in hope of gain or advantageI1B中文字网

Synonym: leechspongespongerI1B中文字网

一. 寄生虫;寄生物
A parasite is a small animal or plant that lives on or inside a larger animal or plant, and gets its food from it.I1B中文字网


二. 不劳而获者;寄生虫
If you disapprove of someone because you think that they get money or other things from other people but do not do anything in return, you can call them a parasite .I1B中文字网


一. parasite什么意思I1B中文字网

一. 寄生虫:parasite 概述 寄生虫(parasite)指一种生物,将其一生的大多数时间居住在另外一种动物,称为宿主或寄主(host)上,同时,对被寄生动物的造成损害. 其特......I1B中文字网

二. 寄生菌:异养菌包括腐生菌(saprophyte)和寄生菌(parasite). 腐生菌以动植物尸体、腐败食物等作为营养物;寄生菌寄生于活体内,从宿主的有机物获得营养. 所有的病原菌都是异养菌,大部分属寄生菌. 虽然异养菌都吃有机物,但口味也各有所好.I1B中文字网

三. parasiteI1B中文字网

三. 寄生物:寄生物(parasite)乃指一种生物生活在另一种生物的体内或体表,藉以获得养份或栖所,於动物多半为较低等的动物寄生於较高等的动物,且多属於无脊椎动物,我们一般将其归类为虫类,故称之为寄生虫.I1B中文字网

  • 常用例句I1B中文字网

  • 经典引文I1B中文字网

  • The mistletoe plant is a parasite on trees.
  • The kind of people live as a parasite on society.
  • I don't want to be a parasite.I must earn my own way in life.
  • He was going to continue living as a parasite on his friends.I1B中文字网

    出自:D. Athill
  • 词源解说I1B中文字网

  • ☆ 直接源自中古法语的parasite;最初源自拉丁语的parasitus;意为依赖他人生活者。
  • 近义词I1B中文字网

  • 反义词I1B中文字网

  • 临近词I1B中文字网

  • freeloader
  • beggar
  • sponger
  • host主人
  • parasite eggs
  • parasite wave
  • parapet
  • parasite rate
  • parasite area
  • parasites
  • parasitemia
  • Parasite Eve
  • parasitic
  • parasite drag
  • Parasitengona
  • parasite DNA
This is because the parasite which causes malaria can only mature above 一八c.(这是因为促使疟疾成熟的寄生虫需要一八摄氏度以上的温度。)
One of the ways the parasite spreads is through faecal matter.(寄生物传播的方式之一就是透过排泄物。)
An example of a parasite is a tapeworm that lives inside the intestines of a larger animal and absorbs nutrients from its host.(寄生虫的一个典例是绦虫,它生活在更大的动物的肠道内,从宿主那里吸收营养。)
Fear and greed expose the spaceship crew to an alien parasite.(惧怕 和贪婪使太空船成员受到外星寄生虫的威胁。)
Parasite resistance to our best antimalarial medicines is a major threat.(寄生虫对我们最好的抗疟药品所具的抗药性是一个巨大的威胁。)
Parasitism is a kind of predator-prey relationship in which one organism, the parasite, derives its food at the expense of its symbiotic associate, the host.(寄生是一种捕食者与被捕食者之间的关系,寄生者利用共生伙伴——宿主来获取食物。)
In the tiny South American nation of Guyana lives a parasite called Wuchereria bancrofti.(在南美洲小国圭亚那,生活着一种寄生虫,叫做乌拉里亚·班克罗夫特蒂。)
Sometimes I think TV is a kind of parasite.(有时候我觉得电视是寄生虫。)
It is a time when the malaria parasite is peculiarly vulnerable.(疟原虫最脆弱的时候正是我们下手的时机。)
A big problem, for example, is the varroa mite, a deadly parasite.(例如,最大的问题就是瓦螨—一种致死性寄生虫。)