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  • 先例,前例,范例,实例 ,先前出现的事例,可援用参考的具体例子
  • 惯例,传统,常例,常规
  • 【律】判例
  • 借鉴
  • 作为先例
  • 在前的,在先的,先前的
  • 前面的
  • 优先的
  • 在前面,领先
  • [U]传统;惯例 the way that things have always been done
  • [C]范例 earlier decision,case,event,etc. that is regarded as an example or rule for what comes later


一. an example that is used to justify similar occurrences at a later timeP1O中文字网

Synonym: case in pointP1O中文字网

二. (civil law) a law established by following earlier judicial decisionsP1O中文字网

Synonym: case lawcommon lawP1O中文字网

三. a subject mentioned earlier (preceding in time)P1O中文字网

四. a system of jurisprudence based on judicial precedents rather than statutory lawsP1O中文字网

e.g. common law originated in the unwritten laws of England and was later applied in the United StatesP1O中文字网

Synonym: common lawcase lawP1O中文字网



一. preceding in time, order, or significanceP1O中文字网

一. 前例;先例
If there is a precedent for an action or event, it has happened before, and this can be regarded as an argument for doing it again.P1O中文字网

e.g. The trial could set an important precedent for dealing with large numbers of similar cases...
e.g. There are plenty of precedents in Hollywood for letting people out of contracts.

一. P1O中文字网

一. 前例:比较法学家很清楚,司法判决在两大法系国家中的意义是不同的,在普通法法系国家中,法律是以前例(precedent)为基础的;在民法法系中却是以制定法(statute)为基础的.P1O中文字网

二. 前例,先例:precede 高於,优於 | precedent 前例,先例 | precept 教训,箴言P1O中文字网

  • 常用例句P1O中文字网

  • 词汇搭配P1O中文字网

  • 经典引文P1O中文字网

  • According to precedent, the new comers will clean the office for some time.
  • He copied after bad precedents.
用作名词 (n.)
  • set〔create〕 a precedent开先例
  • The execution of Mary Queen of Scots..set a precedent for sitting in judgment on the Lord's Anointed.P1O中文字网

    出自:C. Hill
  • He had no precedent for this work..but had to invent the rules for it.P1O中文字网

    出自:P. Gay
  • 近义词P1O中文字网

  • 反义词P1O中文字网

  • 临近词P1O中文字网

  • standard标准
  • original原始的
  • anterior前面的
  • preliminary初步的
  • antecedent前情
  • case law判例法
  • guide向导
  • model模范
  • case in point例证
  • practice练习
  • leading领导的
  • pattern模式
  • common law习惯法
  • example例子
  • instance例子
  • following接着的
  • precedentia
  • precedents
  • precedence
  • precedented
  • precept
  • precedential
  • precedent system
  • precedent text
  • precedent method
  • precedent adj.
  • precedently
  • precedentless
I am unwilling to set a precedent.(我不想开先例。)
The auto [bailout] sets a precedent I don't much like.(汽车业[援助]则开创了一种我并不乐见的先例。)
Legal experts said her case would not set a precedent because it was an out-of-court settlement.(法律专家说她的案子不会开创先例,因为是庭外和解。)
Is there a precedent for what you want me to do?(你要我做的事有前例可援吗?)
But he kept a judge's liking for precedent.(但是他保持着一个法官惯有的喜好。)
We have the Heather precedent.(茜丝已经是我们的先例了。)
Was there a precedent for such an action?(那么,这样的举措是否有先例呢?)
The ruling set a precedent for future libel cases.(这项裁决为今后的诽谤案提供了判例。)
Such protests are without precedent in recent history.(这类抗议事件在近代史上没有发生过。)
But Supreme Court precedent is mixed.(然而,最高法院有过许多矛盾的先例。)