
  • 英英释义ghc中文字网

  • 词典解释ghc中文字网

  • 网络解释ghc中文字网



一. a natural attraction or feeling of kinshipghc中文字网

e.g. an affinity for politics
the mysterious affinity between them
James's affinity with Samghc中文字网

二. inherent resemblance between persons or thingsghc中文字网

三. the force attracting atoms to each other and binding them together in a moleculeghc中文字网

e.g. basic dyes have an affinity for wool and silkghc中文字网

Synonym: chemical attractionghc中文字网

四. (immunology) the attraction between an antigen and an antibodyghc中文字网

五. a close connection marked by community of interests or similarity in nature or characterghc中文字网

e.g. found a natural affinity with the immigrants
felt a deep kinship with the other students
anthropology's kinship with the humanitiesghc中文字网

Synonym: kinshipghc中文字网

六. (biology) state of relationship between organisms or groups of organisms resulting in resemblance in structure or structural partsghc中文字网

e.g. in anatomical structure prehistoric man shows close affinity with modern humansghc中文字网

Synonym: phylogenetic relationghc中文字网

七. (anthropology) kinship by marriage or adoption
not a blood relationshipghc中文字网

一. 亲近;熟稔
If you have an affinity with someone or something, you feel that you are similar to them or that you know and understand them very well.ghc中文字网

e.g. He has a close affinity with the landscape he knew when he was growing up...
e.g. There is a natural affinity between British and Asian women.

二. 类似;近似
If people or things have an affinity with each other, they are similar in some ways.ghc中文字网

e.g. The two plots share certain obvious affinities.

一. affinity在线翻译ghc中文字网

一. 亲合力:色层分析法是利用各分子对两种物质相对亲合力(affinity)的不同把他们分离的一种方法,此法的应用范围很广,可从氢氦氧氮等小分子一直分到原子个数超过百万的聚合物分子.ghc中文字网

二. 亲和力:她此前出版的三部小说<>(Tipping the Velvet)、<>(Affinity)和<>(Fingersmith)一起被赞誉为维多利亚三部曲. 三部作品均以维多利亚时代为背景,不仅在优雅飘渺的氛围中呈现出英国女性在世纪更迭时期探索真爱与自我认同的生命历程,ghc中文字网

三. 集中度:五、集中度(affinity) 指某一特定载体(某频道、某天、某时段)中目标观众占总观众人数的百分比. 例如:你的目标观众是五零岁以下的男性. 某节目的总观众人数是一五零万人,其中五万人是由五零岁以下的男性构成. 那么对这个节目说,ghc中文字网

  • 经典引文ghc中文字网

  • Jehosaphat..ioyned affinitie with Ahab.ghc中文字网

    出自:Bible (AV): 二 Chronicles
  • 近义词ghc中文字网

  • 反义词ghc中文字网

  • 临近词ghc中文字网

  • harmony和谐
  • adhesion粘合
  • attraction吸引
  • empathy移情作用
  • parallel平行的
  • sympathy同情
  • kinship血缘关系
  • connection联系
  • chemical attraction化学吸力
  • resemblance相像
  • comparison比较
  • fellow feeling同感
  • similarity相似
  • likeness相像
  • friendship友谊
  • bond债券
  • conformity一致
  • correspondence通信
  • consanguinity血缘
  • affinity fare
  • affinity group
  • Affinity bits
  • affinity bond
  • affinity tag
  • affinity card
  • affinity gel
  • affirm
  • affinity study
  • affine
  • affinity laws
  • affinity law
These networks often help companies coalesce affinity groups internally.(这些网络经常有助于企业将内部相似的团体彼此联系。)
Everyone has a potential affinity with a charitable organization.(每个人都对慈善组织抱有潜在的亲和力。)
Sam was born in the country and had a deep affinity with nature.(萨姆在乡下出生,特别喜爱大自然。)
I'll discuss processor affinity in more detail later.(我将在后面对处理器关联性进行具体讨论。)
Traditionally, this is known as session affinity.(传统上,这叫做会话亲和力(sessionaffinity)。)
My affinity for numbers probably did come from him.(我对数字的天生喜爱可能的确得自于他的遗传。)
Processor affinity and binding processors.(处理器关联性和绑定处理器。)
Figure 一一 shows affinity routing on distributed platforms.(图一一显示了分布式平台中的关联路由。)
This helps AIX to maintain its processor affinity.(这有助于AIX维护它的处理器关联性。)
The details of her skeleton proclaim her human affinity.(她骨骼的细节证实 了她与人类的密切关系。)