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一. a return punch (especially by a boxer)34A中文字网

Synonym: counterpunchcounter34A中文字网

二. (fencing) blocking a lunge or deflecting it with a circular motion of the sword34A中文字网


一. avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues)34A中文字网

e.g. He dodged the issue
she skirted the problem
They tend to evade their responsibilities
he evaded the questions skillfully34A中文字网

Synonym: hedgefudgeevadeput offcircumventeludeskirtdodgeducksidestep34A中文字网

二. impede the movement of (an opponent or a ball)34A中文字网

e.g. block an attack34A中文字网

Synonym: blockdeflect34A中文字网

一. (巧妙地)回避,闪避
If you parry a question or argument, you cleverly avoid answering it or dealing with it.34A中文字网

e.g. In an awkward press conference, Mr King parried questions on the allegations.

二. 挡开;架开
If you parry a blow from someone who is attacking you, you push aside their arm or weapon so that you are not hurt.34A中文字网


e.g. I did not want to wound him, but to restrict myself to defence, to parry his attacks...
e.g. I parried, and that's when my sword broke.

一. 34A中文字网

一. 招架:套装出效果,这些效果通常都是帮助战士更稳的拉住怪物并同时减轻治疗压力,所以防御战士还是穿套装比较好,虽然可能在一些属性上比不上散件 但是效果完全可以弥补 战士防御力的参数:护甲(AC),防御技能(DS),躲闪(Dodge),招架(Parry),格挡(Block34A中文字网

二. 武器招架率:r)转职而来Evasion 逃避(被动技) 提升躲避率(Dodge)与武器招架率(Parry)Counter Attack 反击(被动技) 增加角色的幸运值(Luck)并有一定几率反击敌人的近身攻击Thunderous Shot 雷电射击(终结技) 附带一零零%的穿透(Pierce)效果,34A中文字网

三. 34A中文字网

三. 格挡:每个人对每种武器都有一个攻击和格挡(parry)值,投出比攻击低的数字你就攻击,这很容易办到,问题是,当敌方受到攻击后,如果也投出比格挡低的数字,就会格挡避开攻击,而这也很容易办到.34A中文字网

四. 帕里:威廉.爱德华.帕里(Parry)一八一九年启程远征北极,绘制了北极海岸线路图. 英国海军少将约翰.富兰克林(Franklin)于一八四五年率两艘船和一二零人进入北极,陷在冰里,一八八七年六月死去. 麦克林托克(M`Clintock)和麦克卢尔(M`Clure)把他们的名字留在戴维斯、巴芬和胡德森没有到过的地区.34A中文字网

  • 经典引文34A中文字网

  • She attacked again but he parried the onslaught.34A中文字网

    出自:J. Clavell
  • 近义词34A中文字网

  • 临近词34A中文字网

  • fudge软糖
  • counterpunch反击
  • deflect使偏斜
  • block街区
  • sidestep向旁侧避让
  • avoid避免
  • circumvent绕行
  • put off不安
  • dodge避开
  • ward off防止
  • duck鸭肉
  • skirt裙子
  • off表示状态的关闭或离开...
  • counter柜台
  • ward病房
  • evade逃避
  • elude逃避
  • hedge树篱
  • fend off挡开
  • Parry's disease
  • Parryodes
  • Parry arcs
  • Parrya
  • Parrya exscapa
  • Parrylands
  • Parry clover
  • parry arc
  • parry a sword
  • parry fracture
  • parrot
  • parse
We sought to parry the characteristic Soviet lunge with fancy footwork.(我们以花式步法力图避开典型的苏联冲刺。)
He's the epitome of evasion, the personification of parry and the apotheosis of avoidance.(他是闪避的化身、招架的人格化和躲避的神话。)
Stewart Downing regained possession, Ashley Young ripped a shot at Joe Hart and Darren Bent put away Hart's parry.(唐宁重新占有主力位置,阿什利杨朝着乔哈特劲射,达伦本特躲开乔哈特的阻挡。)
I did not want to wound him, but to restrict myself to defence, to parry his attacks.(我不想伤害他,只是想自我防卫,挡开他的攻击。)
He could no longer parry the fierce attacks of the latter by simple avoidance.(他不能光是用逃避来抵挡后者的凶猛的攻击了。)
Parry realised that if you were setting out to create memorable poems, the Odyssey and the Iliad were exactly the kind of poems you'd create.(帕里意识到,如果你要创作出令人难忘的诗歌,《奥德赛》和《伊利亚特》正好符合你要创作的那一类诗歌。)
Increases your chances to parry and dodge attacks by 七五% for 一零 seconds.(提高你的招架和闪避攻击的几率七五%,持续一零秒。)
Parry showcases fascinating creatures and plant life that thrive in the heat.(Parry展示了繁荣生长在这一炎热地带的迷人动植物。)
Parry spoke immediately into my threat.(帕里马上对我的威胁做出了回应。)
Now let's have a listen to the journalist Vivienne Parry as she talks about how our changing attitudes to getting old.(现在我们听一下记者薇薇恩·帕里谈论关于人们怎么转变对衰老的态度的。)