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  • vt. 扼死;使窒息 kill by squeezing the throat of;hinder the breathing of


一. struggle for breath
have insufficient oxygen intakeVn2中文字网

e.g. he swallowed a fishbone and gaggedVn2中文字网

Synonym: gagchokesuffocateVn2中文字网

二. constrict (someone's) throat and keep from breathingVn2中文字网

Synonym: chokeVn2中文字网

三. prevent the progress or free movement ofVn2中文字网

e.g. He was hampered in his efforts by the bad weather
the imperialist nation wanted to strangle the free trade between the two small countriesVn2中文字网

Synonym: hamperhaltercrampVn2中文字网

四. die from strangulationVn2中文字网

五. conceal or hideVn2中文字网

e.g. smother a yawn
muffle one's anger
strangle a yawnVn2中文字网

Synonym: smotherstiflemufflerepressVn2中文字网

六. kill by squeezing the throat of so as to cut off the airVn2中文字网

e.g. he tried to strangle his opponent
A man in Boston has been strangling several dozen prostitutesVn2中文字网

Synonym: strangulatethrottleVn2中文字网

一. 勒死;扼死;绞死;掐死
To strangle someone means to kill them by squeezing their throat tightly so that they cannot breathe.Vn2中文字网

e.g. He tried to strangle a border policeman and steal his gun...
e.g. He was almost strangled by his parachute harness straps.

...a vigilante group looking for a strangler who's terrorising the town.

二. 抑制;制止;扼杀
To strangle something means to prevent it from succeeding or developing.Vn2中文字网


e.g. The country's economic plight is strangling its scientific institutions...
e.g. His creative drive has been strangled by his sense of political guilt.

一. strangleVn2中文字网

一. 扼杀:日前我工作室有我亲自制作的原创戏剧<>(Strangle)遭到二零零六大戏节组委会退稿,在七月二日电话中组委会提出的退稿理由是:Vn2中文字网

二. strangle的反义词Vn2中文字网

二. 勒束式期权组合:Stop loss limit 止蚀限额 | Strangle 勒束式期权组合 | Strategic Investment, Strategic Investor 策略投资;战略投资;策略投资者;战略投资者Vn2中文字网

三. 扼死,闷死:三. compound 院子,场地 | 四. strangle 扼死,闷死 | 五. carnage 残杀,大屠杀,成堆的尸体Vn2中文字网

四. strangleVn2中文字网

四. 扼死:二 I can't wait to get my bands around your neck! 我恨不得一把掐死你! | 三 strangle 扼死 | 四 I am not a person of words. 我不是会说话的人.Vn2中文字网

  • 常用例句Vn2中文字网

  • 经典引文Vn2中文字网

  • He strangled her with a nylon stocking.
  • Out there somewhere is a mass murderer who enjoys strangling women.Vn2中文字网

    出自:P. D. James
  • 近义词Vn2中文字网

  • 临近词Vn2中文字网

  • muffle围裹
  • silence沉默
  • smother窒息
  • gag箝口物
  • halter缰绳
  • cramp抽筋
  • stifle使窒息
  • hamper妨碍
  • crush压碎
  • throttle节流阀
  • garrotte绞刑
  • strangulate使窒息
  • asphyxiate(使)窒息
  • garrote绞刑
  • inhibit抑制
  • repress抑制
  • suppress镇压
  • choke窒息
  • suffocate使窒息
  • stranger
  • strangled blade
  • strangle a scream.
  • strangle parrot
  • strangler
  • strap
  • strangles
  • strangle a snake
  • strangle hold
  • strangled death
  • stranglehold
  • strangle a Bill
He didn't recall pretending to strangle Poitras.(他不记得假装要掐死普瓦特·拉斯。)
He swore that if ever he caught the fellow that had trampled down his saplings, he would strangle him with his bare hands.(他发誓说要是他逮到踩倒他树苗的人,他就要赤手空拳地把那人掐死。)
I think he wants to 一 strangle you.(我想他要把你勒死。)
That would result in capital controls and perhaps limits on bank withdrawals, which in turn would strangle commerce.(由此引发的资本管制,以及对银行提款可能的限制会窒息商业交往。)
My plan was toenter the house, sneak up on him from behind, and strangle thenattering little carbuncle with a sash.(我的计划就是进入他的房间,从后面偷袭他,用腰带将这个絮絮叨叨的小粉刺给勒死。)
Suddenly felling oneself resemble an executioner, watch over to strangle outside that dream of!(忽然感觉自己就像一个刽子手,把风扼杀在那梦的外面!)
Ungern was an obnoxious child; he tried to strangle a neighbour's pet owl and was expelled from school.(Ungern是个令人讨厌的孩子;他试图绞死一位邻居的宠物猫头鹰,随后被赶出学校。)
Well, well, 'cried her husband crossly,' don't strangle me for that!(“好啦,好啦。”她丈夫烦恼地叫道,“不要为了这个就要把我勒死啦!”)
No we will strangle her with a neckerchief.(不,我们将用围巾勒死她。)
If it wasn't too hot to move I would strangle her right now.(若不是太热懒得动的话,我真想马上掐死她。)