一. (logic) a proposition that is accepted as true in order to provide a basis for logical reasoning
Synonym: posit
一. take as a given
assume as a postulate or axiom
e.g. He posited three basic laws of nature
Synonym: posit
二. maintain or assert
e.g. He contended that Communism had no future
Synonym: contend
三. require as useful, just, or proper
e.g. It takes nerve to do what she did
success usually requires hard work
This job asks a lot of patience and skill
This position demands a lot of personal sacrifice
This dinner calls for a spectacular dessert
This intervention does not postulate a patient's consent
Synonym: necessitateaskneedrequiretakeinvolvecall fordemand
一. 假定;假设
If you postulate something, you suggest it as the basis for a theory, argument, or calculation, or assume that it is the basis.
e.g. ...arguments postulating differing standards for human rights in different cultures...
e.g. Freud postulated that we all have a death instinct as well as a life instinct.
二. 假定;假设
A postulate is an idea that is suggested as or assumed to be the basis for a theory, argument, or calculation.
e.g. Offe also challenges the postulate of an 'organized capitalism'.
一. 假设:按照<>的解释,假设(Postulate)的涵义有二:(一)提出一个认为是理所当然或不言自明的命题;(二)基本的前提或假定. 第一种解释的意思是说,该命题已获得公认,不过必须通过其他假设或一般原则、准则、程序来证实,即使这一假设被公认,
The first postulate of this hypothesis is..the assumption of total coherence.
出自:N. FryeTherapy depends..on the postulate that the truth of a person's life can be uncovered in therapy.
出自:J. MassonThe chapter was then allowed to postulate the bishop of Bath.
出自:W. Stubbs近义词