
  • 详情解释HxK中文字网

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  • 掠夺,剥夺,夺去,褫夺
  • 分解,拆卸,拆开
  • 去...的茎
  • 磨损螺纹
  • 剥,剥去,剥光
  • 从…中删除不必要的内容
  • 挤干(牛)的奶
  • 折断(齿轮)的齿
  • 把…撕成带形;把…切成细条
  • 揭去;除去
  • 脱去衣服,脱光衣服
  • 从(某处)拿走所有东西;使(某处)空无一物
  • 揭穿
  • 清除
  • 表演脱衣舞
  • 去皮,剥皮
  • 子弹不旋转
  • 脱衣舞
  • 连环漫画
  • 支板
  • 【空】简易机场
  • 一行邮票
  • 足球选手等的制服
  • 条,带
  • 细长片;长条
  • 商业街
  • 带状地,狭长地带
  • 带状水域
  • 条状
  • 条状侦察照片
  • vi. 脱光衣服 undress completely
  • vt. 剥去,脱去 take off (clothes, coverings, parts, etc.) from sb/sth
  • vt. 剥夺,夺走 take away


一. a form of erotic entertainment in which a dancer gradually undresses to musicHxK中文字网

e.g. she did a strip right in front of everyoneHxK中文字网

Synonym: stripteasestrip showHxK中文字网

二. an airfield without normal airport facilitiesHxK中文字网

Synonym: airstripflight striplanding stripHxK中文字网

三. artifact consisting of a narrow flat piece of materialHxK中文字网

Synonym: slipHxK中文字网

四. thin piece of wood or metalHxK中文字网

五. a sequence of drawings telling a story in a newspaper or comic bookHxK中文字网

Synonym: comic stripcartoon stripfunniesHxK中文字网

六. a relatively long narrow piece of somethingHxK中文字网

e.g. he felt a flat strip of muscleHxK中文字网


一. get undressedHxK中文字网

e.g. please don't undress in front of everybody!
She strips in front of strangers every night for a livingHxK中文字网

Synonym: undressdiscaseuncaseunclothestrip downdisrobepeelHxK中文字网

二. remove (someone's or one's own) clothesHxK中文字网

e.g. The nurse quickly undressed the accident victim
She divested herself of her outdoor clothes
He disinvested himself of his garmentsHxK中文字网

Synonym: undressdivestdisinvestHxK中文字网

三. draw the last milk (of cows)HxK中文字网

四. take off or removeHxK中文字网

e.g. strip a wall of its wallpaperHxK中文字网

Synonym: dismantleHxK中文字网

五. remove a constituent from a liquidHxK中文字网

六. remove the thread (of screws)HxK中文字网

七. lay bareHxK中文字网

e.g. denude a forestHxK中文字网

Synonym: denudebaredenudateHxK中文字网

八. remove substances from by a percolating liquidHxK中文字网

e.g. leach the soilHxK中文字网

Synonym: leachHxK中文字网

九. remove the surface fromHxK中文字网

e.g. strip woodHxK中文字网

一零. strip the cured leaves fromHxK中文字网

e.g. strip tobaccoHxK中文字网

一一. remove all contents or possession from, or empty completelyHxK中文字网

e.g. The boys cleaned the sandwich platters
The trees were cleaned of apples by the stormHxK中文字网

Synonym: cleanHxK中文字网

一二. take away possessions from someoneHxK中文字网

e.g. The Nazis stripped the Jews of all their assetsHxK中文字网

Synonym: deprivedivestHxK中文字网

一三. steal goods
take as spoilsHxK中文字网

e.g. During the earthquake people looted the stores that were deserted by their ownersHxK中文字网

Synonym: plunderdespoillootreaverifleransackpillageforayHxK中文字网

一. (纸、布、食物等的)条,带
A strip of something such as paper, cloth, or food is a long, narrow piece of it.HxK中文字网

e.g. ...a new kind of manufactured wood made by pressing strips of wood together and baking them...
e.g. The simplest rag-rugs are made with strips of fabric plaited together...

二. 狭长区域;带状(陆地、水域)
A strip of land or water is a long narrow area of it.HxK中文字网

e.g. The coastal cities of Liguria sit on narrow strips of land lying under steep mountains.
e.g. ...a short boat ride across a narrow strip of water.

三. 商业街
A strip is a long street in a city or town, where there are a lot of stores, restaurants, and hotels.HxK中文字网


e.g. ...Goff's Charcoal Hamburgers on Lover's Lane, a busy commercial strip in North Dallas.

四. 脱衣服
If you strip, you take off your clothes.HxK中文字网

e.g. They stripped completely, and lay in the damp grass...
e.g. Women residents stripped naked in protest.

五. 脱掉…的衣服
If someone is stripped, their clothes are taken off by another person, for example in order to search for hidden or illegal things.HxK中文字网

e.g. One prisoner claimed he'd been dragged to a cell, stripped and beaten.

六. 除去;剥去
To strip something means to remove everything that covers it.HxK中文字网

e.g. After Mike left for work I stripped the beds and vacuumed the carpets...
e.g. The floorboards in both this room and the dining room have been stripped, sanded and sealed.

七. 拆卸,拆开(引擎或设备)
If you strip an engine or a piece of equipment, you take it to pieces so that it can be cleaned or repaired.HxK中文字网


e.g. Volvo's three-man team stripped the car and restored it.
沃尔沃公司的 三 人小组将车拆开进行了维修。

八. 剥夺,褫夺(财产、权利、头衔)
To strip someone of their property, rights, or titles means to take those things away from them.HxK中文字网


e.g. The soldiers have stripped the civilians of their passports, and every other type of document...
e.g. A senior official was stripped of all his privileges for publicly criticising his employer.

九. 连环漫画
In a newspaper or magazine, a strip is a series of drawings which tell a story. The words spoken by the characters are often written on the drawings.HxK中文字网


e.g. ...the Doonesbury strip.

一零. see also: landing stripHxK中文字网

一一. 怒斥;痛骂;把…骂得狗血淋头
If you tear a strip off someone or if you tear them off a strip, you speak to them angrily and criticize them severely.HxK中文字网

e.g. He heard Nora tearing a strip off an orderly for not returning the food bins to the kitchen soon enough...
e.g. When the police arrived to tear him off a strip he apologised for all the trouble he'd caused them.

相关词组:strip awaystrip downstrip offHxK中文字网

一. 条:编码器可支持若干选项,如YUV 四:二:二与YUV 四:二:零输入格式、最小四分之一像素分辨率的运动补偿、各种I帧间隔(从每帧都为I帧到首个I帧后无后续I帧)、Qp比特率控制、存取运动矢量、去块滤波器控制、同时编码两个或更多通道以及I图像条(strip)等等.HxK中文字网

二. strip什么意思HxK中文字网

二. 条带:用户在版上定义一条剖面线与宽度形成一条带(strip),程序显示横跨这条带上结果的总和. 例如,于设计混凝土板时,用户可以依规范的要求定义柱带(column strip)与柱间带(middle strip).HxK中文字网

三. HxK中文字网

三. strip:string processing language; 字符串处理语言(瑞典研制)HxK中文字网

  • 常用短语HxK中文字网

  • 相关词组HxK中文字网

  • 常用例句HxK中文字网

  • 词汇搭配HxK中文字网

  • 经典引文HxK中文字网

    〈非正〉揭开(伪装)uncover (a pretence)You have to strip away the affected manners and speech to get at the real man underneath.你得透过虚伪的体面和尊贵看清他的本来面目。

一. leave a strip : 忽然停车, 急刹车, 急煞车;HxK中文字网

  • He stripped for a bath.
用作动词 (v.)
  • strip away〔off〕剥去,刮去,撕去
  • strip down拆卸,拆开(机器)
  • strip for因…而脱衣
  • strip from剥〔刮〕去
  • strip of剥夺…
  • strip to将(衣服)脱至
  • A corridor of concrete with a strip of coconut matting down the centre.HxK中文字网

    出自:W. Golding
  • Flexible garage doors composed of metal strips.HxK中文字网

    出自:Anthony Huxley
  • The bird-table..well provided with nuts and strips of fat.HxK中文字网

    出自:M. Hocking
  • Leonora started ripping up the tablecloth, tearing it into strips.HxK中文字网

    出自:R. Rendell
  • The Nymph..Stript her self naked to the skin.HxK中文字网

    出自:M. Prior
  • An old man..Stript to his waistcoat.HxK中文字网

  • The mutineers were stripped of their uniforms.HxK中文字网

    出自:T. Seaton
  • Tom..had stripped the bodies of the warm clothes.HxK中文字网

    出自:Sloan Wilson
  • The maid..was..stripping Mrs Sheridan down to the waist.HxK中文字网

    出自:D. Dunnett
  • 词源解说HxK中文字网

  • ☆ 直接源自古英语的striepan,意为使裸露;最初源自西撒克逊语的strypan,意为劫掠物,掠夺。
  • 近义词HxK中文字网

  • 反义词HxK中文字网

  • 临近词HxK中文字网

  • undress
  • remove
  • dress
  • cover
  • striping
  • strippr
  • Stripoli
  • strip to
  • stripout
  • stripe
  • Striplin
  • stripy
  • stringer
  • stript
  • strips
  • StripMap
Downloading and consuming culture requires great skills, but failing to move beyond downloading is to strip oneself of a defining constituent of humanity.(下载并享受文学作品需要很高的技巧,但如果仅限于下载的话,那么就等于剥夺了下载者自身作为人类的一种重要能力。)
All 二三 of them were strip-searched for drugs.(他们二三个人均被脱衣搜查,看是否藏毒。)
Guess the answer ahead of time and strip all the decimal places off.(提前猜出答案,把小数点位数都去掉。)
Some of these pictures are like modern comic-strip stories.(这些图片中有一些就像现代的连环漫画故事。)
A silver Rolex peeks out from under his cuff, and a vertical strip of white beard drops down from his lower lip like an exclamation mark.(一款银色的劳力士从他的袖口里微微露出来,一小撮白色胡须从下唇垂落,看起来像个感叹号。)
There was a thin strip of silver beach rising quickly to hills covered to the top with luxuriant vegetation.(这里有一片狭长的银色沙滩,迅速地延伸到草木繁茂的山顶。)
This ended Israel's decades-long occupation in the Gaza Strip and West Bank.(这结束了以色列对加沙地带和约旦河西岸长达数十年的占领。)
The runway is simply a strip of grass.(所谓跑道不过是一长条草地而已。)
Mr. Porter was subjected to a degrading strip search.(波特先生受到了有辱人格的脱衣搜身。)
For those of you who don't know the northeast coastal region, Cape Cod is a peninsula, a narrow strip of land that jets out into the Atlantic.(你们当中可能有不知道东北沿海地区的人吧——科德角是一个半岛,一块延伸到大西洋的狭长地带。)