At your first meeting, explain simply and directly what you hope to achieve.(第一次会面时,简明扼要、直截了当地说明你希望达到什么目标。)
The committee will need to winnow out the nonsense and produce more practical proposals if it is to achieve results.(若想取得实效,委员会将需要摈除那些没有实际意义的观点,提出更切合实际的建议。)
The dream was easy to achieve.(这个梦想很容易实现。)
Peace could come only gradually, in carefully measured steps. Even then, it sounds almost impossible to achieve.(和平只能以谨慎的步伐逐步到来。即便那样,它听起来还是几乎不可能实现。)
It helps to achieve your dream.(它有助于实现你的梦想。)
I realized how possible it was to overcome your limitations, to achieve well beyond what you believe yourself capable of.(我意识到如何有可能克服自身的局限,取得自认为力不能及的成就。)
They might well be prepared to do you harm in order to achieve their purpose.(他们很可能有备而来伤害你,以实现其目标。)
You can only achieve success through hard work.(你得孜孜不倦方能成功。)
The college's aim is to help students (to) achieve their aspirations.(大学的目标是帮助学生实现他们的抱负。)
A nation must take certain risks to achieve greatness.(一个国家必须冒一定风险来成就伟大的事业。)