
  • 英英释义ewI中文字网

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一. the act of pouncingewI中文字网


一. move down on as if in an attackewI中文字网

e.g. The raptor swooped down on its prey
The teacher swooped down upon the new studentsewI中文字网

Synonym: swoopewI中文字网

一. (人)猛扑,突袭
If someone pounces on you, they come up towards you suddenly and take hold of you.ewI中文字网


e.g. He pounced on the photographer, beat him up and smashed his camera...
e.g. Fraud squad officers had bugged the phone and were ready to pounce.

二. 揪出,抓住(错误等)
If someone pounces on something such as a mistake, they quickly draw attention to it, usually in order to gain an advantage for themselves or to prove that they are right.ewI中文字网

e.g. The Democrats were ready to pounce on any Republican failings or mistakes...
e.g. 'That's much too subtle, even for Sam.' — 'Even for Sam!' He pounced on the phrase with a sound of triumph.

三. (野兽或飞禽)猛扑,突袭
When an animal or bird pounces on something, it jumps on it and holds it, in order to kill it.ewI中文字网

e.g. ...like a tiger pouncing on its prey...
e.g. Before I could get the pigeon the cat pounced.

一. 猛扑:使你的挫志咆哮的攻击强度减弱效果提高八%并且由残忍撕咬(Ferocious Bite)造成的伤害可以提高三%(点满效果提高到四零%和一五%)增加怒殴/猛扑(Pounce)的击晕时间零.五秒(点满为一秒)(这个猛扑(Pounce)似乎也是新技能.目前小D没这个技能)ewI中文字网

二. 撲:使你的挫志咆哮的攻击强度减弱效果提高八%并且由残忍撕咬(Ferocious Bite)造成的伤害可以提高三%(点满效果提高到四零%和一五%)增加怒殴/猛扑(Pounce)的击晕时间零.五秒(点满为一秒)(这个猛扑(Pounce)似乎也是新技能.目前小D没这个技能)ewI中文字网

三. 突击:Triggerhappy 扳机 | Pounce 突击 | Wingspan 翱翔ewI中文字网

四. (突袭):/ponder (沉思) | /pounce (突袭) | /praise (称赞)ewI中文字网

  • 经典引文ewI中文字网

  • Had hawk ever a fuller eye, or larger pounces?ewI中文字网

    出自:G. W. Thornbury
  • Whether gives thy wonder more to rove, The power of Caesar, or the pounce of Jove?ewI中文字网

  • The Bogeyman was standing in the gloom, waiting to pounce.ewI中文字网

    出自:D. Highsmith
  • Trapdoor spiders pounce on their prey from below.ewI中文字网

    出自:New Scientist
  • 近义词ewI中文字网

  • 临近词ewI中文字网

  • dive潜水
  • bound必定的
  • seize upon抓住(采用
  • jump跳跃
  • swoop抓取
  • spring春天
  • ambush埋伏
  • attack攻击
  • tackle处理
  • vault窖
  • hurdle栏干
  • leap跳跃
  • hop跳跃
  • plunge使投入
  • seize抓住
  • pounce-pot
  • pouncet box
  • pounce on an opportunity.
  • pound
  • pounce upon
  • pounce on
  • pounce at
  • Pouncey
  • Pouncefort
  • pounce wheel
  • pouncet-box
  • poultry
When cats are preparing to pounce they creep over the ground very slowly.(当猫准备猛扑时,它们在地上爬得很慢。)
But already that quick pounce to the throat looked very real. Once or twice, the game got too rough.(不过它们相互偷袭咬住对方脖子的游戏已经玩得很纯熟了,看去就和真的一样。)
"We saw this fish pounce a couple of times," says photographer Tim Laman. "His mouth shot out and back in a fraction of a second."(“我们见过这只鱼的数次突袭。”摄影师蒂姆·雷曼说。“它的嘴一开一合仅需一瞬间。”)
The Devil is poised to pounce, and would like nothing better than to catch you napping.(魔鬼正作势突袭,没有一件事比擒获打盹的人更令他高兴。)
Once they sense an employee's soft spot, they pounce on it.(他们嗅到员工的软肋,就会重拳出击。)
When the prey is within range it gracefully skates across the waters surface to pounce on its victim.(当猎物靠近狩猎范围时,它会优雅地从水面上滑向猎物,然后给猎物致命一击。)
He thought that the slow movements might mean that he was preparing to pounce, as cats do.(他认为这缓慢的动作可能意味着他准备像猫一样扑上去。)
And lately, at least, every time Obama turns around, he seems to give conservatives an opening to pounce on him.(至少在最近,每次奥巴马一转身,他似乎就又给保守派们的猛攻开了头。)
As soon as she saw something which she thought might make a tasty snack, she would lock onto it, wait until it came close enough, and then suddenly pounce.(一旦发现她认为会是美味的点心的东西,她就会锁定它,等待它足够接近,然后忽然之间猛扑过去。)
You don't want your kitten to pounce on your hands?(你不想让你的猫咪挠你的手吧?)