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  • 【解】视网膜
  • 视衣



一. the innermost light-sensitive membrane covering the back wall of the eyeball
it is continuous with the optic nerveEED中文字网

一. 视网膜
Your retina is the area at the back of your eye. It receives the image that you see and then sends the image to your brain.EED中文字网



一. 视网膜:(三)视网膜(retina) 是眼球壁的最内层,具有感光性能,前方与视网膜盲部相连续,二者交界处呈锯齿缘. 眼球后端的视网膜有视神经穿出. 视网膜主要由四层细胞组成,自外向内依次为色素上皮细胞、视细胞、双极细胞和节细胞.EED中文字网

二. 网膜:眼球运动的关系和眼部肌肉适应于网膜(retina)连续受到均匀的漫射光(diffused light)的影响,结果使那种与众不由强度(intensity)决定的,也就是说,是由每一种刺激与它的周围环境不同的程度决定的.EED中文字网

三. retina什么意思EED中文字网

三. [視]網膜= 視網膜:六.视网膜 视网膜(retina)通常指能感光的视部而言,它与盲部交界处呈锯齿状,称锯齿缘(ora serrata). 视网膜分为色素上皮层和神经部. 视杆细胞(rod cell):视杆细胞的胞体位于外核层的内侧份,细胞核较小,染色较深. 视杆分内节与外节两段,EED中文字网

四. 网膜 视网膜:六.视网膜 视网膜(retina)通常指能感光的视部而言,它与盲部交界处呈锯齿状,称锯齿缘(ora serrata). 视网膜分为色素上皮层和神经部. 视杆细胞(rod cell):视杆细胞的胞体位于外核层的内侧份,细胞核较小,染色较深. 视杆分内节与外节两段,EED中文字网

  • 临近词EED中文字网

  • retinal
  • retinalite
  • retinal rod
  • retinas
  • reticent
  • retinae
  • retinal NV
  • Retinapan
  • retinascop
  • retina sod
  • retinaculu
  • retinue
The lesions were found in the conjunctiva, episclera, cornea, iris, lens, vitreous, and retina.(病变见于结膜,上巩膜,角膜,虹膜,晶状体,玻璃体和视网膜。)
As its name suggests, AMD is a disease of the macula, a pea-sized patch in the centre of the retina.(就字面意思来看,AMD是和黄斑有关的疾病,黄斑是视网膜中心豆粒大小的斑块。)
It is enclosed by the blood-retina barrier, keeping viruses in and the immune system mostly out.(血视网膜屏障包围着眼睛,把载体限制在内的同时,几乎把免疫系统阻隔在外。)
But the disease often causes telltale changes in the retina that can be picked up by an ophthalmologist.(但是这种疾病经常可在视网膜上发出警告,眼科专家可以检查出来。)
Eye doctors can detect evidence of high blood pressure by looking at the retina.(眼科医生通过查看视网膜可以察觉出高血压的迹象。)
As early as 一九六二 a ruby laser welded a detached retina to a patient's eyeball to save their vision.(早在一九六二年,一台红宝石激光器将病人脱落的视网膜与眼球重新连接,使他恢复了视力。)
Images are projected onto the retina of the eye.(影像被投射到眼睛的视网膜上。)
Researchers examined how the retina responds to different black-and-white contrast situations.(研究人员测试了视网膜对不同的黑白混合反差对比环境的反应。)
The ability to see colors comes from specialized light-sensing cells found in the retina.(视网膜中有一种特别 的感光细胞具有识别颜色的能力。)
Cones in each half of the retina are adapted to produce different light-filtering pigments.(每半边视网膜上的锥体能够产生不同的光过滤颜色。)