
  • 英英释义475中文字网

  • 词典解释475中文字网

  • 网络解释475中文字网


一. a person apparently sensitive to things beyond the natural range of perception475中文字网



一. outside the sphere of physical science475中文字网

e.g. psychic phenomena475中文字网

Synonym: psychical475中文字网

二. affecting or influenced by the human mind475中文字网

e.g. psychic energy
psychic trauma475中文字网

Synonym: psychical475中文字网

一. 通灵的;有特异功能的
If you believe that someone is psychic or has psychic powers, you believe that they have strange mental powers, such as being able to read the minds of other people or to see into the future.475中文字网


e.g. Trevor helped police by using his psychic powers.

二. 鬼魂的;灵魂的
Psychic means relating to ghosts and the spirits of the dead.475中文字网


e.g. He declared his total disbelief in psychic phenomena.

三. 心灵的;精神的
Psychic means relating to the mind rather than the body.475中文字网

e.g. These truths cause individuals much psychic pain.

一. psychic475中文字网

一. 通灵:麦克道尔教授一起从事通灵(Psychic)现象的研究. 期间,他在研究人体特异功能方面有了突破性的进展. 布路斯. 葛雷森(B.Greyson)教授来自弗吉尼亚大学精神病医学系,是频死经历研究的创始人之一. 葛雷森教授就这一领域进行了学术回顾: 自一九七二年,475中文字网

二. psychic的近义词475中文字网

二. 心灵的:西方思想最大的误区之一则是,这些体验并非仅仅是心灵的(psychic),而同时也是身体性的(bodily). 只有通过这些基本体验本身,才可能对人的身体性存在有切己的把握,也才能让心灵成为身体真正的主人,从而产生出让我们今天的生理学无法理解的诸多现象,475中文字网

  • 经典引文475中文字网

  • I've got second sight over certain things. I'm almost psychic.475中文字网

    出自:N. Coward
  • 近义词475中文字网

  • 反义词475中文字网

  • 临近词475中文字网

  • intuitive直觉的
  • telepathic心灵感应的
  • inwards向内地
  • cerebral大脑的
  • spiritualist巫师的
  • mental思想的
  • sensitive灵敏的
  • intellectual凭理智做事者...
  • inward内部的
  • supernatural超自然的
  • inner内心的
  • spiritual精神的
  • psychical精神的
  • medium中等的
  • clairvoyant千里眼的
  • fortuneteller算命者
  • soothsayer预言者
  • diviner占卜者
  • physical物质的
  • psychic fit
  • psychic pain
  • psychic being
  • psychic cells
  • psychiatry
  • psycho
  • psychic bid
  • psychical
  • psychic unity
  • psychics
  • psychic aura
  • psychic zone
How am I supposed to know—I'm not psychic!(我怎么会知道呢,我又没有特异功能!)
And if psychic powers do end the war on terror?(特异功能的能力真会结束反恐战争吗?)
First there was Paul the octopus, now there's Bo Si, the "psychic" panda.(先是有个章鱼保罗,现在又冒出个熊猫预言帝博斯。)
The rest of us have to help each other as best we can without psychic abilities.(其余不够聪明的人只能尽力互相帮助。)
From New York Post titled, "Psychic Nailed it:".(纽约邮报这样标题:灵媒测中了。)
It turns out there's no economic benefit to just having a goal—you just get a psychic benefit and that's quite motivating in itself.(事实证实 ,仅仅拥有目标是没有经济利益的——你只会得到精神上的好处,而这本身就是一种激励。)
But is listening to our dreams right up there with calling a psychic hotline?(但是倾听我们的梦境仅止于象打一个灵媒热线吗?)
This energy gives you ultra powerful psychic abilities...(星运赐予你异常强大的心灵能力。)
Hanging onto dead stuff has a higher psychic cost than most of us realize.(抓住死去的东西不放会比我们所能意识到的耗费更高的精神代价。)
I believe everyone is innately psychic.(我相信每个人都天生具有超自然能力。)