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一. a group of countries in special allianceIBd中文字网

Synonym: axisIBd中文字网

一. 国家集团;阵营;共同体
A bloc is a group of countries which have similar political aims and interests and that act together over some issues.IBd中文字网

e.g. ...the former Soviet bloc.
e.g. ...the world's largest trading bloc.

一. 集团:工作文件是大会讨论成熟或就一个议题的某一部分讨论成熟时,即每位代表已阐述完基本观点后,由一个集团(Bloc)提交给主席的文件. 在文件中应概述该集团对此问题统一立场、希望及解决方案. 仅要求代表们在各自立场文件的基础上综合他国立场和要求,IBd中文字网

二. 国家集团:决议草案一般好能够照顾到尽量多的国家集团(bloc)的利益(这样才能通过嘛,实际上很多会议上,照 顾到尽可能多的国家集团的利益的意思就是把各种工作文件粘贴在一起......).IBd中文字网

三. 拉头:夹具 fixtur | 拉头 bloc | 导轨 guidIBd中文字网

四. blocIBd中文字网

四. 政治组织,集团:religiosity 笃信宗教,虔诚 | bloc 政治组织,集团 | hierarchy 层次IBd中文字网

五. bloc:block oriented compiler; 面向块的编译程序IBd中文字网

  • 近义词IBd中文字网

  • 临近词IBd中文字网

  • union结合
  • axis轴
  • coalition结合
  • combination结合
  • syndicate企业联合
  • partnership合伙人身份
  • alliance联盟
  • faction内讧
  • federation联邦
  • confederacy同盟
  • league种类
  • Blocosz
  • Blocier
  • Blochyn
  • blob
  • Blocher
  • Bloch
  • block
  • Bloche
  • Blocq
  • Blocona
  • Blochet
  • Blocman
Any change in these laws requires unanimous agreement among all countries and applies throughout the entire bloc.(这些法律的任何修改,都必须要获得所有成员国的一致同意,而且修改内容必须在整个集团内执行。)
The countries that were once in the Soviet bloc have also followed a more traditional route than those in Asia.(前苏联体系内的国家也都采取了不同于亚洲的传统路线。)
China will never yield to the pressure of any major power, nor will it align itself with any power or bloc of powers.(中国决不屈从于任何大过的压力,也不与任何大国或国家集团结盟。)
On average only around 二五% of Asean's exports and imports are within the bloc.(东盟的进出口平均只有大约二五%是在联盟范围内进行。)
In an entirely different strategic model, the Russian is concentrating his bet on a unique power bloc.(这个俄罗斯人则采用完全不同的战略模式,他把所有的鸡蛋都放在了一个篮子里。)
However, the Eastern Bloc had its own line-up of riot police vehicles.(然而,东方阵营也有自己生产的警用防暴车辆。)
The selectors should resign en bloc.(这些选择者应该集体辞职。)
The bloc has set a goal of establishing a European Union-type community by 二零一五.(东盟已经制定目标,在二零一五年前建立一个类似欧盟的共同体。预计东盟领导人还会对缅甸一一月七日举行的选举表达关注。)
There are reports of teachers resigning en bloc.(有一些关于教师集体辞职的报道。)
With the result that in another 一零 years, you could see China, India, the Middle East, and the EU in this huge economic bloc.(结果,再过一零年,您可以在这个庞大的经济集团中看到中国,印度,中东和欧盟。)